There is still a great deal no one knows about the Word of God because of the different religious ideologies, therefore, we must deliberately stop judging things based on what we think you have known as taught us by sages, the truth is not with any man, but is deep within you.
Do not search out, search in, for what you are seeking, is seeking you.
Healing is seeking you, and no man can heal you, only God can.
See with the eyes of your spirit and ask God to open the eyes of your understanding, since in one way or the other, we all have faith in something. Don't you have faith in yourself? If you have a level of faith in yourself, why can't you have faith in the one who converted just mere sperm to become you that is now grown and even thinking there is no God.
Do not be foolish, a fool says in his heart there is no God. This book may not be promoted by most platforms, but if you are fortunate to lay hold of it, hold on dearly to it, for in it, you will find answers to your questions that must have kept you in state of uncertainties.
A humble heart that is ready to accepting the truth of God's Word, will not be prone to resist truth, no matter how alien it sounds. You need to sometimes put down your religious conviction to be able to reach perfect truth, because there some dimensions religious scholars may be able to reach and would not allow those who are thriving in to enter. God will open the eyes of your spirit into the stream of His very life and all of your thoughts will be all that the Lord is impressing, not the impression of the world.
God is doing anew thing! Do not become an impedance to what God is doing, all in the name of guiding against heretic gospel or trying to protect your religious belief. Meanwhile, you need to know that God is and the truth is, God is neither a Christian, nor a Muslim, or whatever religion you could think of or imagine, He is God all by Himself, I AM and I AM.
A lot of us have not still seen it that the Bible is coded and most religious book tend to somehow borrow the inspiration of people and present it in such a way suite their cultures as designed by great sages, but one central truth is the fact there is only one Gof. Even the entire happenings from the past to the present and down to the future, is just a stroke to God and He will choose to communicate it to whoever.
God is the programmer and as super intelligent divine program, He had coded every secrets in the Bible to be revealed in the fullness of the time, and if you can unlock the codes (catch the revelation), it becomes prophesy of what is to come. Therefore, do not think talking about code is absurd when emphasizing faith. I am talking about religious faith, I am talking about the faith you have encountered God for yourself and you don't need someone to talk you into believing. If you are still dwelling on the domain of codes are absurd, wake up and come into the light, because even knowledge is a code, held in formation to have what we call information when we are able to access to know what the codes are. Anything you don't know is coded. Have you have ever taken your time to ask to know what ""Arise!" and "Shine" for your light has come" Mean?" We cannot keep dwelling in deliberate ignorance and be expecting God to reveal unto us great and mighty things. Haven't you heard that "They that know their God shall be strong and they shall do mighty exploit?", so how can you know God truly, when all you do is to hinge on what you have known and anything outside what you have known is just falsehood that must be outrightly resisted, such that you wouldn't want to even do with it. I have being there,but this did not help me at all, so learn from me.
You cannot fear not to fall when you are already falling completely off the truth. What I see today as the form of Christianity that we have, are people who are so conscious of the truth such that if not the "truth" they have come to know as taught them, any other, is only but termed another gospel or heretic. God will definitely help this generation of Christians. That was why Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13: 12 that, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
There is Bible beneath the Bible and the one beneath is the true revelation of what God wants us to see. The revelation of God's Very Spirit gives life and this is the only activator of true faith, which without it is impossible to please God.
Therefore, as you read the Bible, when you are able to disconnect yourself from self, you will now be able to read the Bible beneath the Bible with the drag of self, and this will make you discover how far our mindsets has reduced us to misinterpret to interpret the Word of God.
The Word God is not the Bible you read, but the person you meet, while you read the Bible. Do you see computer software? It is not the hardware that is the computer, but the software program that runs the hardware, which is useless without the software.
The Bible is useless without the Spirit that inspires life. I hope I will not be misinterpreted by gullible Christians who can twist truth and make appear as falsehood.
It will take the heart that is humble and brokenly yielded to the will of God to understand the Programmer's thoughts, in order to have access to comprehending the programming language, which I named by revelation knowledge as DIVINE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.
Divine programming course is purpose driven, connecting you directly to the God you need to know, not through any man or by observing one form of religious ritual that connects you to mysticism and even witchcraft without knowing. Most gullible religious people are blind witches and witchcrafts, especially gullible Christians who often project men as God. If you have not answered the question "Who are you?", this inspiration will not make sense to you at all.
For your information, this inspiration is not for sensible people like religious scholars and sages, because it is gotten from thorough researches, but given by divine breathe.
