
Chapter 7

Translator: 549690339

The story had concluded, and Monkey was somewhat earnest, "Squad leader, you believe it now, right? How do you feel?"

Mu Hanxia: "It is quite shocking."

Monkey: "Right? So sinister."

Mu Hanxia: "No, why do I feel so fired up? So 'business warfare' is like this."

Monkey: "Ah..."

Mu Hanxia: "I suddenly remembered an ancient saying: 'War is the way of deception.' Now I kind of understand, business is the same, it's all about 'deception,' interesting. Tell me more about him!"

Monkey: "No, don't... Why do I feel like I'm leading a good kid astray! That wasn't my intention at all..."


In the early morning, the sky was barely bright, and the air was still cool. Mu Hanxia, dressed in sportswear, ran through the morning mist.

Since her mother had passed away from a serious illness, exercising daily to maintain her physical fitness had become her routine.

Not far from home, there was a sports field, also close to the supermarket. She came here every day. By now, the mist had dissipated, and there were a few people scattered across the field. She ran alone, huffing and puffing.

But she hadn't expected to encounter Meng Gang here.

There were some fitness equipments at the edge of the field, and as she ran closer, she saw a man in a gray T-shirt and black sports shorts using the arm strength machine. The figure was broad and solid, as well as very straight, somewhat familiar.

Then she saw Meng Gang turn around, just as he caught sight of her.

Mu Hanxia stopped in surprise: "President Meng."

Meng Gang's T-shirt was soaked through, and his broad forehead was covered in sweat, his eyes were sharp and bright, with a hint of a smile: "Young lady, good morning."

Mu Hanxia: "Good morning! You're here to exercise too?"

Meng Gang smiled slightly, "Why, is it only for you young girls, and not for me? I've had too many social engagements lately and too little exercise; my body needs to breathe."

Mu Hanxia hurriedly said, "Of course, of course! Exercising is the best, President Meng is wise!"

Meng Gang smiled again.

Mu Hanxia was not someone particularly skilled or keen on interacting with leaders. Seeing that Meng Gang was silent and hadn't dismissed her, she tentatively asked, "So, President Meng... Is there anything else you need me to do?"

This time, Meng Gang was truly amused by her demeanor, chuckled deeply while leaning on the exercise equipment: "All right, Hanxia, here we are not superior and subordinate, just ordinary friends. I don't have, nor should I, order you to do anything. Go on with your run."

Mu Hanxia's heart was suddenly touched by the word "friend," warming in an instant and making her steps feel almost buoyant.

"Ah, okay, thank you, President Meng." She blushed slightly as she ran off.

After a lap, she heard steady and powerful footsteps behind her. Turning back, Mu Hanxia saw Meng Gang was also running up.

A man in his thirties was at the peak of maturity and strength. Especially since Meng Gang came from doing physical labor in a supermarket. Under the rising sun, the man's silhouette appeared even more slender and solid, each movement powerful. Yet, compared to men in their early twenties, there was an additional touch of a different flavor.

Mu Hanxia withdrew her gaze, instinctively moving aside to let him pass. As he approached, the warmth from his body seemed to envelop her.

"Running so slow, huh?" he said softly.

Mu Hanxia chuckled and muttered under her breath, "Dare not run faster than the boss."

He laughed again, his side profile's sharp lines softening for a moment as he moved ahead of her.

Ten laps later.

Mu Hanxia sat down on the stone steps at the edge of the field to rest, and after a while, Meng Gang jogged over, stopping to sit beside her.

Mu Hanxia felt a tad uncomfortable, but kept a casual smile on her face.

To her surprise, Meng Gang started talking to her about work.

"How are you getting on in the Marketing Department?" he asked.

Both seated side by side, Mu Hanxia could smell the tobacco and sweat on him, intermingling with the scent of the grass by the field. The sun shone on both of them, creating a strange feeling—a sense as if the distance due to their statuses disappeared, and they had become familiar to each other.

"It's all pretty good," Mu Hanxia smiled, "Everyone's very nice to me."

Meng Gang smiled, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a slow drag. Although Mu Hanxia didn't like the smell of smoke, she didn't show it.

"I asked your manager," he said, "they said you're performing quite well and have great potential. However, you're too restrained and tense, a bit too humble with everyone. Is that so?" he glanced at her.

Mu Hanxia didn't know what to say: "Oh..."

He laughed again, gazing at the cigarette in his hand and slowly remarked, "Hanxia, don't be nervous or restrained. Perhaps now I might hire an assistant who is at least a junior college graduate, some even have bachelor's degrees. But one thing is the same between you and I: we may have started low, but we're no worse than anyone else. In the workplace, they may look at qualifications at first, but in the end, it's all about performance. Credentials don't mean shit. Understand?"

