
Divine online: path of the patron

my name is itsuki .Ever since I was a child I would read only a few types of novels but my up-most favorite was god protagonist. I all ways hoped to be transported to another world to become a god and build a religion. So when the game divine online Released. I was the first in line. Divine online offered the players a place to explore and be them selves. Because the game was a game of gods If the player wished to rule over kingdoms or even intergalactic empire. In the world of divine anything is possible as long if the play has enough faith points to do so. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- But what would happen if the players of the divine online was chosen to gods in the real world of divine online? But most importantly, what would ituki the top player in the world that has played 17520 hours(3 years worth of hours) do If his dreams came true. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [USER has created 6 lesser divine cores from users own divine core. would user li,like, to give birth to lesser deities] [USER has Created 6 lesser deity] [USER has created a fay court in the fey wild ] [USER is beinging summoned. would user like to answer the summons] [USER has gained 10,000 followers] [your followers have started a holy war in your name would user like to bless his armys]

Trueone_king · Fantasie
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22 Chs

The king ch 18

The Seelie and Unseelie Courts, initially shocked by Gark's brazen attack on Aither, react with a mix of concern and apprehension. As the chaos unfolds and Aither's divine power is revealed, their astonishment only deepens.

With furrowed brows and whispered murmurs, the fey nobles turn to one another, their expressions a reflection of their disbelief and uncertainty. How could they have been so blind to Aither's true nature all this time? And what implications did this revelation hold for the delicate balance of power within the Feywild?

As the gravity of the situation sinks in, the Seelie and Unseelie Queens approach Aither, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern. 

Lurue and Fathaghn, standing beside each other with an air of quiet confidence, exchange a knowing glance before speaking. "We sensed the divine essence within Aither," they explain, their voices a melodic harmony. "In the whispers of the wind and the rustle of leaves, we felt the presence of something greater than mere mortal or fey. It was a recognition born of intuition and connection with the natural world."

The Seelie and Unseelie Queens regard Lurue and Fathaghn with a mixture of surprise and admiration, for they had never before witnessed such insight and perception.


{location: capital city of Eclipsara: Moonspire}

As the sun set over the grand capital, casting long shadows across the opulent halls of the royal palace, Prince Alex returned from the battlefield, weary but determined. His armor bore the marks of battle, yet his eyes shone with a fervor that transcended physical exhaustion. He strode through the corridors with purpose, his steps echoing off the marble floors as he made his way to the throne room.

Inside, King Edmund sat upon his gilded throne, surrounded by advisors and nobles who discussed the kingdom's affairs in hushed tones. The air was thick with the weight of their words, but it fell silent as Alex entered. All eyes turned towards the sixth prince, curiosity and concern mingling in their gazes.

"Father," Alex began, his voice steady but tinged with urgency. "I bring news from the front. We faced the forces of the Solarnelle kingdom, but we were saved by a divine intervention. Aither and his angels descended upon the battlefield, ensuring our victory without bloodshed."

King Edmund regarded his son with a mixture of skepticism and paternal concern. "Alex," he said, his voice deep and resonant, "you have been through a great ordeal. War can cloud the mind and make one see things that aren't there. Aither and his angels? It sounds like a fantasy born of stress and exhaustion."

Alex stepped forward, his eyes blazing with conviction. "Father, I speak the truth. We were outnumbered and on the brink of defeat when the sky opened and Aither's angels appeared. They were radiant, wielding spears of light, and they escorted the Solarnelle soldiers back to their capital without a single life lost. It was a miracle."

The nobles and advisors exchanged doubtful glances, whispering among themselves. King Edmund leaned forward on his throne, his expression softening slightly as he regarded his son. "Alex, I understand that you believe what you saw. The horrors of war can affect even the strongest minds. You are brave and resilient, but you must also rest and recover."

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