
Divine Dragon Devouring system

thanks for the support and I hope I get more. plz tell if there are any mistakes or your ideas on the stories. Also anything if you need and your preference on the stories you would like to see or read next time. I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY AND SUPPORT ME.

bloodstar · Fantasie
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42 Chs

27 - Easy passing.

When they got out you could see big doors of huge size. They were then showed a way to the participants place.

All of the participants were in an open are which was big enough to fit 20,000 people.

A old man who was an elder glared at everyone and said.

" Welcome to the crimson sect and I hope you all pass. First let me introduce my self I am one of 5 elders. "

" You can call me 3rd elder. "

" So, as you may know your potential must be level A or you will be disqualified. You will just have to keep your hand on the crystal and it will show your potential, best of luck. "

One after one participants went on the stage many got disqualified some were qualified.

Now the one going was Alex he placed his hand and A green light started to emit seeing this the elder was surprised.

" Good... very good an S rank potential of wood. "

Every one was surprised and started to mumble among themselves.

Now the one who went was lliya as so9n as she placed it started to glow deep blue.

the elder was Surprised and said with a joyfull tone " Good... 2 S-rank potentials water and wood we are blessed. "

It was drake who went next, as soon as he placed his hand.

[ host has met an potential measure device

what potential would you like to show? ]

< Rank -A >

Seeing no light emited elder said with a sad look " Too bad just 2 S-rank potential. "

" Now all of who are qualified can enter and they will be given A identification plz don't lose it, if you make any mistake or anyhow cannot develop by next 6 months you will be removed by sect. "

After saying this only 50 people were qualified out of 300 .

< That was simple. >

They all were handed with a book which had rules and map as well as information on monsters, fractions(class) they could join , medicine, and the places of crimson sect and their room's.

" Brother red, where do you plan to go first to?"

Alex came near and asked drake.

" first to the fractions, I guess I will go there first. "

" Brother why did you have A-rank potential you are spirit realm. "

" Who knows. "

" How do you plan to bring the beast in sect? "

Drake asked him.

" Oh! that they will be here by Noon. The sect members check them and then after that they send it to us. "

While they were moving drake saw a similar figure who was siting near a pond on the side of the building.

It was Ai with a pale look on her face siting alone and watching the fishes as they were moving in water.

" Hey What are you 2 looking at? " It was liya who called them after she saw them.

Drake just ignored them moving towards Ai.