
Chapter 4: Chief Detective Chen Jiuheng!

Translator: 549690339

Confronted with Qin Jiang's eyes, icy to the extreme, Luo Fei couldn't help but tremble all over!

Luo Shifei shouted angrily, striding forward with supreme arrogance, "Let go of my brother, or I will make your life worse than death!"

"Get lost—" Qin Jiang glanced at her sideways, and upon seeing that proud and beautiful face, he didn't hesitate at all before directly raising his hand and slapping her!

Luo Shifei was sent flying several meters away! Her entire face swelled up red, she spat out a mouthful of blood, her hair became disheveled and fell down, and even one of her crystal high heels came off!

It was the ultimate disarray.

Where was there even a trace of the goddess she once was?

A tremor ran through everyone's heart!

This guy must be crazy...

What status did Luo Shifei have? The famous and prosperous belle of Fengcheng!

Furthermore, her fiancé was none other than Lin Jiaolong from the top-ranking Lin Family! To hit Luo Shifei in public was to slap Lin Jiaolong's face openly!

The Lin Family was not only incredibly wealthy, but they also had both black and white contacts, and they were ruthless with their actions. That young master was a hardened man. Anyone who offended him had met with very, very miserable fates…

Luo Shifei lay on the ground, staring at Qin Jiang with venomous hatred!

However, Qin Jiang no longer paid her any attention but instead cast his chilling gaze on Luo Fei, revealing a trace of bloodlust.

Immediately after, he exerted a great force!


Luo Fei's arm broke, and he let out screams like a slaughtered pig! The bones in his arm gruesomely pierced through the skin, causing all the spectators to feel a chill down their spine…

"You caused my sister to lose both her legs, publicly humiliated my fiancée, an unforgivable sin! Today, I will collect some interest… I'll cripple your limbs!"

Before the terrified Luo Fei could back away, Qin Jiang kicked him in the knee, breaking his kneecap in the opposite direction…


Unable to support himself, Luo Fei cried out in pain and knelt before Qin Jiang! The once lively and crowded birthday party fell utterly silent at this moment.

Shock, horror, and fear hung on the faces of the guests...

Today, things were likely to escalate.

With matters getting to this point, for Qin Jiang to walk away unscathed… was as hard as scaling the heavens!

"Qin Jiang..." Xu Muge's voice trembled, seeing Qin Jiang rage for her sake, breaking Luo Fei's leg. She, too, showed a look of shock on her face.

It felt satisfying, and oh so thrilling! But... the trouble was huge!

Could they safely leave today?

At that moment, Qin Jiang tightly grabbed her hand, "Muge, I'll take you out of here."

Elder Luo's face was as dark as iron, and he was so angry he was nearly sick with heart disease.

His grandson had been crippled in public!

And at his eightieth birthday banquet, no less!

If Qin Jiang didn't pay a bloody price today, wouldn't the Luo Family become a laughingstock?

Qin Jiang, holding Xu Muge's hand, said indifferently, "Remember! This is just the interest! For everything the Luo Family did to me back then, I will surely pay it back to you all, doubled!"

"Listen well, all of you!"

He enunciated each word forcefully, "I, Qin Jiang, will turn everything you Luo Family owns now... into nothing!"

Luo Shifei struggled to get up from the ground, her state pitiable, "Loser, don't talk about making my Luo Family pay a price, whether you can even walk out of the Luo Family alive is still a question!"

"My fiancé is already on his way, you're finished! You're completely done for today!"

Indeed, at that moment, another tall and young figure entered the venue! The young man was dressed in a suit, emitting a distinguished aura with an inherent powerful presence as he walked.

Next to him, followed a young man with a rebellious face.


There was also an old man in a long robe, thin in stature, yet with bulging temples and spirited eyes!

His aura was formidable.

"Mr. Lin has arrived!"

"The one accompanying him is Master Yue from the Lin Family!"

"I've heard that Master Yue is quite powerful; he once fought thirty men alone with his bare hands and vanquished them all!"

"What's happened!?"

Upon seeing the chaotic scene, Lin Jiaolong couldn't help but speak out and ask.


Seeing her fiancé arrive, Luo Shifei immediately became pitiful and, not caring about her image, threw herself into Lin Jiaolong's embrace.

"It's this guy! Qin Jiang! He broke my brother's leg and arm… He's causing trouble at our Luo Family's banquet! He's too arrogant, you must get justice for me!"

Luo Shifei, crying tears like rain in Lin Jiaolong's embrace, looked utterly distraught.

