
Disvirgined by my step dad

home alone with my dad something happened ......................................................................... read for more ..................................

DLux1 · Teenager
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6 Chs

chapter 1



I lost my dad when I was one, mum told me. It was hell on earth for mum as she had to become the bread winner at all cost. She wasn't doing anything before the death of dad and his death took everyone by surprise. Mum got a distress call one afternoon to be informed that dad was involved in a ghastly car accident and had been rushed to the hospital. The address of the hospital was given to mum to come for identification. She hurriedly carried me on her back and rushed to the hospital. We got there, she was told that dad was at the emergency ward been attended to by doctors as his case was very severe. But unfortunately, mum didn't get to see him alive, the doctors came out after about an hour we waited to inform mum that dad couldn't make. Mum cried her heart out. She's lost the only hope she had, her life had crumbled, she can't go back home because she was warned not to marry from that family. It was as though her whole world had crumbled. But she had to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. My name is Zara and this was how it all started.

She took me to an orphanage in order for them to take care of me and told them to get in touch with her whenever someone comes for my adoption. I was at the orphanage one year and two months when a man came for my adoption with my mum. He met mum on the streets hawking, he became mum's regular customer, most times he buys everything at ones and ask mum to go back home for the day. When mum makes much from her sales, she brings some food stuff to our orphanage. Mum started putting on good clothes in order not to make it look like her own is the worst of all. The man (Mr. Clement), picked interest in mum and decided to settle down with her. But mum told him about me that she can't live without me, he then accepted to adopt me as his daughter. That was how I started living with my mum and step-dad. He got married to my mum. A business man who deals in building materials, has a very big warehouse. A very wealthy man.

I grew up into a teenager as his daughter, mum had given birth to two more kids, two boys. I now have two brothers. But my growth was rapid, I looked older than my age. At sixteen (16) I was looking 20's with well curved hips and good breasts. A lot of people admired me including my step-dad. Many times, he took me out for shopping and showered me with gifts. Little did I know he was up-to something. Mum manages one of his breeches, every morning she goes out for the day's business while dad (step-dad) runs the main branch.

I just wrote my senior secondary school certificate exams and was always home while awaiting my result. My younger siblings just entered secondary school. So, every morning when all must have gone out, the house becomes so quiet and lonely. The way I like it though because I hate to be in a noisy place. On this very day, everyone had gone out and I was home as use. Just finished talking my bath and was with my towel tied round my busty chest when step-dad knocked and told me he forgot something on his table. I opened for him, he came in and gave me a peck as he had always done. My towel was not well tied though, because I felt since I was home alone no need for that. Even when I opened the door for him, I just was less concerned about it because this man is my step-dad. While I was trying to close the door, the towel fell off my chest and everything was open for him to see. I hurriedly bent down to pick up the towel when I felt is hands grabbed me from the back. I was a little bit confused and at the same time felt reluctant because this was supposed to be my dad. Probably he was trying to help me up. Not until I saw him pinch my two nipples, then I felt something I'd never felt before. A sweet sensation, he noticed I loved the touch, then he advanced to grabbing my boo bs and fondled them, the excitement grew as I was enjoying what he was doing. He moved one of his hands down to my virginal and rubbed my hairy clitoris because I hadn't shaved the hairs down there at the time. I enjoyed it even the more as he played with my clitoris. He planted his mouth into mine and kissed me passionately and I became so engrossed in it that I wanted to know what it is like to have sex for the first time. We kissed so passionately for some minutes, then he carried me to my room....

Episode Two Loading.....

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