

So what if you manage to build a multi-billion company which can have a global impact. What if any major decision you make can shift a whole economy. Even more what if all this was built from scratch and you ruled above all with an iron fist. What if after all this you died a sad lonely death in your middle age with professionals around you who only cared about who you will appoint to rule after your death. Such a life was indeed a wasted life and a second chance will change all that for William Woods who woke up in the long forgotten rented apartment he just got after his graduation.

fiifi_stunner · Urban
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1 Chs

Something felt… Different

William Woods slowly opened his eyes, taking in the familiar yet strange surroundings. He was in his rented apartment, the one he had after graduation. The walls were a dull beige, the carpet a muted shade of blue. There was a small kitchenette to his left, a bed against the wall opposite, and a table with two chairs near the window. After a few minutes of confusion, he started realizing that he was really back in his earlier days and no longer on his death bed. He somehow wasn't overwhelmed by that knowledge but rather gave it time to sink in before he accepted the second chance presented to him him whoever or whatever deemed him worth it. Although it was the same apartment he had lived in for the past few years, but something felt... different.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he took in the rest of the room. The air felt cleaner, and the light seemed brighter. There was also an unfamiliar laptop on the table, and a stack of money next to it. He counted it quickly, his eyes widening as he realized it was more than he had ever seen at this point in his life.

As he picked up the laptop, a strange logo appeared on the screen. It was a symbol he had never seen before, yet it seemed vaguely familiar. He clicked on it, and a menu appeared. There were options for managing money, skills, and even some sort of business venture. He hesitated for a moment, then decided to explore further.

As he navigated through the menu, he discovered that the money on the table was just a small fraction of what he actually had. His businesses were thriving, and he had influence over entire economies. He also realized that the skill grinding system he had built was still running in the background, generating even more money for him.

But the most surprising revelation was that this entire empire was built on a secret. No one was allowed to know about the skill grinding system, or about him. It was as if he was living a double life, existing in two separate worlds. And as he sat there, staring at the screen, he realized that he had been given a second chance at life. A chance to do things differently, to explore the world and make connections with people.

With renewed energy and determination, he shut the laptop and got out of bed. Today was going to be a good day.

He took a shower, shaved, and dressed in a clean set of clothes before heading downstairs to the small café across the street for breakfast. As he sat down at a table, he couldn't help but marvel at the changes in his life. The café, which had been rundown and deserted when he first moved in, was now bustling with activity. The food, which had been subpar at best, was now cooked to perfection. Even the staff, who had once been surly and unhelpful, were now attentive and friendly.

As he ate his breakfast, he noticed a beautiful woman sitting at a table nearby. She was petite and had long, flowing hair. Her skin was flawless, and she was dressed in a stylish yet modest outfit. She seemed to be reading something on her laptop, but every now and then she would glance up at him. He couldn't help but smile back, feeling a strange sense of connection with her.

After finishing his breakfast, he decided to approach her. As he walked over, he felt a strange mixture of nervousness and confidence. "Hello," he said, offering her his hand. "My name is William."

She smiled and took his hand, her grip firm but not too much. "I'm Lily." She had a soft, soothing voice that sent shivers down his spine. "I couldn't help but notice you here. You seem... different."

He chuckled and sat down across from her. "I guess I am different" he said with a shrug. "But I like to think it's for the better."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?"

William took a sip of his coffee before answering. "Well, I've been through a lot in the past few years. I've made mistakes, lost people I care about... but now I feel like I have a chance to start over, you know?" He glanced down at his hands, still clutching his coffee mug. "I want to live my life differently this time around. I want to make connections, build relationships, and maybe even find love."

She smiled warmly, her green eyes sparkling. "That's a wonderful goal, William. It's never too late to change your life for the better."

William felt a rush of gratitude wash over him. "Thank you, Lily. You have no idea how much that means to me." They lapsed into silence for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts. Finally, William mustered the courage to ask, "So, what about you? What do you want out of life?"

Lily smiled again, more thoughtfully this time. "Well, I've always loved to travel. I've been to so many places, but there's still so much more to see. And I want to help people, too. I want to make a difference in the world, even if it's only in small ways." She shrugged, looking away for a moment. "But right now, I'm just enjoying my life here. I've been going through some... changes myself, and it's nice to have a break."

William nodded, understanding perfectly. "That's important," he said softly. "You have to take care of yourself first, you know?"

They continued to talk for hours, lost in conversation about their dreams, their fears, and their hopes for the future. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the city, they exchanged numbers and made plans for a proper date. William walked her back to her apartment, their hands entwined, feeling as if he had known her for much longer than just a few hours. He decided not to rush things and after exchanging contacts, he went back home to end a fantastic first day back again.