
Divine Dragon Devouring system

thanks for the support and I hope I get more. plz tell if there are any mistakes or your ideas on the stories. Also anything if you need and your preference on the stories you would like to see or read next time. I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY AND SUPPORT ME.

bloodstar · Fantasie
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42 Chs

30 - trouble (2)

" You Bastard. "

" Huh ! what did you say care to repeat again."

John said coming and bending down A bit.

Liya suddenly throwed her punch towards him but he caught it.

" My -my seems someone is angry. "


John was pushed back due to A sudden attack. It was from the serpent who had changed its size.

He was now giving off blood lust. Due to his behavior towards liya.

Cause he was told to protect them.

" HoHo! a beast , I See. "

He then snaped his fingers and a circle formed under the serpent enveloping it in bright burning chains.

Which held the beast down.

" Now then what should we do with you . " He said while liking his lips seeing towards liya.

" You bastard. " Alex said while he dashed forward but he was once again thrown back.

John suddenly vanished and appeared in front of liya Caughting her off - gaurd.

He then caught her pointing a dagger at her neck, liking his lips.

" Now then why don't you stay still. "

he said moving the dagger down her neck.


" Why the hell is everyone so noisy. "


A young boy came in the room who looked drunk. It was drake.

Every on turned their attention towards drake who shouted. Some people even noticed him cause they were from his school.

who is he?

is ge trying to pick a fight?

Is he crazy, does he have a death wish?

he is even not wearing a badge. what does he this he is doing?

The students and other children stated gossiping about him.

" Who the hell are you punk. "

John who was having his time looked back towards drake.

Drake just moved past him ignoring him.

" Hey caught her and get her to the bed. " Drake said as he handed Ai to liya and moved towards Alex.

" You ignoring me, you punk. "

John was angry cause drake just ignored him not even seeming to notice him.

Drake moved towards Alex and casted heal on him and also released the chains on the serpent who went back in his small size.

which made his all injuries vanish.

" Is he fine? "

Liya who placed Ai on a bed came looking worried about Alex.

" Nothing to... hiccup* ... worry about.

He is fine. "

As drake was saying a hand was placed in his shoulder. When he turned he saw John with a angry face.

" What do you want? " hiccup* he could not help but ask.

"Why did you ignore me? don't you see my badge. " John said with a intimate voice.

"Didn't you just come here, I don't think I went past you as you just came. "

" Are you kidding me. I was stand right there from before you went past me. "

" Sorry for the bother I think I am quite drunk. Mind... any ways don't mind. "

He said moving towards the bed in corner where liya placed Ai.