This course " Divine Programming " does not admit and school you as the conventional system of education does, but it allows you to admit it, and it will school you as yield your heart. There is no schooling in this course, until there is a complete yielding of the heart It is not like the secular world where the school admits and schools you.
The truth is there is a huge deception from the pit of hell perpetuated by the brain behind some certain ideologies that rebrands our mindsets, and this points clearly to SELF. Teaching false loyalty at the detriment of being disloyal to God. Even when we choose not to accept or accept, the truth we cannot at all run away from, because it will certainly confronts us, despite the world has gotten so use to distorted truth.
Distorted truth is now the norm!
School System is a deliberate design to bring students under subjection and keep them in perpetual bondage. So that students will not be able to have the liberty, of whom they truly are to function in their God given program and capacity. This is why; we now have people whose mindsets had been programmed to resist the truth unknowingly, because what they have come to accept, as truth is actually the negation of falsehood to look like truth.
I seem not to allow this secular school thing to enter too much into my head, and that was why during my school days starting from primary to secondary school and even up to the university, I did not fall to some certain coded lies. What I kept doing was to keep asking, "Why is this or that like this or like that?" especially some strange formulas. I have always felt there are formulas hiding a lot of secrets that we the students have no single knowledge of, even when we do apply them and that is the idea we are talking about and a lot of us have embraced idea, not knowing that idea is the left eye of the right eye called insight, think deep!
The devil have tormented me during my school days, then, Life was like hell, but God made all things to work for my own good, despites all the ups and downs and all the negative odds I experienced, He still took me through.
My life is an inexhaustible novel, you can read it, but cannot read it all. You can only read my life in full, if you can access my Divine Program from the thought of God and read what He has written therein concerning me.
My act of writing has nothing to do with writing skills, it only has to do with My Divine Program enabled by Divine Grace. This is who I am in Him, to shipwreck the blood thirsty Satan, who taught in his myopic thoughts, emptied of light and void of good, brainlessly thought that he can snatch my life from God, when I am completely hidden in the Father's love. He (Satan) has not seen anything yet, I will through my Divine Program, frustrate Him and make him look stupidly stupid just as he is. I hate him with Jesus' blood and I will use that same blood and the word of my testimony to frustrate him into hell even before his time, because he has no power over me. To the devil, I am a dead man; can he kill a dead man? I am a dead man to the devil, but to God I am a living spirit. The devil's attack on my destiny will do me no harm but will only get me closer to my Father's love and from the dimension of my Father's love, I will launch my attack on him and mine will reach into the heart of the kingdom of darkness with the missile of Divine light to frustrate him to hell.
The things, which are always recurring in your life, are simply calling your attention deeper as I have earlier iterated.
Deep Calls after Deep!
Psalm 42: 7
Deep Calleth unto deep at the noise of the waterspouts: all they waves and thy billows are gone over me.
When you get to understand the pattern of things that calls your attention deeper with God's help, you will discover it is your Divine Program Call Code (DPCC). The understanding of this has nothing to do with your knowledge or reading great spiritual books or Christian literature from renowned authors, or how well read you are or your certificates, or your theological background. If you depend on all these, you may get lost like the way religion has, and theology is tolling same path, having made innumerable errors, not knowing how to return to correct and establish the truth.
If I may ask, is theology of God?
Which theological school did Jesus Christ attend? Did the Pharisees and the Scribes or Sadducees teach him? If not, then who taught Him?
Theology is of whom, if Jesus never reckoned with it?
I did not say theology of the devil, I only asked questions, even as I am only using my Divine Codes to expose reality in the face of light. I know you already have your answer having taking you on a brief trip, despite the agitation in your heart. An excursion of truth into the heart of the Father does not allow your comfort; it prunes your thought to align to the perfect truth of God's Word in the heart of Divinity where light is His message reflecting from eternity to time with life at the impulse of His instant thought.
Sorry, are you asking what do I mean by code?
Accessing the life of God in the reader's mind is often through the activation of the truth as he reads the Bible to reach true knowledge, if the reader can see truly the person of God (Jesus Christ).
What do I mean by the Bible beneath the Bible?
Alpha (A or α) and Omega (Ω or ω) are Divine Light Language codes revealing the open and close bound of the reality of the very truth of whom God is, while the First and Last is the revelation that English language cannot really explain. Therefore, the first and last does not mean A and Z, and it does not explain time to infinity, but Life to eternity that controls time to infinity as just the initial counts into reality.
