
(Part 2)

Xianwu gazed at the stars with a warm cloth over her body. The nights in the mortal world were chilly, even Fa ling who was a strong spirit covered himself inside her hairs shivering. Xiao yin sat on the other side of the door. He only wore his clothes yet still he wasn't feeling cold. Xianwu worriedly asked "Xiao yin, you'll get sick. Why don't you take something over yourself?" Xiao yin with a smile brighter than the moon replied. "Sister… I'm immune to cold. Due to my family genetics, I don't feel cold. Nor do I get sick from it." Xianwu thought with a perplexed expression "What cool family genetics… I hope to have some too." Xiao yin gazing at the sky asked "Sister, tomorrow are you going to the Heavenly city?" Xianwu looking at him nodding "I will. I have to report about my mission. Why do you ask?"

Xiao yin turned his head right and left responding "No reason… it's just if one day I leave, will sister miss me, after a long time will you still remember me?" Xianwu was surprised. The one to leave tomorrow was her. Why would he ask her instead? Xianwu taking a deep breath replied "Of course, I'll miss you. You are my only friend in the mortal world, No… my best friend in this world. Of course I'll miss you. You helped me so much and did so much for me. There's no way I won't remember you, your tiniest bit of kindness will always be remembered."

Xiao yin on the other hand stared at her amazed. His lips curving into a smile replying "Me too, I'll also miss my sister the most! And when I'm free I'll come to visit you okay?" he asked at the same time. "Alright, I'll always be waiting for you…" Xianwu replied as she thought "Maybe… he's thinking of going back home…"

Suddenly Xiao yin coughed. Xianwu stared at him wildly. With a sigh she ordered "See! I told you, you're going to catch a cold. Look you're coughing already! Don't try be cool. Come here, let me warm your hands up!" Xiao yin with a laugh handed her his hands. "Geez, sister, you really are a worrywart. I told you my genetics are strong." Xianwu with a cross expression held his hands as she shrieked in shock "So cold!! Are you an idiot? I also told you before not to wash too many berries as well!" Xiao yin instead laughed loudly.

Xianwu was more cross than before as she warmed his hands angering "Why are you laughing?!" but the moment she looked at him her expression widened and the words he spoke became imprinted in her mind. Xiao yin with a heartfelt smile told "Sister… in this whole world, you won't find someone more earnest than me." These words calmed her anger in an instant as she quieted down and warmed his hands up. A smile escaping her lips. "No one more earnest than him… how silly…" she thought. And just like that night passed by in a blink of an eye and the sun rose up.

Xianwu woke up with a yawn, stretching her arms. She kept the cloth covering her aside. Fa ling too woke up stretching himself. The sun rays shone directly on her eyes since, yesterday she had fallen asleep on the house door. She stood up and folded the covers, she took the bucket full of water and gave herself a good wash. Upon changing her attire the round necklace hanging over her neck dangled. She picked it up with a smile whispering "Yeying… I'm coming back."

Seeing the house empty and well-ordered Xianwu had guessed that Xiao yin left. She smiled reaching the tap. On the shelf she found a plate with a note which read "Sister, Thank you for everything. These berries are especially for you. Don't worry Xiao yin is going for little tour, I'll be back in no time!" Xianwu read.

Opening the plate. Xianwu ate a berry. "Silly Xiao yin…" she commented with a smile. Suddenly Xianwu's ears began ringing. "The group transmission?!" she thought instantly while assessing in. "Xianwu!!" she soon heard Meizhen's voice. "Good morning! Meizhen, don't be so loud in the morning…" Xianwu commented. Meizhen replied with a sigh in relief "It's good that you are alright, how worried I was..." Xianwu smiled. "So what is going on around?" she asked going outside.

"So much! Something is also happening in the Silent pass. We had a meeting in the heavenly palace too yesterday. You'll know everything once you arrive." Meizhen replied. "Oh! Really…" Xianwu asked closing the cottage door behind her and locking it. "By the way how are feeling now?" Meizhen asked. Xianwu replied with a smile "Never better." "Anyway come fast! I'm waiting for you. Shentong and the others are also waiting." Meizhen ordered closing the transmission like the wind.

Xianwu looking back at the cottage thought "Little home… be safe. I'll come back real soon…" Fa ling stood up waving himself towards it. Turning around Xianwu gasped "Now let's go back to the heavenly city." She called. Closing her eyes a red mark shone on her forehead and the moment she opened them she was on the same Ascension plane from which she descended down.

The Heavenly city was happy, cheerful and joyous. Xianwu leaped down from the plane. A Little far from her sight Meizhen waved her arm with Shentong doing the same beside her with his fan. Xianwu ran towards them. Feixing with her arrival greeted with his advice "Lady Xianwu, calm down. You're going to fall if you run. " Xianwu with a smile nodded. Fenghuang waving his hand congratulated "Lady Xianwu, Congratulations on your first mission." "Thank you." Xianwu replied. With a single glance she found Shentong sitting with his head in his knees. Xianwu looked at him perplexed. Meizhen gazing at him sighed "Oh Shentong… he is angry again? He was fine just a moment ago? What happened now?" Xianwu laughed complexly.

Shentong angrily rose up facing Feixing and Fenghuang he cried "It's all their fault! They never take me to Xiao long or even Xiao Yue! And when she come to meet us, you all start talking to her and won't even let me speak!" Fenghuang laughed loudly while Feixing sighed. Xianwu lifting him up assured "Brother Shentong, don't be angry. I'm here, you can ask me anything now!" Fa ling too stood up nodding. Looking at him directly Shentong blinked his eyes in shock and with an instant, screamed "Waaaah!!" he backed away a 100 feet.

Meizhen however peered over it in wonder with the other two. Feixing curiously asked "Lady Xianwu, who might this little friend be?" Xianwu glancing a look at Fa ling introduced "He is Fa ling! My tool spirit. When I went to the mortal world, I met him in a desperate situation. He liked my hairs and made it his home." Fa ling bowed in honour. Fenghuang, Feixing and Meizhen looked at each other gasping in wonder. Meizhen spoke "Well it's been long since I've seen one…"

Shentong walked towards her with coolness as he asked "It's good you found a helper. He must've helped you a lot?" Xianwu nodded affirming. Grasping a look at the Heavenly palace she said "I think I should go and report about my mission first. I'll see you later then." The four of them nodded while Xianwu left towards the heavenly palace. Upon climbing the stairs she walked past Mo Xingchen who seemed to leave the palace, greeted her first "Lady Yue Xianwu, greetings to you. I hope you are well." Xianwu greeted back "Greetings to you as well General Mo Xingchen, I am fine. I hope you are well too." Xingchen nodded.

"Lady Yue. I've already discussed the matter about Li Qianyi with the emperor, just now he was asking about you. He wants to meet you too." he explained. Xianwu responded "Thank you for informing me, I'll go and meet him now" Mo Xingchen soon left.