
Soul Rankings


"Well as expected of a branch sect from a holy land, they're even capable of doing things like this." He grimaced a bit as he said this.

Most of what he needs to know was made clear as he absorbed the soul of the mammoth. That is because the soul is different from what he had totally expected.

What he had expected was the memories of the mammoth, such how it was born, what are the things it experienced as it's growing up, what kind of things it devoured and etc. But what he got instead is informations, not just any informations though, it was the real mechanics behind this trial.

Based on the informations every soul that existed in this plane also had rankings, the rankings goes as such: Wandering Soul, Vengeful Soul, Knight Soul, Mage Soul, Lord Soul and Soul King.

Believe it or not, the one he just killed is just a Wandering Soul nearing the edges of being a Vengeful Soul. Wandering Souls are practically scattered everywhere and there should be way too many of them it's just that this place is too large that finding one by means of walking would really take time, he now fully understood why they were given three years just for this round.

Come to think of it, on top of looking for the tons of souls that existed in this massive piece of land while also trying to find a way to fend for themselves would take too much time.

Aside from the rankings, Sieg also found out that only Mage Souls and above would have a 'chance' of containing informations about a certain inheritance. He clearly remembered that it is only a 'chance', it didn't say it was certain but only a chance. This gave him a headache since he could already tell how troublesome a Mage Soul could be.

In order to kill the Tentacle Mammoth, he needed to stalk it for a while and take a chance when it let it's guard down to strike, he knew that using what he currently have would certainly be inefficient on dealing with the mammoth in a straightforward manner much less if he encountered any soul form who is ranked above it.

But of course the informations that he got from the soul didn't only contained bad news. He also uncovered a great news as well.

The sect might've thrown them here without giving them any real time to prepare and powerless against these foes, but the sect wouldn't close all paths. The scattered metals inside this land, yes, the rusting and seemingly useless metals here could actually be used as a weapon to fight against them. He also couldn't believe that this was real but the sect had absolutely no reason to lie.

The other thing is killing souls would make them even more powerful, which means that even though the don't have any 'Heart Mantras' they could somehow cultivate their souls.

[A/N: Ki Manuals = Ki Refining, Heart Mantras = Soul Cultivation, Physique Tempering = Body Tempering]

h this he decided to go back towards the place where rested previously to make use of these metals. On the way back he couldn't help but wonder on how the others are doing.

"If they could at least kill a Wandering Soul then they should know a way on how to fend for themselves. But the problem lies on how could they kill one. It differs to me since I could cultivate my soul. If there's a chance of us meeting here them I might be able to help them." He said while taking his time walking back to his previous shelter.


A ruthless trial by fire.

This is what some of the disciples of the sect called this situation that they're in. Sieg was right, they weren't like him who cultivated their soul, what means do they have to fend for themselves? If they mistakenly encountered even a Wandering Soul, which is ranked as the lowest or in other words, the weakest bunch inside of these land, these souls would outright devour them.

Truth is, there are people who already died, they were too unlucky to be teleported within the range of a Wandering Soul's perception and was attacked. The people outside could only shake their heads in dismay for their unluckiness. They knew if a disciple was devoured since their bodies would instantly rot inside portal, they also knew that the old man who had a loud voice didn't have any machinations behind this, why? That's because he is an elder from the main branch of Freezing Sky Sect, if he wanted to kill them all he could just raise his voice and say a decree and everyone, no matter their backing is, would certainly die, he didn't need to exert all of this effort just to eliminate them. He also didn't have to be afraid of the punishment from the main branch, he could just say they they are a waste of resources and he would be pardoned.

But of course there's also some disciples who have capabilities and fully deserving of their titles. Whether by hook or by crook, they took down their first Wandering Soul and already have means of survival. Most them looked for their fellow disciples and decided to throw their previous grievances and team up to survive. Thankfully, the informations from the soul would be available to everyone who participated in the fight so they have no need to hunt for tons of them.

But of course, this is just a temporary truce for them. If they do manage to find an inheritance then this truce would be broken immediately.

By some miracle, Gwen, Zhu Fang and Ji Potian are still alive and actually found each other, they managed to take down a wandering soul and now they are walking with rusting metals on their hands looking for their next target, they made a plan to devour as much of these Wandering Souls until they got sufficiently stronger to deal with Vengeful Souls. Of course, they weren't the only one's who have a plan like this.


Another month passed without anyone knowing, so far, all of them was already accustomed to not having any sense of time inside this plane. More and more people already knew how to fend from themselves using the scrap metals that are practically scattered everywhere.

Disciples who found each other decided to form groups, there's also those people who preferred to be alone or just didn't meet any and had no other choices. The people who died also rose as time goes on but those who managed to succeed in surviving became stronger.

Sieg is clueless from all of this, well he took shelter again that's why but it wasn't without reason. If anyone could see him now, they would absolutely shocked by what he got.

On his arms wrapped metal chains made from rustic metals, it might look dirty but if this touched any soul form, they would undoubtedly be injured. At the end of this chains are claws which had two sharp metal protrusions, this just made the whole thing looked ominous and even though it was barely passable, Sieg was proud of it.

He didn't know why he made this type of weapon as well instead of a blade which he's used to, he just felt that maintaining a distance should be good so he ended up with this.

He made the metal chains about five meters long and wrapped it around his arms and his body, wielding such a long weapon should be hard but don't forget that Sieg could manipulate this metal using his spiritual energies and quite easy too.

[A/N: Search for claws of hades from God of War 3 for an idea of what his current weapon looked like.]

He tried controlling the claws and they instantly rotated in an erratic manner around him, he wasn't wielding it by hand but by sheer mental ability thanks to his spiritual energies. The claws launched forward and pierced the nearby metal and made shreds out of it. The metal looked like it had a mind of it's own and wrapped themselves around Sieg's arms and waist like a quiet pet waiting for orders. He smiled as he looked at his creation. Since he just turned his current shelter into shreds of rusting metal he decided to leave and find another target for practice. Now he no longer wanted to loom along with the shadows and wait for a perfect opportunity to strike, he planned to take these beasts head on to temper himself during the rest of this trial by fire.

[A/N for the third time: Well hello! ImperialDarkFrost here, I just wanted to thank you guys for the love and support to my first novel, I know it lacks in many matters but don't worry I'm trying my best to improve along with time.

I want to let you know that from this chapter onwards I plan on reducing the word count from 2000 to 1500 at the most (what a joke, this chapter is about 1400 words only). The reason why is that I feel that the pace of the story is getting a bit out of hand and it's too naggy for you guys to read to be totally honest, well you could also consider it me being a lazy piece of shit lol. Anyways it's not like there would be no 2000 word length chapters from now on, of course there is! But it would be an important chapter so watch out for those.

Another thing is that it's currently raining men-I mean raining ice, like literal ice, not snow mind you, and I'm sacred help me. There is a strong ass typhoon in here so there might be some complications like electricity shut downs, my roof having holes or just straight up gone with the wind so my updates might have a little complications. But through the power of dao I shall be the last one smiling. Wish me luck fellas. Okay this is getting long so yeah, Love you all! Thanks for the support so far and have nice day. :) ]