
Divine Dragon Devouring system

thanks for the support and I hope I get more. plz tell if there are any mistakes or your ideas on the stories. Also anything if you need and your preference on the stories you would like to see or read next time. I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY AND SUPPORT ME.

bloodstar · Fantasie
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42 Chs

22 - Basement of Mo family

" Thank you so much for you help sir. " the old man who had recovered bowed down to drake and thanked him.

" No problem but what are you guys doing here? " Drake was a little surprised to see people here in deep forest.

" This.... we are here to get us some beasts so, we can tame them and it will also help my son to get a beast. "the man in his 30s answered.

Of course, if you are joining any sect or you want to have a good position or profile you must have something like beast or good weapons.

" Sir if I may ask what relm are you in cause no one can just take down an A + class beast."

asked the old man.

" oh! me I don't know, I just cultivate and I don't know cause I'm not a sect member. " Drake answered.

" Brother why don't you come with us, we can talk at our place. "

the boy asked him. The boy was named Alexander or simply put Alex.


They reached their mansion. For drake it was quite a huge and beautiful one with good environment around.

< now that I think about it d3 how much time has it been since I was in the lake? >

[ host was in the lake for . . . .

10 days ]

" What? 10 days I have been out. " he jumped from the seat he was in.

"Brother what's the matter, did something happen. " Alex ran hearing drake shout.

" No, it's nothing. "

< To think I was out for 10 days. >

drake said.

" So, big brother, here thay are for you. "

Alex handed drake a new pair of clothes.

Drak3 wore them and they both went to the backyard talking where the old man ( Mo shiwu ) .

" Grandpa brother is here. "

Alex said as they reached at backyard.

" Hi there, let me introduce myself I am Mo shiwu from Mo family. " the old man introduced himself.

" I am drake or red if you fell like it,as for next it's not there. " drake said with a unchanged expression.

" So, brother red, how about we check your cultivation. "

Alex spoke in as he saw the atmosphere.

" So, how are you gonna do that, I don't think you.....

Boom *

Before he could complete a huge sound was heard which caused the ground to shake.

" Dammit not again. " Saying this the old man ran the small house which was placed in back.

"What's that with that much force."

drake asked with a surprise expression.

" Brother follow me " Alex and drake went into the house, it had an basement for drakes surprise the basement was like a stadium

And it was covered in total forest type environment with plants, soil and water it seemed like artificial forest.

When they both reached at depths of the basement drake was shocked to see what he saw.