
Divided:Love and Redemption

He had Sex with him causing him to develop some kind of sick love for him, his family was no longer a family because of him, his Father beats his Mother, his Mother beats him, and he beats Himself. But his Sister remains unaffected, until he drags her into the mud, kidnapping her from home to look for his unrequited love to redeem himself. He uses her to lure him in, forcing her to have romantic relations with him, until it backfires.

Sushiwatermelon04 · Horror
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11 Chs


I stood there frozen, as Khristen grabbed his neck he pushed his body onto the ground holding his neck squeezing it tightly causing Callen to gasp for air. "Don't you dare come between me and my sister". His voice turned into one I hadn't recognized, so full of anger.

Callen's face turned red, I quickly ran over and hugged my brother" I don't believe him, your my brother, only you, okay"?

He wouldn't listen to me, he pushed me away, and waited until Callen's body fell limp, Khristen then let go of his neck. I started to cry, a few moments of silence passed until I heard a gasp for air. He sat up and held his neck, and then he opened his mouth " I dare you to do it again".

Callen stood up and looked at me before walking past me. He pressed his lips against him and smiled afterwards "Next time choke me harder".

Called then grabbed my hand as Khristen looked confused, he pulled me into a corner and whispered "Did I scare you"?

I nodded.

"It's okay, I'll get you out of here I promise", he whispered then he turned to leave upstairs.

My brother, walked to turn off the lights and then he opened the blinds slightly to let light in. The house looked blue.

Khristen sat in the couch staring blankly, it looked as if his eyes were full of tears but he held them back as if they were also trapped in his eyes.

I turned away and walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine. I hated wine. I started chugging it, Khristen sat still, he didn't react. I took another bottle and headed upstairs. It was only morning, as I drank more I started feeling woozy, I had weird thoughts in my head "Khristen is hiding something"... "I want to know"..."I want to know".

I stumbled down the stairs breathing hard, Khristen snapped out of his daze then he rushed over to help me. "Kaina, are you okay?"

My words were slurred "Yeah, I-I'm fine", I giggled.

"Your breath reeks of wine, Kaina, what's going on?"

I walked over to the couch "Sit", I say.

He sits down.

"I miss you".

"You shouldn't".

"I do, it's like...like you've left me and turned into dad, so controlling! I-I miss those days where you'd hug me and stroke my hair. There's nothing going on with me, but you...your hiding something, would-would you tell me what that is".

He took a deep breath " I love you".

"I love you too", I giggled.

I laid my head on his chest "why do you look like you've been crying?" I asked.

"Am I hurting you?", he asked.

"No, you've scared me, but you've never hurt me like you hurt Clarity".

"I'm sorry", he whispered.

There was a brief silence "I need to tell you something".

I looked at him and nodded, even though I was drunk I could tell it was serious.

"You aren't my full biological sister, you're my half-sister, we are related since we both share our father's blood. I've tried so hard, so, so, so hard to stop myself from perusing you, I never meant to cause you pain, I've only wanted to save you, but I love you, losing me is only for your own good, I needed you to hate me, break my heart, so I could no longer love you."

I looked up at him, I saw the pain in his eyes, I saw tears streaming down his face. I wiped his tears with my fingers, "I'm drunk", I thought to myself.

The more I thought about it, it felt so wrong, I should leave. But I couldn't think or comprehend my thoughts.

I ran my fingers through his hair, he stared at me deep into my eyes and lifted my chin before I felt our tongues slide against each other, our lips pressing and folding.

He held and kissed me so passionately then he let go of me and jerked back. "Kaina, your drunk, I don't want you to wake up regretting-"

I pulled him closer and kissed him all over again. We both painted in between kisses. He pushed me flat on the couch. He climbed on top of me and lifted my chin, he gave me one long passionate kiss before kissing my neck. Moans escaped mouth. He made his way down to my breasts, he ripped my nightgown and kissed all over my breasts, he traced my scar and whispered " I'm sorry".

I kissed him. I then watched him take off his shirt and unbuckled his pants, then he took off his boxers. I touched his abs as he climbed back on top of me, I felt him slide it in. I didn't know what to grip on to. He saw me struggle, he then placed my hands on his back. It feels so wrong, I've only had sex once with Callen, but with Khristen it feels so, so, so wrong, but I liked it so much. He was more passionate than Callen, Callen only wanted lust, not love. Khristen made me feel alive but he was my brother, I didn't believe him when he said we were half-siblings, it just can't happen. All of a sudden I had this pain in my stomach, and I felt nauseated.

I pulled away from Khristen and covered my mouth with my hand, as I ran upstairs to the bathroom.

He didn't follow, I slammed the door behind me and gagged before I vomited immediately. I started crying, was my body disgusted because I had sex with my brother? The door flew open as I sat on the floor naked. Callen ran inside to hold my hair back.

He grabbed something from the cabinet and handed it to me.

It was a pregnancy test.

I started sobbing "I'm only 17", I cried.

"I know, I know, I'll be back okay, just call me when you're done".

I wiped my mouth as he left, I stood up and looked in the mirror, rubbing my stomach. I looked at the pregnancy test and sat on the toilet. I waited for five minutes and looked down "Positive".

I started sobbing even louder than before, I heard a knock on the door then Khristen entered fully clothed, while Callen followed behind him. He took the pregnancy test out of my hands and looked at Callen "You're free to leave".


"I said you can go, I'll take care of it".

Callen pushed Khristen against the wall and said

" You raped her, didn't you"?

"Nonsense I-

"I know she's carrying my child, but I smell you on her".

Callen stared at me, he saw the hickeys on my neck and breasts.

He let go of Khristen "You can have her". He sounded angry but calm.

I heard him run down the steps, I stood up and tried to run after him, by the time I got downstairs the front door was open "Callen!", I cried.

I fell to my knees. Khristen stood behind me watching him walk away. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me as I watched the man I was forced to give my virginity to walk away.