
Divine Dragon Devouring system

thanks for the support and I hope I get more. plz tell if there are any mistakes or your ideas on the stories. Also anything if you need and your preference on the stories you would like to see or read next time. I HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY AND SUPPORT ME.

bloodstar · Fantasie
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42 Chs

19 - Systems changed

Drake fainted and fell in water due to his injures which were caused by the dragon.

< hay d3 plz help me cultivate if in any way you can>he then fainted in the lake water.

[ offline cultivation ....

collection start.... ]

[ Emergency sheild applied.

system promote ... ]



" humm! hikk! dammit, my head hurts. "

< hay d3 >

[ yes host ]

< hey what's up with you, did you change your voice. >

[ host system has promoted to 2 lvl. So, this changes have appeared. ]

< So, show me my stats. >

[ stats :

Name : drake

race :human\ divine element dragon

dragon body : 3 (divine)

rank : 7 th stage

dragon energy :10, 000

energy points [ Ep] : 3000

cultivation level : max( human)

dragon cultivation : 85% ]

< Hey did my stats change , I can't see my strength, agility, etc. >

[ host is now one of the divine dragons. So, his strength does not need be shown.

As for your stage of rank and cultivation will show your power. ]

< So, what is with the stat of element dragon, rank, cultivation, etc. plz explain and before that give me the rewards. >

[ killed an enemy rank 3rd divine

name : shadow drake

rewarda : teleportation

3 healing potion

5 cultivation potion

pheniox egg( fire \ shadow\ ice)

element body

aura bloodline


energy points : 2000

D Cultivation : 5% ]

"It's quite a lot. Now can you explain. "

[ host has evolved this brought in cultivation levels. Once host reaches 100% he will, be a heavenly dragon God.

His body has mearged element, divine and aura bloodline, providing host with 3 bodies. ]

[ next is human cultivation which is reached max due to the ranks according to current ranking of humans. ]

[ energy points are the new points Added so, you can use it as system currency.

Dragon energy is which you need to collect and this will help you create or upgrade any thing with help of this energy. ]

[Lastly "rank " you must reach rank 9 and by this you will be able to know about the world beyond earth and you can also know about the beast and other beings live you. ]

< That's quite a lot. d3 can I change some system setup. >

[ As long as host does not disturb core he can. ]

< Ok, then any skill I learn or know don't show them just mprint it in my memory and also other things I need to know. >

[ ok, host. data will be given

plz bear with it it won't hurt much. ]

"HIIKKKK , that hurt a lot. So, that are the skills and memories I have about others. "

< d3 if any thing new comes in sent it to me by asking. >

< You said that here is a beast king let's see what it is like. >

He then started to move forward with releasing his aura in water.

< d3 about the bodies can you show me . >

A window poped up showing names and info.

[1st body

2 wings, 4 pair of legs, body with large amount of scales, black body, red crimson eyes, ( compared with wyvern species)with purple and red energy ]

[ 2nd body

2 wings, 2 arms( dragon demonic clawa), 2 legs ( dragon skin), no scales on body, blood red eyes, 2 horns, black tail ( skeletal type), { compared as half human half dragon (hybrid) } ]

[ 3rd body

no wings, 4 dragon claws, long body, horns, elemental body, tail, ( A body of chines dragon.) ]