The Bible is coded to those who thinks they can access the revelation of God without God's help, but revealed when you are able to access the key (password that is a cross) to the expressway into the dimension of light.
There is a light that will shine on the Bible beneath the Bible, you will be able to read the life of the Spirit, and as you read, you get possessed with the Spirit of God that drives you into His heart, to see and feel for real what His intentions are.
The reason for encoding the Bible in order to make the intelligence of intellectuals useless and prove that knowledge in our thought cannot reach the dimension of His life, which implies, we must trust and hold on to the Word of God as our anchor to take us into the heart of true knowledge called Divine truth.
When you read the Bible, did the Bible say, "Jesus spoke in parables"?
Matthew 13: 34
All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parable; and without a parable spake he not unto them:
What is parable?
Are parables not Divine secret codes?
I want to enlighten your understanding further, the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, is encrypted with Divine secret codes, you will sure miss the revelation when you attach meaning from your thinking perspectives. The Bible is a thought into your ideologies as school of thought as taught you. The Bible is known and trusted to be absolute unquestionable truth, but could by interpretation experience alteration in the original inspiration because of distortion and twist to suite our selfish ideologies. Truth is absolute and we must obeyed it and the knowledge of the absolute truth involves intimacy, which defines you entering God and God entering you, such that, who you are is now lost in Him, despite what you seeing of yourself, what is true is what He is saying.
In reality, there is a "you" that does not exist anymore in you, but in God. Until God occupies all of your heart, you will ever keep struggling and falling for the desires of the flesh.
Flesh is the gravitational force of the spirit, which you must gratify if you want to have a momentary relieve. It will interest you to know that masturbation is one of the product of this reality, I have been there, so I speak out of experience that you can never control some certain desires of flesh in you, until you allow God to rule your heart wholly. It will amaze you what most youths are suffering today; I mean majority of youths are slave to this evil spirit of masturbation. If you do not understand, go and ask Enoch in heaven, how he disappeared from existence in the physical world because he was taking away by God. If the reality happens then, it is much more possible now that we are existing as living spirit in God. Yes! I know I am sounding weird and somehow absurd, but the truth will come crystal clear in the face of light when you catch the revelation. God will take you deeper because you do not belong in the shallow realm, so you have to go deeper even when you do not want to go deep, travelling deep is what will connect you to the reality codes, to defile the protocol of carnality in the face of light, even as I have encountered. Do you want to know what I encountered? What I encountered was God's LIGHT and it completely changed my entire orientation about life.
Jesus is the life of God, the knowledge of Him is what defines God's light, and this is what humanity needs to break out of the hold of carnality.
Do not let the name "Jesus" to irritate you now, if your religion does not permit that, just follow me on this ride and you get to find out how I got here.
If you ask the question "What is dimension?" and get the answer, it will bend your mind.
Until you trust and obey God's Word without hinging on your understanding, you can never ever reach the true life of the Spirit and to be carnally minded is death.
It is actually very crazy to accept that the Bible is a Divine thought program codes that can only be unlock with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Please park your knowledge in the garage; it can never reach Divine revelation truth if you are not humble and contrite in heart. All you need to do is to enter the free vehicle of true faith in God's faithfulness beyond religious dogmas. Trusting God is depending on the sure finished course of grace that sets those who are faithful on course to function in the very office of the Son in His beloved. The world can only see when we can see and speak out by faith what we are seeing and this will cause even the blind to see and receive the light that will crush every form of ignorance, reaching the depth of love to see the true mind of God. From the perspective of the mind of God, His perfect will is understood, and what you do not understand, you may hardly obey even if it is a command.
You can never; I mean never ever do God's will when you think you have known all of God because you are operating in a dimension of knowledge that places you in a position of wow! In addition, people could boldly say, "You are really anointed and spiritually deep". Do not fool yourself! You are far, far off, away from the truth.
When you think you know it all, even when you know, you will sure tend to become very satanic and despite your great awareness, it will be surely misleading. Be careful because God does not want you to know in yourself. This mindset called self, guide yourself against it, else even in your knowledge of God, you will still become God's enemy.
The Word of God is simply the knowledge of the caller that would always calls us deeper into the things of the Spirit. Into the deep, we are drawn deeper to access all the secret codes of reality and still right in we have the revelation to all the symbolic secrets as distributed from Genesis through to Revelation in the Divine Timing as connected to our physical time (lifetime) and that is why our physical time would always call our attention. Do you often check your time? Do you have idea what you divine timing is? Your divine time is where the reality is and our Divine time is simply the Word of God distributed all around the books of the chapters and verses of the Bible.
