
Chapter 45

Translator: 549690339


The sun shone clear and piercing, while the north wind whistled sharply.

Lin Mochen stood before an abandoned farmland, scattered houses before him and vast stretches of trees. The city lay enshrouded in mist in the distance.

Next to him stood two people. One was the real estate manager Sun Zhi, the other was the current owner of this land. His name was Cao Dasheng, a local of the county. Around forty years old, he was corpulent, and his suit seemed especially tight on him. With his narrow eyes and high nose bridge, he appeared both fierce and vulgar.

It was by chance that Sun Zhi found out Cao Dasheng was looking to transfer this land and he reported it to Lin Mochen. Judging from the price, location, and difficulty of eviction, it was a good piece of land.