
Divine Rivalry: Sons Of Ascendance

Title: "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" Outline: I. Introduction A. Setting the stage: A surreal, luminescent forest bathed in the soft glow of an otherworldly moon. B. Introducing the two main characters: Kuramoto, a determined young man in his early 20s with snow-white hair, and Higashi, a mischievous man in his mid-30s with chestnut brown hair. II. Character Introductions A. Kuramoto: 1. Description: Snow-white hair flowing to his waist, dressed in traditional samurai attire with a pristine white robe. 2. Personality: Determined and focused, with an unwavering sense of purpose. 3. Motivation: Seeking to fulfill his destiny as a warrior and protector of the forest. B. Higashi: 1. Description: Medium-length chestnut brown hair, wearing a dark hooded robe adorned with mysterious symbols. 2. Personality: Mischievous and playful, with a penchant for trickery and cunning. 3. Motivation: Drawn to the forest's secrets and mysteries, seeking to unravel its hidden truths. III. The Encounter A. Kuramoto's Determination: 1. Kuramoto stands tall amidst the ancient trees, his Katana sheathed by his side, ready for action. 2. He senses an intruder in the forest and prepares to confront them with unwavering resolve. B. Higashi's Mischief: 1. Higashi lounges on an ancient tree stump, a sly grin playing on his lips as he observes Kuramoto's approach. 2. He delights in the opportunity to play a trick on the unsuspecting warrior, eager to test his wit against Kuramoto's strength. IV. The Confrontation A. Clash of Personalities: 1. Kuramoto confronts Higashi, his determination unwavering in the face of Higashi's mischief. 2. Higashi taunts Kuramoto with cryptic riddles and illusions, testing the warrior's resolve. B. Unexpected Alliance: 1. Despite their differences, Kuramoto and Higashi find common ground amidst the chaos of the forest. 2. They join forces to unravel the mysteries of the forest, each bringing their unique strengths to the table. V. Unraveling the Mysteries A. Journey into the Unknown: 1. Kuramoto and Higashi embark on a journey deep into the heart of the forest, braving its hidden dangers and challenges. 2. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets and long-forgotten legends, piecing together the truth of their intertwined destinies. B. Bonds of Friendship: 1. Through their shared adventures and trials, Kuramoto and Higashi forge a deep bond of friendship and mutual respect. 2. They come to realize that their differences are what make them strong, and that together, they can overcome any obstacle. VI. Resolution A. A New Dawn: 1. As the sun rises over the horizon, casting its golden light upon the forest, Kuramoto and Higashi emerge victorious. 2. They stand together, united in purpose and friendship, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold. B. The Journey Continues: 1. With their newfound bond as allies and companions, Kuramoto and Higashi set off on new adventures, eager to explore the wonders of the world beyond the forest. 2. Theirs is a journey filled with mystery, magic, and the enduring power of friendship. "Divine Rivalry: Sons of Ascendance" is an epic tale of two unlikely allies brought together by fate and bound by destiny. In a world where light and darkness coexist in perfect harmony, Kuramoto and Higashi's journey is a testament to the strength of friendship and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Hyumino_ig · Fantasie
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59 Chs

The Reaper.

That day..

Humanity recieved a grim reminder that they are just like birds in cage.

There is no freedom for any of them.

The humans had no freedom in this world, being trapped behind a wall made for protection from the titans.

The titans had ruled upon us for quite a while.

Now it was time for them to pay for the terrifying destruction they caused to us.

The crowd, cheerful and happy before the reminder, had now become sad and unhappy because of it.

The commander, called everyone up to the point and had ordered them to devote their lives for the sake of peace.

"But what was peace?" Was the question.

Kuramoto and the others, planned to cut the year off without doin anything on the day, But, it hadn't occurred when that titan showed up.

A huge hole in the outer districts had broken up, thousands of lives were already killed, the scouts had to rush there quick.

Kuramoto and the others, Packed up the required items, The MDG, The blades, Smoke Bombs, Grenades.

It was now time for battle.

