
(Part 6)

Hearing his words Xingchen stood up. Walking towards Bingwen who laid on the ground covered with his cloak. He pulled him in his arms, making way towards Xianwu. Standing before her he bowed his head low, "Crown Princess Yue Xianwu… in the meantime I'm repenting for all my sins, will you please take care of Bingwen." Upon Xianwu's surprise, Xingchen's eyes looked empty with his voice hoarse. Remembering how he asked for this favour in the endless pit as well, reply of rejection couldn't even cross her mind.

Taking the frail, tortured figure from Xingchen's arms into hers she nodded, "I will… take care of him. I believe you will face your mistakes earnestly and learn from them." Xingchen taking a step back bowed once more. "Thank you Crown princess, I will always be indebted to you for this favor." Xianwu gazed at Bingwen with an unseen expression. Xiao yin who stood on the side too gazed silently.

"Very well now Crown princess…" said Weixiao. Suddenly, Lianhua interrupted, "You talk too much! How long will you speak? You are not the only one who needs to say something!" she angered. Weixiao eyed her cross, "What is your problem? You were the one who was talking before and now you are getting angry at me?!" Lianhua rolling her eyes walked towards Xianwu leaving him behind.

"Can I have a few words with you privately?" she asked. Xianwu blinked her eyes perplexed. Handing Bingwen over to Xiao yin, she made her way a few steps away from Xiao yin and Shijei. "Yes…? General Lianhua?" she asked. Lianhua looking at her spoke, "I wanted to tell you about the Demonic wolves…" Xianwu soon remembered.

"Meizhen told me about the creatures you saw at the spirit sealing forest. By the appearance she told me, I am trying to find out about them as rapidly as I can but I'm sorry to say I couldn't still get any prominent clues. Demonic wolves were never to be heard of after the Yue kingdom's tragedy, their sudden appearance is quiet shocking to accept."

Xianwu could understand what she meant. All this time when Xianwu wasn't around there was nothing like Demonic wolves or creatures like that. But, ever since she came back a kind of them were spotted out of nowhere. Of course it would be shocking. "Crown princess Yue Xianwu, are you sure what you saw that day were the demonic wolves from the past?" she confirmed.

Xianwu shook her head, "General Lianhua, I am deeply apologetic for taking your time and asking you to look for them via Meizhen, however, I am sure what I saw that day were demonic wolves. The reason I'm so sure is because I fought them myself. Usually ghost and spirits if once slashed by a powerful attack will disperse any run away but they were instead multiplying stronger and stronger by each attack." She explained. Lianhua gazed at her slightly perplexed, "If that's the case then I will look into it further, but after a short while, since I have an important matter to attend in the meantime." She told.

Xianwu affirmed, "Yes… anytime you like. Thank you for looking into this trivial matter all this time…" "It is really kind of her to even look into something I asked for when others don't even feel as worth noticing it… so how do I dare be ungrateful…" she thought. Lianhua eyed her seriously, "It's not something trivial." Xianwu's eyes widened.

"Even if others think it as trivial matter what I fear is the time when something trivial becomes unimaginably serious. So don't worry, I'll surely tell you when I find anything important regarding it." Xianwu smiled, "Ah… this is so like her. An older version of Meizhen…" she thought.

Coming back, Weixiao and Xingchen were ready to leave. Hongqi who was severed and looked dead was still surprisingly alive. "So he didn't die. Maybe Shijei never intended to kill him…" Xianwu thought in wonder. The moment Lianhua joined them Weixiao turned around, "Then Crown princess Xianwu, I am taking all of them away with me. So don't worry on whom I place the blame on. If there is nothing else, we'll see each other again at the Heavenly Palace."

Suddenly a gust of wind blew. Xianwu covered her eyes with her hand. And, in the blink of a second all of them vanished from the sight. Looking back, Xianwu blinked her eyes gazing at the deserted land. Xiao yin on the other hand spoke up, "Well good for you sister. He told you not to worry anymore for your own good." "Huh? Really?" she asked. "Of course," Shijei continued. "Now all we have to do is report all this to the Heavenly Emperor and after it's done you don't have to worry about the rest."

Shijei eyed her, "However… this time you really completely offended General Zhou Gonghe." Xianwu smiled awkwardly, "Ha…ha…ha I thought that long ago since I came back, that, I will offend at least one person. It's not like anything would go wrong since, I'm facing multiple oppositions at once… adding one more…" "Hey!" Shijei interrupted.

"Don't take my words as a joke. The palace hall of General Zhou Gonghe is one of the most important and powerful administrative palaces in the Heavenly Realm. Moreover, General Zhou had already thought highly of Little Mo Xingchen and wanted him to take over half of his administrative power. Since you spoiled everything with whatever happened here he will definitely try to trouble you in the future."

Xianwu sighed, "When have I not been troubled…?" she thought. "I don't think so." Xiao yin interrupted. "General Zhou Gonghe is Proud and an arrogant person. He won't play tricks behind your back and till it's the thunder master, I don't think you have to worry since he is the one reporting it to the Emperor. Then don't you think he is on your side as well?" Xianwu nodded. "But I'm still worried… should we ask him to stop?" she asked perplexed.

Shijei sighed, "Don't stop him. He might look young and naive but not even General Zhou Gonghe would dare trouble him. Since he is way better in answering back than you." He told and complemented at the same time. Xianwu blinked her eyes, "it's true, there isn't anyone worse than me at fighting back…" she thought.