
divine blessing

a young, poor, talentless orphan had a twist of fate when he encounters the stone tablet which sealed the soul of a divine being.soon after becomes the number one martial arts reaching the peak of martial arts with the blessing of the Divine being................ join me on his path to greatness oh! there is love too..

Zenex6 · Urban
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31 Chs

chapter 4: teacher

"I am the soul of a divine being,I can help you improve in your journey to cultivation only if you listen to me"the voice said."alright teach me".Blake said as he sat down.

"stand up step outside,first you must learn how to control your spirit qi,start by releasing from your body". Blake followed all his orders and after some hours he was able to control his spirit will with ease.

"now punch that heaven rock".as Blake punched it,it immediately cracked."why is this"Blake asked.naturally you have master's your spiritual qi control so anytime you land a punch little spiritual qi follows that punch.it's up to you to reduce the amount of spiritual qi or increase it."

"so now punch it but this time insert more spiritual qi"."the attack is so strong but some how I feel weak." Blake said."are you Dum or You're just pretending the more you use spiritual qi the weaker you get so you have to increase your spiritual qi at all cost".

after few days Blake was now able to control his qi and was now able to use it to increase his speed, defence and attack."now focus on increasing your spiritual qi".the voice said.