

Karina_Matiku · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1


"Fuuuuuuuck" I groaned as I got up from my comfortable bed. I despise mornings, they are so fucking annoying, and especially if they are the beginning of a new school year and the end of your vacation.

"Fuck you Monday and whoever invented school" I mumbled sleepily. I looked at my alarm 7:30am. Why the FUCK did my alarm go off an hour early? I looked at my bathroom door and at my comfortable warm bed. So either I get ready or I just go back to sleep and pretend that I didn't hear the alarm go off and miss the first day of school.

"Alright Fuck it. I'm missing the first day of school." I mumble while stretching. I walk over to my bed, and just when I was about to go under the covers my door swings open and in comes my mother.

"Just perfect." I grumble. "Honey were you going back to sleep?" my mom asks . I plaster a fake smile "Not at all mother, in fact I just woke up." I say sarcastically. My mom came and hugged me. "Listen honey I know you don't want to go to school today and just sleep in, but it's a new school year and a new school, and you might regret not going today in the future." she says while putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

I sigh over dramatically and say "Fine, but as soon as I finish school I'm gonna sleep for 2 years straight." I grumble. I rest my chin on her head and pat her head. "Oh my short little mama." I say while laughing. My mom pinches me and glares at me playfully and says "Just cause your 5'8 and I'm 5'2 doesn't mean that I can't give you a good spanking young lady." I laugh and just pay her head again. "What ever helps you sleep at night grandma."

She pinches me again and I just laugh. I look at my mom's face. She's really good looking for a 46year old. No I mean like she looks like she's 29years old. She's aging really well...hmmm maybe a little too well. I mean I am 17 and I look like a 68year old grandma compared to her. I look at her beautiful brown eyes and the wrinkles around her eyes from smiling all the time. I look at her cheek and my smile instantly falls. "Mama mbona ume umia?" I ask in Kiswahili.(Mama how come your hurt?)

My mama touches her bruised cheek and flinched. "Mama tell me who did this." I am through gritted teeth. My mama just says "Oh you know how James gets when he's drunk, he got a bit of a temper yesterday and accidentally but me."

"But mama you can't -"

She cuts me off by walking downstairs and yells. "Get ready Lily your gonna be late it's already 8:23am. So hurry up and get ready." I sigh and yell back. "Mama this conversation isn't over you know."

I walk into my bathroom and look into the mirror and see a zombie staring back at me. I grumble and strip my pajama shorts and and and get into the shower. I turn on the hot water and start scrubbing myself with my vanilla scented body wash and wash my hair with strawberry shortcake scented shampoo. I rinse myself off and put in my cocoa butter conditioner and rap myself in my towel.

I walk over to my mirror and wipe the fog off. I look at myself in the mirror. "Meh not as bad as before." I mumble to myself. I look at my green eyes that reminded me of my dad, and I look at my point five skin and sigh. Yes I'm half cast and have green eyes, and yes I know it's not that common. As I said I got them from my dad who was black and also had green eyes.

I play with the necklace that my dad gave me before he died. It's a good necklace with a heart pendant that has Tanzanites on the sides and has another tiny diamond heart in the middle.

I pick up my hair brush and comb my wavy butt reaching brown hair that has natural streaks of gold in it, and brush my teeth as well.

I get walk out of my bathroom and wear a black lacy thong with its matching black lacy bra and change into a pair of black booty shorts and a white crop of and pair it with my silver hopped earnings and my silver dragon ring that my mom have me. I put on my favorite pairs of black sneakers wedges and look at myself in the mirror and sigh. "God damn it the shots are too short. I can literally see my whole butt sticking out and I can also see my black lacy thong, and it's a THONG!" I scold myself.

I change the shorts with another pair of white shorts that are a bit longer and bend in front of the mirror. "Well at least with this one my butt doesn't fall out." I mumble to myself. I walk back into the bathroom and put on my lip gloss and my mascara that makes my green eyes very noticeable.