"RUSH FORWARD!" The words were heard by everyone, the scouts, using their MDG, swinged through the buildings, trying to get to the hole quick and rescue the citizens.

Between them, Kuramoto said "Yoru! Go to the front lines with me! Vaericha! Rescue the citizens!"

Both of them agreed with his decisions.

The two rushed to the front lines.

Infront of them, was the Reaper, It's presence had made them shiver.

"Kuramoto, do you remember when I said both of our parents were killed by a titan? It was him."

"Oh. I will make him pay for it, don't you worry."

"I'm always with you."

The reaper, took a big pause and used his scythe to slash the air, The pressure had already eliminated some scouts.

"That's sick."

"Wait, I'm in the same world like back then, maybe I still have some magic power." Questioned Kuramoto.

He let out his hands leaving the swords attached to the hook, in hopes for the cursed dual blades to teleport to his location.

He was right, It came back to its owner, as a blade made of spiritual energy, it cannot be created nor destroyed.

"ATTACK THE NECK!" Yelled the commander behind him.

"ROGER!" replied Kuramoto.

He put both of the blades behind him, sheathed, and the hook blades, now attached to the body of the titan, he swinged above to hand on his nape to deal the finished blow.

But, it wasn't the end, The other titans had already crawled up to that place and guarding it.


He took out a grenade and threw it on the neck pushing away all the titans to the ground, except one, it could fly..?

It was another one of the 5 titans, It was the one that could fly.

"Another troublesome thing."

Another idea came to his mind, Kuroka, made of a metal that can never be destroyed.

He used his air storage to unstore the Kuroka and threw it to the wings of that titan immobilizing it.

"Now that it's done, the only thing I have to do is kill it and take revenge for my friends."

When he swinged using his hooks and air steps and finally about the reach it.

The titan had unshifted.

Directly coming in contact with the wall, he smashed into the wall.

After deflecting Kuramoto, it transformed yet again, Doing the long pause and and slice trick.

"It won't work on me" laughed Kuramoto.

"Even if I'm not as strong as before, Im still a god!"


Kuramoto, now determined to take it's life.

Unleashed the strong ghoul aura around him, increasing the intensity around it.

And using the Berserker Armor V4 to increase his size, The effect of the aura increased 100 times the normal distance.

150 kilometres high and 200 kilometres wide, Even God himself had to kneel because of the aura.

He walked towards the titan and said "Kneel." And it had knelt down just as he said.

"Can you talk?"

The titan nodded his head, saying no.

"There is no use for you anymore, Die."

The titan had been killed but Kuramoto fell from above because of magic exhaustion.

Yoru came right in time, swinging using the hooks and catching him at the right time.

"That was amazing."

"I know right." Kuramoto replied, coughing up blood.

The commanders were now, ready to use what it takes to eliminate Kuramoto because of the terrifying ability.

They had forgotten that it was he who saved them from trouble.

"All troops, Hold back." The commander said.

He asked "What is the point, You are a murderer, what is the chance that you wouldn't kill us all someday too."

After a lot of explaining, the commander still wasn't ready.

He let his hand down signalling to shoot.

The cannon balls were shot at them.

But Kuramoto, had used up his titan shifting ability from the berserker Armor to break the impact of the ball.


The lady that had saved him before in the dragon valley, appeared once more.

"Seems like you have been mistaken, we can use his ability for our own good sooner or later." She said, putting her hands on his shoulder.

"Kuramoto, was it? You have been dismissed from the charges of the court that could have been your end. Be thankful."

But Kuramoto had already fainted..

They carry him to his room.

In the afternoon, when he finally wakes up.

Vaericha and Yoru run and hug him.

"Stupid, why did you do that for us.." "you know you could have been killed for unleashing such abilities."

He put both his hands on their backs and pulls them closer and whispers "It's because you guys are my dear friends.."

"Still, Please do not be so reckless starting now on."


The 1st year has ended with a blast, I hope you guys can keep supporting this work.

Hyumino_igcreators' thoughts