Mu Hanxia was silent for a few seconds, then answered, "Understood."

Both fell silent for a while. Mu Hanxia raised her head and saw the sun had completely emerged at the horizon, its rays brightening and warming the entire playground, ironing her heart just like Meng Gang's words did.

"Meng, I have something I'd like to report to you," she suddenly said.

"Oh? What is it?"

Mu Hanxia said, "It's like this, I have a high school classmate studying in New York, America. One day, I remembered my colleague saying that Lin Mochen graduated from Columbia University in New York, so I mentioned it offhandedly to my classmate. As it turns out, my classmate had heard of Lin Mochen and told me some things about him..."


A cigarette slow burned down to the filter between Meng Gang's fingers.

Mu Hanxia looked up, "Meng, I've finished."

Meng Gang pondered for a moment, his expression unchanged, and then asked, "Why tell me this?"

Mu Hanxia met his gaze and boldly answered, "Because I think that the original 5% discount may not be enough to defend against this person's attack."

Meng Gang was silent for a few seconds, and then a deep, indiscernible smile appeared in his eyes, "Hanxia, you're bolder and have more potential than I originally thought."

Mu Hanxia's heart raced, "Then Meng, what should we do next?"

But Meng Gang simply raised his hand to take another draw from his cigarette and said gently, "I'll consider it further. Isn't it time to go, or we both will be late."


In the following days, Mu Hanxia maintained an outward calm while inwardly waiting.

Waiting for Meng Gang to announce the new promotional plan.

But in the entire company, in the whole supermarket, it was business as usual. Nothing had changed. The marketing department was preparing for the 5% discount promotion as before, leaving Mu Hanxia sighing to herself—this won't work, this definitely won't be enough to stop the legendary wolf.

The opening day for Yongzheng was drawing closer and closer.

However, as someone with little influence, Mu Hanxia couldn't speak out to her colleagues, nor could she afford to confront Meng Gang again with unsolicited advice. She had no choice but to watch and see what Meng Gang had up his sleeve.

That being said, despite several pleasant interactions, Meng Gang was someone Mu Hanxia felt great reverence for, with no chance of feeling more at ease around him. Hence, in the last few days, after giving it some thought she decided not to go to the playground for her runs but to the riverside instead.

She didn't know if Meng Gang would go there, but indeed, meeting the boss every morning while trying to relax with a run was quite mentally exhausting. She decided to visit the track only every so often, so as not to appear as if she was intentionally avoiding it, but also not to have to accompany him every day—perfect.

But before Mu Hanxia could join Meng Gang at the track a second time, big news arrived.


The supermarket's system required work six days a week, with Sunday off. This day was Saturday evening.

It was precisely one week away from the opening of Yongzheng.

Around six o'clock, when Mu Hanxia was preparing to leave work for home, the manager entered the office and sternly announced, "Everyone stays."

Everyone looked at each other, bewildered.

Also retained were employees from the fresh produce department, the purchasing department, the administrative department... and various other important departments. After a while, Mu Hanxia received a text from He Jing, "Hanxia, what's going on? The supermarket closed early today, and we sales assistants are all being kept here."

Mu Hanxia put down her phone, looking at her equally serious colleagues, feeling her heartbeat quicken.

It has come.

It has finally come.

As darkness fell, all staff members were gathered in the main conference room for a meeting. All cashiers were assembled on an open space inside the supermarket for a pep talk. Some veteran marketing staff, along with others, brought in bundles of promotional posters, sign boards, price tags... The downstairs warehouse doors were wide open, with trucks steadily rolling in, urgently offloading goods...

Inside the conference room.

With bright lights and a solemn atmosphere, the room was filled with staff.

Mu Hanxia was seated in the corner of the last row, listening to the whispering of the people next to her. After waiting for a while, they finally saw Meng Gang enter the room accompanied by several managers.

The room instantly fell silent.

Meng Gang sat down in the front row, looked around, and began, "I have an announcement: Effective tomorrow, authorized by headquarters, we will carry out a full-scale promotion." He paused, then added, "It will last one week, with a total investment of three million yuan."

There was an uproar below. Everyone was visibly shaken, starting to chat and discuss among themselves.

Three million yuan might not be an astronomical figure, but the supermarket business operates on thin margins. 300 million yuan over seven days meant losing over 400,000 yuan daily, while the daily gross profit of the supermarket was only in the 200,000s. How many supermarkets had done such thing?

Those quick thinkers immediately understood.

Meng was going to make a fierce move, to deal with Yongzheng opening next week! To ruin its grand opening!

"Everyone knows," Meng Gang said slowly, "this is the biggest promotion in our store's history, unparalleled. I hope everyone will unite and fight this battle well. To defend Leya's market leader position in Jiangcheng and to reach a new pinnacle of performance!"