I walk out of the bathroom and look at in the mirror one last time and nod at myself, and go downstairs.

When I reach downstairs I find James standing over my mom, and my mom is whimpering in pain and clutching at her cheek and crying silently. All I see is red. He's about to hit her again. "Oy you fucktard who the FUCK do you think you are to hit my mom!?!!" I say gritted teeth.

He looks at me and slaps my mom again and laughs. "THAT'S IT YOU FUCKING BITCH I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!" I yell in anger. He raises his fists and says. "Come on then, let's see what you got bitch." I run towards him and he swings a punch at me and I easily dodge it. I jump into his back and put him in a head lock and squeeze as hard as I can, and start punching him with my hand that has the dragon ring on it. He manages to punch me on my lip and I can feel the blood start to drop from my lip, but that just fuels my anger.

I continue to punch him in his face while choking him till he turns purple and his face starts to bleed. I keep punching him till he's unconscious, and keep punching him till I feel my mom yank me away from his body. He instantly falls to the floor and hits his head on the tiled floor. My mom runs over to him and checks his pulse. "Thank god he's not dead." She says while crying.

"Mama I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do I-I just wanted him to stop hurting you." My mom rushes towards me and drops James's head on the floor in the process. "Ouch...well that's gonna leave a mark." She mumbles. I laugh and shake my head at her. "Ok come on baby, go get cleaned up and get ready while I take James here to the hospital. I nod my head and start heading upstairs when I hear my mom say. "Damn girl remind me to always be on your good side. Damn he's probably gonna need stitches." She looks at me and smiles sadly and says. "Your father would have been so proud of you Lily." I smile and go upstairs.

I enter my room and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is crazy and my white top has stains of blood on it. My lip was bust open in the middle, but ever thing else was fine. And surprisingly my shorts were still clean.

I grabbed my hair brush and brushed my hair and put it high ponytail, and redid my lip gloss. I washed my now bleeding hand and washed all the blood away. I took off my ring and washed it as well. I saw a little bit of flesh go down the drain and cringed. I change into a black crop top, cause well I'm in a crop top mood today. I spray myself with my vanilla and marshmallow perfume that believe it or not also tastes like it too.

I go back downstairs and call out for my mom. I go and grab my car keys and see a note on the counter.

Baby I had to take James to the hospital so I left you money on the counter have a wonderful first day

-love mama

I grabbed my bag and iPhone 7 on the counter, as well as the $50 and locked up the house. I head over to my red Lamborghini Gallardo and get in. Ok so let's get this straight my family isn't rich and nor is it poor it's just somewhere near rich I don't like being called rich, it's sort of annoying. And besides I bought it with my own money and it took me two fucking years of working in a sloppy fast food restaurant and at a carwash. But my mom bought me my phone.

I drive away from my house and head towards my new school. I play the song Chains by Nick Jonas. I look at the time on my phone and chuckle. "Well I'm extremely late, might as well just turn back now Lils." I say to myself. As I was about to turn around my phone calls. I pick it up and my mom says. "Don't even think about turning around Lily Jasmine Peterson Crimson. I know what your thinking, now speed off to school." Without even letting me utter a word she cuts the phone.

Well so much for going back home I think. I sigh and speed off towards school. I play the song Celoso by Lele Pons and sing along. It's not that I don't like her, I just like her music.

I reach school and park my car next to a black Ferrari. I take a deep breath, grab my stuff and walk towards the school. I walk towards the school and stop in front of the school doors. "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to hell, where you get bullied over such stupid stuff and don't forget the most important thing..... Yup you guessed it Fuck boys and mean bitchy popular girls." I mutter to myself. Heeeey where's my lightning, for the dramatic effect???

Authors Note

Hi guys so this is my first time ever posting a story here and I would really appreciate it if you would comment your opinions, cause they are really important, and tell me if there's something wrong(other than the spelling) and what you don't and do like about the book so I can improve.

Thank you

-Chizi wa vitabu💋