
DJ's Marvel Academy

26 Year old Damien James hates his life, and one day he gets an anonymous text of he could leave world for Marvel's will he, find out. -------- I will try my best to upload at least twice a week. Also write in the comments if the chapters are too long. Sorry for changing the name late, but it feels better to me. *Disclaimer* I Do No Not Own Marvel or Naruto or any Third party refrences.

Rad_da_Boss · Bücher und Literatur
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13 Chs

9 The Search Begins

A few weeks later DJ arrives in Japan. He is on the phone with his dad.

DJ: Yeah Dad, I just left the airport… Yes, I input the coordinates on my phone, don't worry, I know what I'm doing, yeah… let mom know I'm fine, I'll see you when I get back..bye.

During his preparation for the trip to Tokyo, he learned how to use ninjutsu, while training in his parents gym back home.

{Chita}: You're parents are really nice, and very trusting I might add, they didn't seemed shocked when I appeared to them, and I told them what must be done.

{DJ}: Yeah, well it's because they know about The Ying Artifacts so they know you were telling the truth, so of course they trust you, as do I.

{Chita}: You know, I've never had a friend before…it feels nice.

{DJ}: Yeah, it really does....okay, Yukihira Shrine here we come.

As DJ walks off, a figure comes out into the light.

#4: Yukihira Shrine, huh, so obvious, yet so deceptive it's brilliant.

A little while later, DJ is walking through Tokyo passing building after building.

{Chita}: Do you know the tales about the hero of legend?

{DJ}: You're kidding right, my mother used to put me to sleep constantly telling me that story over and over again... it's said that the hero of legend is the one capable of wielding each of The Ying Artifacts at the same time, why are you asking me this?

{Chita}: I'm telling you this because I think that you are the Hero of Legend.

DJ freezes.

DJ: What would possibly make you think that?

{Chita}: For starters you are insanely strong as an individual, and you're able to maintain my power as your own without losing your mind.

{DJ}: So, if the prophecy is true then I am this "savior of the world" guy?

{Chita}: That is correct, but I will be honest I don't know what you will save the world from.

{DJ}:  Well Thanos is out, if I remember correctly, Joey's grandfather snapped him out of existence...there's always the Cree, maybe the Sovereign those uptight SOBs', who else...maybe another Skrull invasion, and then there are humans like The Red Hand, Hydra, or S.H.I.E.L.D themselves if they do something stupid?

{Chita}: There are always those on different planes of existence, like the kind of things the Strange family deals with.

{DJ}: Well let's cross that bridge when we come to it, because the shrine is up ahead.

DJ comes up to the shrine and looks around and opens the door and looks inside it. He looks to the right and is looking at a small dragon statue, he looks closer at it and the right eye sparkles.

DJ: Bingo!

(Behind him a very feminine voice reaches his ears. )

#4: My, my, look what we have here, something that shouldn't be here.

DJ: I was wondering when you were going to show up.

#4: *sighs* Hand over the dragon and no one gets hurt.

DJ: Oh really, you and what army?

She raises her arms up, and ten guys walk up behind her.

DJ: (smirks) is that all?

#4: Why yes, it shouldn't take much to dispose of a bug like you, should it?

DJ: Usually I'd fear for your well being, but today I'm in a different kind of mood.

#4: men, seize him! (She outstretches her hand and the ten guys run after DJ)

(The ten guys run after DJ)

(Several of them engage in hand to hand combat with a few advanced combat techniques)

DJ: you've been trained well, but what good is a technique when you're light-years away from stepping on to my level?

Man#1: In your dreams kid, I'll have you know I'm one of the most acknowledged soldiers in red hand's army of pawns!

(DJ grabs a firm hold of the man's arm and the others just keep punching him and he doesn't seem to even notice them)

DJ: Really? So that means these little ants are below you then?

Man#1: Precisely….

(He holds his arm back and punches him with a loud BANG and sends him flying towards the stone wall)

(He turns and looks down upon the other nine men)

DJ: Who.. is...next?

(The nine men stare in fear and then retreat)

#4: Ugh, men are such useless creatures!

DJ: Not all men, just those ten.

#4: All men are useless, allow me to show you by defeating you.

DJ activates his byakugan.

DJ: Let's get this over with lady.

They charge at each other with their fists clenched, they begin, of course DJ blocks and dodges all of her hits.

(She palms him in the face and holds a tight grip and flips over him and gets behind him)

(Let's go and pulls out a knife)

DJ: I see you! ♪

(Ducks and spins around and palms her in the stomach sending her flying backward partially paralyzed)

#4: how did you?

