
Chapter 4

Blair woke up feeling groggy and not right, she sat up startled by her surroundings which weren't hers. She didn't recognize any of the things red and cream-colored bedroom. The ceiling was tiered with lighting, the walls a wine color with an upholstered cream-colored ornate bed. The velvet comforter felt heavy on her, she pushed it off and tried to stand. Looking down she was in a long veiled white night gown; someone had changed her. Blair ran to the window, hoping to recognize where she was. Looking out she saw trees and a small river, these weren't ever-greens, these trees changed colors in the autumn. Before she could think anything else, there was a small knock on the door, before it opened. "Wonderful, you're awake," a woman said walking in with a tray. She was beautiful, elegant, and graceful, her thick red hair was pulled up into a loose bun with wavy tendrils framing her face. She was wearing a mocha-colored flowy maxi skirt with a slit up the left side and a white tank top with buttons up the front. Freckles dotted across her nose, under her bright green eyes, "Where am I?" Blair asked quietly. The woman set the tray down on a table that Blair didn't even realize was there, "You're at the red creek pack," she answered as if Blair should've known. Blair tried to stifle the chill that ran up her back. How did she get here? Why was she here? And where was Alpha Tim? "I've never been here before," Blair said with a pause, "Why am I here?" Blair asked. The woman stared at Blair confused, "You showed up yesterday asking for asylum," the red head told her blankly, as if it was a line she rehearsed. Blair furrowed her brow in confusion and searched her brain, "Asylum?" She repeated quietly to herself. "Are you alright, Blair?" The woman asked, concern lacing her voice. "How do you know my name?" Blair asked. "I'm going to go get Andrew, maybe he should be answering your questions," she replied and headed for the door. "Wait," Blair called. The woman reluctantly turned, "What's your name?" Blair asked. The woman smiled, "Sidney," she said and walked out.

Blair stood there racking her brain, what did Sidney mean she showed up claiming asylum? Did James know where she was? The groggy and heavy feeling in her head wasn't letting her think. There was another knock before a handsome man with auburn hair an umber colored eyes poked his head in. "Blair, are you ok?" He asked. "I'm very confused," Blair answered. He stepped in the room, his tall stature and muscular body type screamed alpha, "You haven't eaten your breakfast, no wonder," he told her, quickly went to another door and grabbed a robe. He walked over holding it open and wrapped it around her, she didn't think the night gown was indecent, but she felt comforted by his gesture. He waved her over, to the table and pulled the chair out for her and tucked her under the table, once she sat down. Blair watched as he sat in the chair across the small ornate round table, he was wearing a clean white linen shirt and olive-green khaki shorts. The familiar freckles danced across his nose, he and Sidney must be related. "How did I get here?" she asked. "Great question, we weren't sure either. Especially since you've never been here," he replied softly as she picked up a piece of toast. She took a bite, "You showed up yesterday around two in the morning, soaked from the rainstorm and begged for asylum. We granted it of course, but we didn't understand why you needed it," he explained as she continued to eat the warm strawberry jam cover toast. It was heaven in her mouth and warmed her from the inside out. "It's homemade," he told her. "What?" She asked around her bite. "You made a moaning noise, it's homemade bread. Fresh this morning, the strawberries in the jam are from our garden. All the ladies get together after the harvest party and can everything. Last year's strawberries were very sweet," he explained. Blair smiled, "Anyways," he continued with a pause, "We let you clean up, had the healer check you over, to make sure you were uninjured. While you were eating you said your mate had taken a lover, to your luna ceremony and when you objected, he chased you out of your pack's territory," he explained. Blair swallowed, "That doesn't make sense," Blair replied setting the toast down, confusion rippling across her face. "I admit it seemed out of place to us as well, who knew James was so cruel. We also didn't understand why you didn't go to your brother," Andrew explained. Blair searched her foggy memories, "You don't remember anything?" Andrew asked. Blair shook her head, "Maybe you should get cleaned up so we can have the healer look at you again," he stated worried. Blair nodded, "I'll have Sidney come draw you a bath," Andrew said getting up, worry still covering his face. "Andrew," she called. He turned grasping the door, "Thank you," she told him. He smiled sweetly at her, "Anything, for you," he said and walked out. Blair finished the piece of toast as Sidney came back in, "Are you ok?" Sidney asked sympathetic. "I don't remember anything," Blair confessed on the verge of tears, her voice giving her away. Sidney stood next to Blair and rubbed her back, "It'll be ok, we will help you get this all sorted out," she said. "Thank you, for being so kind," Blair replied. "I'll get you a bath going, Andy is calling the healer," Sidney told her and went into the bathroom. Blair heard the water begin to run, all she wanted to do was curl up and cry. Why hadn't she gone to Ben? Why would she risk going to another pack, she didn't know? Especially, seeking out alpha Tim, that was the worst idea, after what he tried to do. Why would she go to his pack after he had been so creepy? Sidney came walking back out and began packing up the tray, "Go ahead and soak in a hot bath for a while, it'll do your muscles good," Sidney said and took the water off the tray, leaving it on the table for Blair. Blair nodded and Sidney left shutting the door behind her. Blair took a long drink of the water and headed into the bathroom, she hadn't realized how stiff her muscles felt until she took off the robe and nightgown to climb in the bath.

