

Consciously or subconsciously, life is a force that drags us in, deep into dimensions. We are married from birth to our purpose in life in one way or the other even without knowing, but faith in God will bring us face to face with this reality. Even if we do whatever to run away from this reality, it will somehow find us and drag us into aligning to who we truly are beyond the knowledge impressed us by the mind rebranding system in the form of secular and religious education, and we now think, we are what they told us we are. This is the reason for misplacement of our true identity in God and that is why we often struggle for recognition instead of staying to whom God has created us to be. You are uniquely unique, independent, but dependent on your programmer, who is a higher force beyond the confines of your thought grasp. Journey into the deep! I grew up to know myself as an alien in this world of some certain happenings around my life, which gave me a course of concern. It seems as if I think differently and see things from a different dimension and I could not just understand why then, while I was growing as a child, but now I know and understand better. This book is spirit breathed revealing a journey into great awareness, pointing to the realization of self beyond self-designed ideologies. A lot of things that was happening in my life while I was advancing from the cradle that I could not just explain, because it was my days of ignorance, evolving into the more complex world that threw me into chaotic state of thoughts, not knowing exactly what to hinge on as reality. There were things that kept recurring and calling my attention deeper and these things were never letting me be. One of the notable experiences I had, that I will never forget, was the experience of recurring convulsion that almost ruined my life. God can never let you be when you have His Divine seal, you are not your own, you are His very own, the earlier you know this, the sweeter will life become for you, and the swifter things will answer to you and work in your favor even when it seems working against others. This is why He cannot leave, nor forsake you, because you are His project program #Reality reached from my personal experience#. discord link:https://discord.gg/JQCAZ3

Patty_Egah_Ikwue · Realistisch
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The position of a man reveals his stand and it is either you are in the way or you have left the way into the ways and your position will determine your witness to people. By witness I mean, the message you preach. The revelation code of my symbolic position code is the Divine Revelation code 16: 12 which states "They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds." So when you read further the Divine Program executed with respect to my Divine Position Code, you will discover the end of the Pharisees and Sadducees will be, getting involved with unclean spirits and they will become false prophets operating with the spirit of demons, performing signs and wonders to deceive the gullible and bring them under intense bondage to gather them for the great battle, that great day of God Almighty.


Revelation 16: 15, 16

"Behold, I AM coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame". And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.

Just to explain how my life was programmed by God and what it was programmed for. This can be done from every reference of the scripture that reflects the chosen Divine Call Code. This call code is based on TIME in the reality of my life and it usually happens with recurring time or events that replay itself consistently in sequence. People have not really taking their time to find out why God caution that we should walk circumspectly not as fools, but as wise, understanding the time because the days are evil (Ephesians 5: 15, 16), this is because time is the reality program code, while the Word is the revelation code to defining whatever reality God is calling our attention to. God has never stopped calling, He is ever calling us, but because we are engrossed in noise, we cannot hear Him, but in ourselves in our self-delusive cravings of the things of this world. Having done that of Matthew 16 let me do the one of Mark 16. In the reference of my New Testament Divine Program covering the Book of my life chapter 16, my call code will be 16: 16 and this is with respect to the year 2016, my call code will be 16: 16, while my position code will be 16: 11, and my program executed code will be 16: 12. What do all these mean? It means my life is all written in the Word of God with time as the true pointer acting as my Divine program code to search out the Scripture that has the reality contents of the direction my life is programmed to go and as I understand this, I will unconsciously walk in God's will to do the work I am called to do without missing out in the direction of my purpose. I have earlier said, that recurring time calls my attention and I have been able to find out the reason for always experiencing such pattern of time, getting to discover that God is calling my attention to something deep to be able to catch the impulse of His thoughts in order to administer His mind for the time we are in. therefore recurring time now become my Divine program code that calls my attention deeper, my position 11 in my family of 12 which is symbolic as Israel (chosen) reveals that I have a Divine seal to do heaven mandate and in the reality of all these, I was able to find out what is written concerning me. Yours might be different, that is why you need to find out carefully what calls your attention deeper, the way I have found mine.

Let's check it out!


He who believes and sis baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.

You can see that the second Book of my Divine program with respect to my Divine Call code, aligns perfectly with my first program of which the second Book of my life in the New Testament Order with respect to call code 16: 16 is simply the continuation of the first (Matthew 16: 16, 16: 11 and 16: 12). In this Divine call code, God is calling my attention to the implication of my confession in my first Book of life in the New Testament Order as written in His program and the implication is simply FAITH, which resulted from my confession of who Christ is. Who do you say Christ is?

Your conviction can never be based on another person's confession; it is a personal thing, an encounter with God that brings you to a point of brokenness as ready clay, set to be molded by the porter who fashions your life for His purpose.

So what is your conviction?

The truth you must know and that truth is, if you believe and you are baptized, you will be saved; but if you don't, you will be condemned.

But first step to believing is accepting the knowledge of who He truly is to you, as emphasized in the First Book of my life as regarding my Divine Program with Call Code 16: 16 in Matthew.


And when they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe.

Here in, it obvious and crystal clear that my position of witness is to counter the wrong mindset of unbelief. So many of us will never believe until we see and as a result, even when we see, we still end up doubting the truth. What you cannot believe before you see it, when you see it, you will not still believe it. My position of witness is simply the reality of my ordained assignment as it is written concerning me at a particular point in time, in the space of life as programmed from eternity to time and this is geared toward preparing the heart of people (my audience) against unbelief. The major problem in faith is simply unbelief and anyone who is unbelieving can never be faithful to the things of God.

Time is our reality code in the form of impulsive signal from eternity, reaching the heart of our hearts as heartbeat in the form of thought to make us consciously conscious of a thought apart from our thoughts. The time I mean here is simply the rhythm of our heartbeat that flashes into our imagination and must perfectly align with God's perfect will.

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