Please do not mind me!
I am divinely possessed!
You are right to think I am an alien; you are right. Yes! I am in I AM because I am I Am's.
Let us swim deeper!
The Holy Ghost is the revealer of the caller, because with the Holy Ghost you will not lean on your understanding to access Divine Secrets, if you try it on your own, I assure you 100%, you will go nut. What you need to access deep secrets is what I call TRUST; you can check it out in the divine call code Proverbs 3: 5 and 6. This is because the secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29: 29), but the truth is, even the secret revealed things, can only come through the Lord's servants the prophets (Amos 3: 7), because God will not reveal anything except through His prophets. Are you asking why only prophets, what about pastors and evangelists? Smiles! Knowledge is the key; you can use it to open whatever door no matter the lock that was used, and all you need is true knowledge! The truth is, anyone who believes in the testimony of Jesus Christ, is a prophet, because the testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophesy. Go and search that Scripture that has this truth, I will not present it to you, because you also need to intimate the Word as I have I done. God has never stop calling us, if you are not hearing God, that does not mean God is not calling, move away from the noise and you will hear God clearly, in an accent loud and clear.
Proverbs 8: 1, 4, 6, 7, 32- 36
Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? To you, O men I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. Listen for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. Now then, my sons, listen to me, blessed are those who keep my ways. Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death. (NIV)
The Word of God is a Giant System of Divine Secret Codes with numbers representing the sequence of the thought programs arranged in books that contains chapters and verses that are intertwined into each other in an order you may not fathom out until the Holy Spirit helps you of its randomness to bringing out the picture as in God's mind. This is infinitely beyond the reach of Da Vinci Code and none of Da Vinci's code can unlock God's Divine Program codes.
This book will defile the order of Da Vinci code in the light of the Word and unlock to expose every secrets of Da Vinci's code in my book titled "Divine Vs Da Vinci's code".
The pyramid when revealed to me through my Divine Program code simply reveals DI MA(RY)P. Are you asking how? Look at this,
PYRAMID = DIMARYP and if you observe, there are two variable letters of which when removed to find out what they are, we will have Di map (Double map), and we will be left to answer the question, "What is R and Y?" We can get R and Y when we follow the pointer pyramid which read thus, point in Y and R amid. What is Y amid (what is Y resting in the middle?)? And what is R amid? If you look carefully at the pyramid, you will see the word "ID" which is read as HIDE, now the question is, what is hidden in the pyramid? It is simply an EYE. Wow! You can see that Y is the heart of the physical eye with two electrons, which is only but a pointer to a function called f of x and this function (f[x]) is simply a thought program. Since we have gotten the revelation of Y and Y becomes a pointer to connect us to R, we will now have to ask the question, "Which eye does R rest in its heart?" It is has now become clear that R rest in the heart of the Spirit eyes, which clearly state that, Pyramid code, is simply emphasizing access into the two maps of one is an eye, and the other two eyes which simply revealed the SPIRIT and MIND.
The reality of thought programs emphasizing divine coding is carried out on the platform of the mind, where the spirit is the impulsive signal that carries a body of thought which hides the intent of the programmer. Therefore, what the devil does is to mind twist man and start using man to reprogram everything, with the principle of idea instead of Divine insight. I will not say anything much about idea here, but if you want to get detail information, you can directly contact me through my Facebook, and I will give you information from my one of my anticipated published book title
"The Devil's Power Concentration" and "Exposing the Deep Dark Secret "Idea"".
The realities we see in the physical with respect to secret things are mirror effect of the spiritual, so if you pronounce the spiritual part of pyramid, what you will have is di maryp which I have elaborately explained. It means the map of deceptions that sees through the eyes of SELF into the heart of darkness where the prince of darkness is resident in torment in the heart of evil, therefore he knows nothing than torment and that is why the moment you start thinking off good, you will become tormented and restless until you do evil and even when you do, you will now keep craving for more until you become heartless and soulless, such that in this state of soullessness, evil will now become the definition of your good. I did not read any book to know this, I only used my divine program to defile the other of deception and present it in the light of true knowledge.
I don't like pyramid and I cannot like their pyramid, because I have my own map and my own map is simply the only WAY (glorified cross of Jesus Christ) that separates light from darkness and my map is called the Word of God. What is your own map?