The warm water enveloped her, and she felt soothed, the water was clouded with milky substance and flower pedals danced in the ripple. Blair breathed deeply the steam and fragrant smell of the rose pedal, lavender, and eucalyptus that floated in the water calmed her worries. Blair slowly washed with the sponge that was on the side, taking careful consideration to massage her worn muscles. She washed her hair and face before climbing out, she grabbed a towel and as she rapped it around her, she saw something in the mirror. Finger marks on her arm, as if someone had grabbed her arm hard. She had a flash of memory, James laughing telling her she was being ridiculous. Her heart broke as another memory danced in her mind. Her luna ceremony, she was standing in the rain looking into a window at Ben and Jen laughing with James and a blonde, Aileen. Her arm was entwined in James' arm. "Luna," a voice called next to her as tears dropped from her eyes. She looked at Erik, who was holding an umbrella, "I can't," she whispered and ran sobbing into the rain. "Blair," a voice called haunting her memory. "Blair," a voice pulled her back to the bathroom with a knock. "Yes?" She called blinking and wiping her eyes. "The doctor is here, whenever you're ready," Andy's voice beckoned from the other side. "Thank you, I'll be down in a minute," she answered. Blair looked at herself in the mirror trying to gather herself together.

She walked out to the empty room and found a pair of black linen jogger pants and a white V-neck t-shirt. Blair quickly got dressed and braided her hair before opening the door, she poked her head out and saw Andy leaning against a railing on his phone. He looked up as the movement caught his eyes, "Ready?" He asked, putting his phone in his pocket. Blair smiled and shut the door behind her, Andrew led her to the living room, that was bright white with large windows, framed in natural red cedar wood frames. Andrew led her to an overstuffed boho chic white couch, "This is our healer Taylor, he's going to ask you some questions," Andrew introduced. Taylor held out his hand and bowed his head as Blair shook it, "How are you feeling Luna?" He asked. "I'm no one's Luna," she corrected sitting on the couch. Taylor gave her an apologetic smile, "My apologies that must have been very difficult," he told her. "I don't remember," she began. Before anymore could be said Andrew chimed in, "I'll leave you two alone." "Wait," Blair called. "You're the only one who can help me piece this together," she told him. Andrew half smiled and nodded before sitting in the grey chair next to the couch. "Blair, sometimes with traumatic events such as what you've experienced, it's not uncommon for the brain to protect its self by suppressing those hurtful memories," Taylor assured her. "Will she ever remember?" Andrew asked. "With time perhaps, Alpha," Taylor answered. "I remembered part of my luna ceremony," Blair began. "Those memories can come back in fragments at first. My advice is don't force it, try and relax let them come back as they will and if you need to talk about it, my wife is also a healer, if you prefer a female perspective," Taylor offered touching Blair arm sympathetically.

 Blair remembered the bruises and another memory came back, someone grabbing her by the arm and yelling at her, their voice was so angry, "You're nothing," the voice echoed in her mind, but she couldn't see the face. Blair closed her eyes, "I don't want you," the voice screamed, while someone violently shook her. "Blair," Andrew called. "Do you hear me, Blair, I don't want you," the voice screamed as they shook her. It almost sounded like James, but why would he hurt her that way. "Blair," Taylor called softly. Blair opened her eyes as tears stung them, they began to water, "He shook me," she whispered, her voice cracking. "Who?" Taylor asked softly. Blair put a hand to her mouth, "He said he didn't want me," she added, the voice still a whisper. Andy sat at the edge of his chair, "Are you ok?" He asked. Blair looked over at him, "I think it was, James," she whispered before breaking completely. Taylor and Andrew looked at each other as Blair got up and walked out the open sliding glass doors, to the back porch and into the yard.