"Are you ready, you masked bastard!" I asked as he nodded in agreement, it was just like a game, a term used by those filthy earthlings to depict that they used technology filled with modern magic to use this instrument known as a virtual reality headset to play with swords in a virtual man made reality of the mediaeval times.
Earthlings, in the year 3025, discovered this VIRTUAL REALITY HEADSET, which simulated all 6 senses, if you were not strong enough, no matter how many buffs you used, the weapons will never be able to be wielded by the user.
"Well, thanks to them, Atleast the kids know how to wield a sword and are strong enough to lift them." I mumbled to myself.
I got into my basic fighting stance as that man didn't move an inch, it was like as he was taunting me.
"You dare underestimate me?" Said I, as I rushed forward in anger since I couldn't handle my anger since I was born.
"Got you." That man, using an underhanded method, got me to rush straight into his trap formation.
"This formation, was used by those on the 60th floor, their legacy was known as the Murim. It immobilises the person, and makes them unable to use magic or anything of that sort." Said Maze as he laughed at my uselessness.
"Oh? So I cannot use magic? Then I will just use 'that', don't you think you're taking me too lightly..?", Dark energy filled my surrounding area as Maze started sweating furiously.
"Can you even do anything now." I said as I use that dark energy to break free from that stupid formation.
The man throws a smoke bomb down to the ground and tries to escape.
While Maze was airborne, a sudden shadow arrived and grabbed him by his foot.
"You should know that it's not easy to run from the clutches of Hercules."
"What are you talking about!?" Said Maze as he looked down to his leg.
I was shocked as well, but I sense no hostility in him, as if he was searching for me his whole life.
"Even I, a god of Arvendall have heard about the Greek god's strongest god, Hercules!" I smiled as I ran up to him and jumped up beheading Maze with one slash of my Kuroka.
"That was pretty 'not elegant' for a god, don't you think?" Said Hercules.
I replied with a shocked reaction on my face as I never told anyone I was a god other than Higashi, who was a god like myself.
"Y-you..! How do you know classified information!" Said I; "Kuramoto, Also known as Kuramoto Katsuo, or the Second Lord in command. Aren't I right?" He replied.
"You fucking bastard, tell me who you are! Right now!" Said I as Anger took the control over me.
It was determined that I'd not be able to take on Hercules on my own because he had climbed the tower longer than me and was the embodiment of strength.
"You do know that you cannot beat me as you are, right now, right?" He said, as if making a fool out of me.
After the 40th floor, The game becomes Single Player mode, you have to reach the final floor of the basement to hell on your own prowess.
Hercules, Who is at the 56th floor right now, was way more powerful than me. Not to mention his attack strategies.
"So are you here to kill me just like that masked man?"
"Are you kidding me? Ofcourse not! I'm not here for such petty reasons. Let me get straight to the point, would you like to transfer from Arvendall to Olympus?"
"I have no intention of betraying the motherland that raised from birth."
"I understand what you mean, as I also feel the same towards my home, but as I state this, I have no choice but to get you to forcefully join the Olympus."
"And may I ask what that reason is?"
"You wield the power of Zeus, My father and the god of thunder."
"So? It's still useless compared to my other abilities."
"You dare call my father useless? You're asking for your death now."
Hercules suddenly disappeared from my vision and appeared right behind me and punched me.
I knew it was going to happen, so I prepared buffs, but the attack still overwhelmed me.
"Do you feel like kneeling down before me and joining Olympus?"
"Not a chance, bitch."
"As the wielder of Excalibur and Kuroka, the two opposite swords of the same metal, I, Kuramoto shall eradicate you Olympus Bastards!"
"Aw fuck! I should have maxed out my strength stats!"
"You really have time to chit chat now! You're really courting death!" Hercules jumped at me once again, this time punching me straight in the face.
But I managed to deflect it with Kuroka.
"FUSE: Main object Kuroka, Sub object Excalibur!"
"This could either be the strongest Sword mankind has seen, or the weakest sword in all of existence, but my Undo skill will be helpful if that ever happens!"
"Hmm, A sword, Kuroka."
Kuroka, now absorbed Excalibur and raised its statistics exponentially.
"So, can you still use your abilities? Let's see!"
"Stat window:
Level: Maxed out (500+2790)
Heavenly demon steps
Sword Qi form
Shape shifting
Divine energy
Demonic Energy
Song of battallion:Arena
Sword Aura (Upgraded from of Mind Sword Manifestation.)"
"Now that you can use Divine Energy, Let's test it out!"
"The energy of the gods and demons are imbued in Kuroka, manifesting a new aura."
"Instead of black and yellow energy, it's rather a purple coloured energy coming out of my sword, this will be awesome, though it's a pity Excalibur is gone, I really liked dual wielding as well, but let us fight Hercules right now, STREAM!"
I couldn't upload chapters due to personal reasons, Sorry viewers! thanks to those who sticked around!