

It was morning. It had been five minutes since the sun reached Hayato's window and woke him up. When the sun invaded the room of the inn, it meant that it was time to go to work. However, that day he didn't get up immediately as he usually did. He stayed on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

'It has been, what? One month? I think that's about it. It has been one month since I am here. One month without any progress at all...'

The last statement made Hayato shiver in frustration. He was feeling like a useless idiot, even though his lack of progress wasn't exactly his fault.

'The guards are paying attention to any traces of magic they see as of late. I don't know how rare someone that can use magic is in this world or how often they use it, but all the traces they find are always mine. It looks like I am the only person capable of using magic in this city.

'Due to this hindrance, I cannot practice with my power so often, hence I am still not good at using it. Besides, as they are getting clues of my whereabouts, they are slowly starting to link me to Mr. Satoshi again. I have been careful about using my teleport far away from this area, but little things here and there ended up causing huge consequences.'

He sighed, taking his eyes off the dull white color of the ceiling.

'Anyway, I don't have time to keep rambling about these things all day. I should go to work before it gets too late. Mr. Satoshi hates it when I am not punctual.'

Hayato put both legs out of his bed, sitting on its edge. His eyes were heavy and he was feeling way too lazy. Maybe that was because it was Saturday. That was the day when he was exhausted the most. Unfortunately for him, he only had a day off on Sunday. That is, if Mr. Satoshi didn't need help. He also opened on Sundays in the morning. According to him, Sunday mornings were agitated, so he could farm a lot of money.

The boy was yet to find the secret to how an old man like Mr. Satoshi had so much energy to spend working. The guy barely rested throughout the week and multiple times he would come with a terrible hangover, which made the day more exhausting for him.

'Well, let's g-'

Even his thoughts got interrupted once he opened the window of his room to let some air enter. However, what entered was not only fresh air but the types of sounds you would expect at a festival.

"What the hell?"

He was greeted with the beautiful sight of the concrete wall of another building in front of him. The sunlight was sneaking from the left side, miraculously reaching that inn. Looking down, the only thing he could see was an ugly alley. Unfortunately, he didn't have a good view of the streets from there.

Curious about what was happening, Hayato dressed himself quickly, then left the inn in no time.

When facing the streets, he came across something that looked like a...

'A parade?' he slightly frowned while staring at that strange scene.

He had never been to a parade before, let alone one so flashy and flamboyant as that one.

'Wow... Generally, the colors of this part of the city are so dull and standardized. The citizens are always wearing the same colors. The houses are not as decorated as I was used to, and not even the stores and other businesses around are catchy and pleasing to the eye.

'After one month of seeing this same pattern, it is kinda refreshing to see something like this.'

Another good thing about that parade was that he had now an excuse to give to Mr. Satoshi, may he arrive late too late at the ramen place. He probably would understand, especially if it's something he needed to go through at least once before. Satoshi was better at empathizing with things he already experienced.

'Yeah, it's definitely a parade. A line of guards on each side, protecting the carriages of the... nobles, I guess. A lot of banners and this sorta thing around, too.'

Everything seemed quite formal, despite the joyful music in the background. The own Royal Guards played it with different instruments. It was a catchy song, the type you would expect in a parade, but far from fitting the air of nobility around.

Hayato allowed himself to watch the parade before trying to find a way out and go to work. Since its looks were so refreshing, it was good for his sanity to appreciate it for the time being.

"Hm?" he frowned hard immediately once noticing something on the line of the Royal Guards.

'This can't be right. I think it was just an impression', he thought to himself. However, once his heart skipped a beat, he pushed his way through the crowd, going in the same direction as the parade.

'It can't be true, can it?'

He used his arms to push the citizens to the sides, getting cursed and threatened as he passed by them. Nonetheless, in his hurry, he couldn't hear any of them. His eyes were focused solely on one thing.

'Where? Where is that guard? Where...?'

His eyes darted around for some seconds. His gritted teeth prevented him from speaking his mind. All that suspense was making him nervous.

At some point, however, his eyes did lay on someone and there they stayed for a long while.

'No way...'

Those aloof and calm eyes, his stiffened face, apathetic expression... Hayato would never forget that face of his, no matter how many decades passed. He was a curse that Hayato felt would never disappear. Even the color of his eyes, hair, and skin was imprinted in Hayato's mind.

Instead of walking, Hayato began to run. His body was not that strong, he didn't weigh much either, so, generally, it was hard for him to push his way through crowds. However, on that day, something was different. His body moved by itself and with unbelievable strength. It looked like he was not in control of his own actions and thoughts.

His expression... he was making that expression again. That one he made for the first time when he stared at Trevor, standing in his kitchen.

The last sound he heard his cat making echoed in his head, so loud as if about to explode his eardrums.

"Excuse me! Let me pass! Please, go out of my way!"

Most people shied away instead of trying to discuss with him and the few that did try would hold back once looking at Hayato's eyes.

"Get out of my way!"

The more he ran, the faster the parade moved. It was just an impression of his, though; maybe because of anxiety.

'Don't get away. Not now!'

Finally, he broke the last barrier of people in front of him and invaded the street. The person he was aiming for had their back turned to him now.

He stretched out his left hand, trying to reach them. When his finger touched his fancy armor, though, he felt someone grabbing him by the wrist of his right hand.

The mere touch of his alarmed the guard, who glanced at him. It was quick, maybe a second or less. However, that was enough.

"Trevor..." Hayato said under his breath.

He was not sure, but he could swear that the man was smiling now.

Hayato cast a furious glare over his shoulder, only to see the worried eyes of a man, half his face hidden behind a plain and white theatre mask.

"Wow, boy! Be careful! If you tripped into that parade, the guards could have seen it as an act of terrorism and killed you on the spot."

'He... He thought I tripped? Well, as inclined forward as I was, I guess that's the impression everyone would have.'

That act of kindness broke Hayato's trance and now he was back to his usual self. His heartbeat slowed down every second.

"S-Sorry, I need to work", he pulled his hand, freeing himself from the man's tight grip. "Thank you for helping me."

Hayato sighed hard as he left that place and headed to Mr. Satoshi's ramen place.

'What the hell is going on with you, Hayato? Even if that guy is, indeed, Trevor, you shouldn't go leaping into danger like that! You are lucky that the guards don't know your face yet.'

Hayato had been changing hotels and using different names for a while now. The guards never got to see who Hayato, the mysterious mystical who nearly invaded a temple (though that's not really what happened), truly was. There were lots of speculations, but none of them neared the theory that he was a sixteen-year-old boy.

"Mr. Satoshi! Sorry, I am late..."

Before Hayato could explain himself, a broom hit him on the face, making his head swing to the side.

'Oh, right. The broom. For some slaves, their worst nightmare was whipping. For me, though, it's this damn bro-' another hit made his head swing back to its natural position.


"What took you so long, you little weak-willed lazy bastard!? Don't you know how old I am, despite my looks!? I am not supposed to run a ramen place all alone at this age!"

'What are you talking about, old man? You ran this place all alone, like, one month or so ago.'

Of course, he was not crazy enough to pinpoint that.

"Get to work now!"

"All right, sir."