We are in a point in time on this terrestrial plane when the mystery of every secret codes will be unlocked in the presence of LIGHT, all with a simple password called THE ACKNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD (accepting the Word). The acceptance of the Word gives access (right) to have the very DNA of the Programmer such that as you grow in knowledge of the programmer's thought under His watch, you will now have the very knowledge to understand every other of His prime programs and this will enable you to control every other programs, which will not have effect on you, provided it is not God's program.
Can you imagine what internet has done to most of its users?
Talk more of what electronic platforms are doing us, including you, in the time that we are in?
Some of us are electronically possessed with demons. I have been there and I know exactly what I am talking about. So the knowledge of the programmer now becomes the ANTIVIRUS to every counter (contrary thought against) program against the Programmer's original program (thought). The understanding of the Divine program comes from a field of light called DIVINE RAY FIELD which is separated from Darkness (contrary program) and the separation is simply a DIVINE WAY, which separates light from darkness or life from death. This way is simply the GLORIFIED CROSS OF CHRIST I saw it and I am speaking from the knowledge of my encounter for real. For you to have this understanding, you must journey in light, focused on the cross, without looking back, until you reach the WAY IN and RAY FIELD where your understanding will be illuminated, even as you are caught up in the glory of light to die to the consciousness of your thoughts that could disconnect you from the frequency of reality that is driving you into the heart of Divinity to catch secrets kept sealed from the foundation of the earth, such that, you no longer think, but He thinks through you and you live through Him and in Him. This process of illumination is what leads to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of the person of the light (John 1: 12), to access the reality of His thought (GRACE and TRUTH) such that everything moves without lubrication, but frictionless and free with the Divine grease called grace, because you are connected to light, you will access the very life of the Programmer (God) who will help you function beyond the dimension of your carnal knowledge and this will eventually lead you into having the knowledge of the truth (Universal Super Master Code) which can access every other codes, decodes and destroy if need be to establish a new sequence of codes that will align with the divine will. No secret codes can stand the incidence of the light of truth from the Father's Ray Field called Eternal Love (EL meaning might, strength and power of God, which further explains that love is power and since God is love, it implies the love of God is most powerful and that is what He uses to protect our destiny, if we love Him (Romans 8: 32- 39)).
The Way is simply Yaw, which is pronounced as YAH meaning the name of the LORD. Psalm 68: 4, "Sing to God, sing praises to His name; extol Him who rides on the clouds (glory), by His name YAH. And rejoice before Him."
You can see that the Way simply mean the name of the LORD, which is a strong tower that the righteous runs into it and they are safe (Proverbs 18: 10). So in His name we have victory, by lifting up our hands (surrendering our all) to the LORD in worship (Psalm 63: 4), because His name is exalted above every other name (Isaiah 12: 4), and His name is everlasting (Isaiah 63: 16) and those who call on His name shall be saved (Isaiah 64: 7) and in His name we will work (Micah 4: 5). The name of the Lord is to be feared (Malachi 4: 2), we should have bee prophesying in His name (Matthew 7: 22), in His name we should have been casting demons (Mark 16: 17). In His name our belief is built (John 1: 12) and this connects us to power and glory in Him. We are kept through His name (John 17: 11) whoever calls on His name receives salvation (Acts 2: 21). There is something about the name of Jesus that you can never exhaust, it is a mystery that keeps revealing itself every second and if you don't catch it, you may be dwelling on the previous reality, which still stand but would want to resist the present reality that is coming to align to build the giant picture of who He truly is even as you intimate with Him. He is our High Priest who is touched by our infirmities. And there is no name, no any other and none can even come close, He is above all and He is all that is good, all we need to have all of our needs met and accordingly to His riches in glory He will make supply even as we depend completely on Him (Acts 4: 12). As sons of God, all we will do, must be done in His name else(Colossians 3: 17).
Revelation 15: 4
Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, for your judgments have been manifested."
It is in knowledge of the truth that you have freedom (John 8: 32) and also will be strong, when every other system is becoming weak and are functioning toward total breakdown, but because of your connection to God, you will end up doing great exploit (Daniel 11: 32) having your life comes from the LIGHT of His glory.
The number 11 (My position) and the number 12 the total number of my siblings which is a symbolic tribe of ISRAELITES is very crucial to my Divine program codes.
You don't know what you don't know and cannot know what you can't know except by divine revelation insight.