Lin Jiaolong, distressed, comforted her by patting her on the back, "Shifei, don't worry! Anyone who dares to touch Lin Jiaolong's woman, I will not let them off. I will make sure to get justice for you..."

After speaking, his gloomy gaze fell upon Qin Jiang.

Qin Jiang said coldly, "I suggest you not to meddle in this matter, this is a grudge between me and the Luo Family, don't go looking for trouble!"

Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned.


Extremely arrogant!

"Even telling Mr. Lin not to look for trouble, truly courting death!"

"And, with Master Yue by Mr. Lin's side, where does he get the confidence to be so arrogant!"

Everyone mocked Qin Jiang, feeling he was courting death and was delusional with self-importance. Did he really think just because he had killed a few minor thugs, he could contend with these giants?

With Yue Zhendong by Lin Jiaolong's side today, he could make Qin Jiang die without a place to bury his body!

Lin Jiaolong laughed angrily at these words, "Kid! Do you know who you're talking to? Today, I'm going to break your dog legs and make you crawl out from under my crotch like a dog!"

He waved his hand, and Yue Zhendong who was behind him stepped forward.

"Master Yue, I'll leave it to you!"

Yue Zhendong said indifferently, "It's a trivial matter, such a brat, I'll handle him in five seconds!"

He took a step forward and casually kicked, splitting a solid round wooden table into pieces with his kick.

This terrifying strength left everyone tongue-tied!

Immediately afterward, Yue Zhendong charged at Qin Jiang, and punched out, the wind from his fist howling.

Despite his slender build, his punch carried the force of seven to eight hundred pounds, strong enough to send an ordinary person flying a meter or two!

Qin Jiang, expressionless, casually punched out as well.

Yue Zhendong sneered, "Courting death, daring to clash directly with me..."

But the next moment!

With a scream, his smile froze on his face... He staggered back three steps, his arm feeling as if it was about to break!

He looked bewildered, "You—"

"You what? Go die," Qin Jiang kicked out, sending Yue Zhendong flying like a broken sack, landing on his back, spitting blood and passing out!

The room fell silent.

Yue Zhendong was a master, with no ordinary strength, yet he was defeated like this?

Their eyes were filled with disbelief and shock, everyone held their breath, not even daring to breathe too loudly.

Qin Jiang spoke deliberately, "Today, Luo Fei's limbs are mine to take!"

"Who else wants to stop me?"

Lin Jiaolong's face turned ashen, fists clenched, yet he didn't dare step forward, and ultimately, his gaze fell on the young man beside him.

The young man slowly lifted his eyelids and spoke blandly to Qin Jiang after a few seconds, "Do me a favor, apologize, and get out."

Qin Jiang asked indifferently, "And if I don't grant this favor?"

The young man let out a cold laugh, his tone chilling, "Do you know who I am? My dad is Chen Jiuheng, Jiangcheng's Chief Detective! With just one word from me, there could be three to five hundred guns pointed at your head, do you think you could still fly?"

Everyone's gaze sharpened once more. This young man was the son of Chief Detective Chen? Unexpectedly, Lin Jiaolong was on such close terms with him!

Though these powerful families had wealth and influence, they ultimately had limits. But behind Chen Jiuheng stood the government's power, the whole of the Divine Land!

Who could provoke him?

"Chen Jiuheng?"

Qin Jiang suddenly laughed, remembering how this Chief Detective had pleaded with him before to treat his illness. The father had sought him humbly, yet the son was quite imperious.

"Even if he personally came, he wouldn't dare say he'd point a gun at my head. Who do you think you are? I give him some respect, but I'm giving you a chance to get lost!"

Qin Jiang's arrogant remarks once again stirred up a commotion in the room!

Mad, completely mad...

This guy had truly lost his mind!

So full of himself that he even dared to challenge Chief Detective Chen's son!

"Very well, then I want to see just how arrogant you really are!" Chen Xiao laughed disdainfully, "You just wait!"

Just then, Elder Luo slammed his hand on the table and rose up, his voice cold, "Young Master Chen, don't worry. The moment this young man started causing trouble, I had someone call the police."

"Probably, Chief Detective Chen is already on his way here!"

"This brat, he won't be able to escape today."

No sooner had he finished speaking...

Dada Dada!!

A series of uniform, rapid footsteps came thick and fast, causing a slight tremor on the floor as a group of uniformed men burst in!

They were armed and exuded a fierce aura, setting up a formidable presence instantly. Everyone made way, fearing they might end up as collateral damage.

Chen Jiuheng, stern-faced and with an imposing aura, strode into the room.

"Who dares to injure people so brazenly here!?"