
Divine Dragon Devouring system

thanks for the support and I hope I get more. plz tell if there are any mistakes or your ideas on the stories. Also anything if you need and your preference on the stories you would like to see or read next time. I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY AND SUPPORT ME.

bloodstar · Fantasie
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42 Chs

29 - trouble (1)

" Young master it seems that this might be enough for now. "

The old man said seeing that drake was drunk.

" Not now just one more....hiccup*...just last one . "

<Yep pretty sure he is drunk>

" Young master you should take young miss home she seems to be sleeping.

You should take her to the Dorms perhaps. "

Ai who was tierd of playing and moving around was sleeping right now .

" hiccup* Well.... she must be tierd

hiccup* I will take her to the dorms.... take care Grandpa. "

Drake said as he got up from his seat and took Ai on his back.

" Young Master, Young Miss seems to have droped this. "

He gave ray the locket which he gave to Ai. the locked was a church cross but had a different vibe due to its red and black color.

" See you soon Young master. "


With that he left the cafe .


" Hi there Mr. Alex and miss. liya.

it's nice to meet you. I am the 2nd son of the raider family. "

Ever one in the dorm were trying to get on good sides of 2 S-rank students.


The opening of door was so loud that everyone turned their eyes towards the door.

A person with age 20 and average height and looks came in his brown hair and his clothes which made him look like a punk came in with 3-4 other people.

This guy is a bully as for he is a higher positioned ranker known as John.

And as well as a senior, he is here from 3years and does the same what he is doing now....

Here there is another system of badges.

The ranks go this way :


{Black to those with trouble making stat.

white were for starter.

silver for average rankers and Cultivators

gold ment a high ranker almost A+ or S rank.

2 star ment high SS rankers and high cultivation.

Rainbow was ment for master cultivation and SS+ or SSS and crimson ranker. }

The boy was wearing a 2-star badge which made everyone silent and just started at him.

" Now then newbies get me the protection fee and you see the badge right so, hand it over or else.... "

protection fee are the refined spirit crystals which are also used to cultivate.

Every one started to gossip among themselves.

" Why do we need to pay you and don't those things belong to us. "

Suddenly A boy spoke , it was Alex.

Every one stated to agree with him when


Alex was thrown back and coughed A mouth full of blood.

" Alex!! " Liya who was standing ran towards Alex seeing him hurt.

" Anybody what's to say anything ?? "John said with a wide grin on his face.

Everyone started to give up their share .

" You there don't you wanna give your Share or do you want me to repeat that again. " John said pointing at liya.