
Divine Dragon Devouring system

thanks for the support and I hope I get more. plz tell if there are any mistakes or your ideas on the stories. Also anything if you need and your preference on the stories you would like to see or read next time. I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY AND SUPPORT ME.

bloodstar · Fantasie
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42 Chs

34 - A special name

All of them nodded.

It was almost time for the spirit to appear in the world but before the forest spirit could move towards the lotus.

A sudden surge of energy which made its horns and it's fur as well as it's body grow big .

Seeing this all the spirits were astonished cause they never saw this thing before.

[ Evolution of foes completed.

An forest spirit has evolved into a Triad.

rank : Legendary

reward : ties with the spirit kingdom and a household of spirit foes. ]

Seeing this the spirit of the forest {Triad} . Bowed down to him cause evolution of a spirit means granting her new life and this energy which he has given her can be passed down but on top of that.....

Darkness pure Darkness with a small light shining within him or rather being protected by him.

That was what the Triad saw in his eyes with the sadness.

((Why did you do that??))

The spirit of deer had turned into a human form with a crown of leafs and a green dress with transparent wings.

((Well kinda hard to say. It's just.... just that I know how it feels loosing someone you loved.))

((Anyways I wanna see the next spirit. So, why don't you do that First?? ))

The triad nooded and headed to the lotus she slowly created a ball of Coulurfull lights which then was sucked by the flower and it bloomed.

The spirit which came out was a small baby deer with green and white fur. It was amazingly beautiful.

The spirit gave off a warm feeling. There were Cherry Blossoms flying all over and the sun was slowly rising.

< Hey d3 how do I provide the guardianship?>

[ A drop of blood while giving A name to the one you seek to keep guarding. ]

(( Now then what should it's name Be??))

((How about white.??))

(( not that how about spark??))

All the spirits started to think of A name for the new born spirit.

((Why don't you give her A name my Lord ?))

The Triad asked drake to do it.

Drake bit his thumb while his blood came out with multicolored drop.

<Someone warm kind and the one I would like to protect?? >

A female figure with its face in darkness not being able to see it's face.

" Drake....hey...Drake... "


The drop went right on top of the new spirit and A mark formed on its head.

With that A dragon from the sky with a golden body covered the spirit and the spirit opeaned it's eyes right before drake.

The spirit saw drake right in his eyes saying it's name"silf".

A warm and bright smile appeared on drakes face as he patted the spirits head.

((Yeah that your name of some one special to me.... from now on you will be...

silf. ..... And I am your guardian.))

With this all the spirits jumped in joy and with that drake took his leave muttering

" silfy.... silfy.... silfy... "

Just with that A image whose face was covered by darkness was seen flasing in his memories.