DJ: Never underestimate your opponent, that is the first rule every fighter must know and acknowledge.

Second rule

(Slowly forms the signs for fireball)

DJ: Know your opponents strengths and weaknesses and devise a plan based off of them.

DJ: Final Crucial rule, (breathes in) Know when to give up! Fireball jutsu! (He hurls a massive fireball at the woman and she's consumed by the flames)

(The smoke clears and she's gone)

DJ: Referring to the third rule, come up with a plan of action to counter or escape...at least you got that one right, You're very quick on your feet.

He disengages his byakugan and quickly goes into the Shrine and examines the dragon's eye, he attempts to remove it, and it pops right out as a marble. He stares at it dumbfoundedly.

DJ: Huh? I-I don't understand…

{Chita}: DJ, look closer.

DJ: Hmm..

It has writing on it.

{DJ}: It's in Japanese, let's see 銀閣寺.(Translation: Ginkaku-ji)

{Chita}: What's that?

{DJ}: Oh, it's a temple in Kyoto.

{Chita}: Oh, how far away is it from here?

{DJ}: I think it's about 457.2 km

(or 284.1mi) no way in hell am I walking, let's take the bus.

Three hours later in Kyoto, DJ is walking through it looking for the Shrine.

{Chita}: This place is beautiful.

{DJ}: Yeah, it really is.

In the trees above them, #4 is hiding in a tree watching him.

#4: That kid is full of surprises, no wonder they want me to keep tabs on him.

Back to DJ, he finally comes across the Shrine, he goes up to the door and opens it, to his right and left are two 4 foot tall statues of Fujin and Raijin.

(A/N: These shrines aren't that big they're about 13 feet tall by 8 feet in width, it's temples that are huge.)

{Chita}: DJ, What's that plague on the wall say?

DJ looks up at the wall where the plague is and it reads 心の純粋な者だけがトタクンギディを所有するかもしれない.

{DJ}: Only those who are Pure of Heart may possess the Totakungēdii.

{Chita}: What would happen if someone without a pure of heart were to try and acquire it?

{DJ}: Well….

DJ: You can come out now!

#4 jumps down from a tree landing directly in front of DJ.

#4: Oh, you're good?

DJ nonchalantly checks her out, she's actually gorgeous, noticeably Japanese  with long jet black hair, beautiful light blue eyes, thin pink lips, and a very good build, she also doesn't seem much older than DJ, and wearing light blue crop top, over it a black leather jacket, and black leather pants.

DJ takes a Phoenix fighting stance, the stance he takes is a little odd, by extending both arms side to side, extending then curling his index fingers, and bending his left knee only and extending his right leg making him slant, and faces her directly.

(A/N: Phoenix style is very real look it up)

#4: Wow, not many people can master Phoenix style, very impressive, but I'm not here to fight you in fact I'm on assignment for S.H.I.E.L.D to infiltrate The Red Hand.

DJ: Oh yeah, prove it?

She sighs and reaches in her jacket and pulls out a S.H.I.E.L.D badge and shows it to DJ.

#4: Is this proof enough for you?

DJ looks it over, and checking the authenticity of the badge. Looks all around them making sure no one is spying.

DJ: Okay, so why are you here?

#4: While I was undercover, I got a call from S.H.I.E.L.D saying to look after you while looking for the Ying Artifacts.

DJ: So, you are now my handler?

#4: It would seem so.

DJ: Perfect…but what about The Red Hand?

#4: Don't worry I've got it covered [she pulls out a phone and dials a number] *rings*

King: What is it #4, do you have the boy?

#4: No sir, I'm sorry he eluded me, but don't worry I will find him again sir.

King: Useless all of you are useless can no one take care of one child!

#4: I'm sorry, sir.

King: Whatever just find him, before I decide to find new staff!

#4: Yes sir. [Hangs up]

DJ: Douche Canoe.

#4: No kidding.

DJ: So, #4 is that your rank?

#4: Yeah, we are like chess pieces and each finger are in command of two pawns, while the king-

DJ: Commands all of you.

#4: That's correct.

DJ: So, what is your name?

#4: Ashikawa Yukino.

DJ: So, Kawa-san feel like causing some trouble?

Kawa-san: Oh yeah, bring it on.

I'm back, sorry this took so long, I'm one of the worlds biggest procrastinators.

Rad_da_Bosscreators' thoughts