
Chapter 1

Blair took a deep breath before opening the door to the restaurant. She wasn't sure of her outfit or her manners. These women had a way of making her feel like she was all wrong for James. It had been a few months of brunches with them, and Blair didn't feel any closer to them. In fact, Blair didn't have any friends in the pack. People were nice to her, but they typically stayed away from her. The hostess bowed her head, "Luna," she acknowledged. Blair smiled, "I'm meeting the ladies here," Blair began. "They are waiting for you, right this way," the young woman smiled and lead her towards the table. Blair could hear them giggling on the other side of the wall, "I still can't get over that awful dress she showed up in," one woman giggled. Blair grabbed the hostess elbow to hold her back. She turned and looked at Blair, who put her finger to her lips. "Can't wait to see what she picks for her luna ceremony," another laughed. "Aileen would have been a much better choice as luna," the third woman said. The hostess looked at Blair in horror, "She's at least from this pack," another voice added. "How is Blair going to uphold our traditions, she kept us waiting at the claiming," the first woman said with a pause. "And for what, to say hello to everyone," she finished. Blair's face fell, the hostess touched her shoulder. Blair tried to smile at her, but these were the women she was supposed to be working closely with. They were the ones who helped the Luna plan out all the traditional celebrations.

"Blair," Maggie called as she came back from the restroom. "There you are," she added. Blair walked out from behind the wall, "Luna, we didn't know you were here," the first woman said. "I guessed that," Blair replied as nicely as she could. The three women glared at her, "Blair, I thought since you wanted to have the whole pack present, we could do the ceremony in the gazebo in the square," Maggie went on excitedly, sitting next to Blair. "Sounds wonderful," Blair assured. "We should try on dresses," Maggie added. "Hello ladies, are any of you interested in our specials today?" the waitress interrupted. "Oh, we'll all just have our usuals," the second woman Fiona answered. The waitress nodded, "And for the Luna?" the waitress asked. "I'll have the eggs Benedict," Blair answered. "I wasn't aware the entire pack was invited," Aileen's mother, the first woman Olivia said. "It's how most packs do a Luna ceremony," Blair replied. "Most, dear. Not all," Fiona the second woman said, irritated. "Tell me, Blair was your entire pack present at your brother's Alpha ceremony?" the third woman, Colina asked. Blair swallowed hard, "They were," she answered. "How awful that must've been for you, with your brother killing your mother in front of the whole pack," Fiona said taking a sip of her tea. "It wasn't actually my brother," Blair corrected, taking a sip her water. "Oh, we've ordered tea for you dear," Olivia told her.


Blair was suddenly self-conscious again, she put her water back and picked up a sugar cube and put it in her tea. "You shouldn't add sugar to your tea," Colina said, with a fake smile. Maggie sat there completely dumbfounded. She was shocked that her friends and the higher-ranking ladies of the pack would treat their luna that way. "Here we are ladies," the waitress said bringing the food and breaking the tension. "So, Blair what else can we expect from your Luna ceremony? A marking ceremony perhaps," Fiona asked. Maggie giggled smugly, "Fi dear, James has already marked her," she informed. The three women sat there in shock staring at Maggie, "You didn't expect him to wait any longer? Five years was long enough I'd say," she added. "Five years?" Olivia asked. "Yes dear, they imprinted when he was fourteen and Blair was ten," Maggie answered. "You didn't tell us that," Colina replied. "I'm pretty sure I did, it just didn't stop Fi from throwing poor Aileen at James, before he left," Maggie said sweetly. There was a pause, "Ya know, Blair, I think we should go look for dresses, I seem to have lost my appetite," Maggie said standing and grabbing her purse. Blair stood in complete awe of Maggie and collected her things. They walked out of the restaurant, leaving the three women sitting with their jaws dropped. Once outside, Blair sighed, she knew this was going to lead to more talk and she wasn't sure she could really handle it. Maggie turned to look at Blair, "No one treats you with disrespect, remember that," Maggie assured her, grabbing her hand. Blair nodded and they headed down to one of the shops.


That night Maggie ranted to Duncan, "I was completely embarrassed," she went on as she pulled pillows off the bed. "I've told you those women were nothin but gossiping hags," he told her. "They were my friends, they watched James grow up. I thought they'd be happy for him," Maggie explained, pulling the bedspread down. Duncan sighed, "I know, and they should be, not because they watched him grow, but because he's the alpha," he replied. "Do you think that's the problem?" Maggie said pausing with the blankets in her hand. "What?" Duncan asked. "That they watched him grow up, they don't respect him?" Maggie asked. Duncan climbed into bed, "I think they've gotten comfortable in their positions and it's up to James and Blair to assert themselves in their new positions," Duncan told her. "What are you sayin?" Maggie asked climbing into bed. "I'm saying it's up to James and Blair to put them in their place," Duncan answered. Maggie took a breath in to say something, but Duncan interrupted her, "And if those cackling old hens don't like it, they can be exiled," Duncan told her. Maggie laid back, while Duncan turned his light out. "How do you think they'll do it?" she asked in the dark. "Good night, Maggie," Duncan said.


Meanwhile, Blair was brushing her hair at her vanity, when James came out of the bathroom. He began turning the bed down. Blair put her brush down and turned in her chair, "Who's Aileen?" she asked. James stopped and looked at her, "She's a girl in the pack," James stated. Blair got up and walked over to the bed, "Did you date her?" Blair asked treading carefully. James looked at her, "No, she's still in high school," he answered. She climbed into bed, and he stared at her, "Where is this coming from?" he asked. "Your mom said Fi was pushing Aileen on you before you left," Blair answered. "I told you Blair, it's always been you," he told her climbing in next to her. "I know, I was just," she began. "Listen, don't let those old hags get to you," he said facing her and brushing her hair away from her face. "But they're," she started again. "They are no bodies, I mean it. Fi, Liv, and Colina, they're trying to hold on to positions, but they have none. Their husbands use to be important, but I'm alpha now," he assured her. Blair smiled getting lost in his emerald eyes, "I love you," she whispered. James cupped her face, kissing her deeply and passionately.