
Dissident God System

A man named Rudy, whose life revolves around his beloved console games, once decided to visit a mall not far from his apartment. Little did he know, this trip would lead to a new and unexpected experience with someone. However, all those new memories turned out to be his last. Upon returning from the mall, he became involved with a robber who was targeting an elderly woman. As he tried to rescue the elderly woman, he ended up being stabbed in the abdomen, losing his life. However, everything changed as he was transported to another world and accompanied by a mysterious system.

Raphis · Fantasie
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2 Chs


In the silent emptiness, Rudy felt solitude and confusion in his mind. A quiet atmosphere enveloped him like unseen shadows. His eyes closed within the boundless darkness.

"Ah... true, a few moments ago, I just died while protecting an old lady from a robbery. How is the old lady? Did she survive? Damn, all the game cassette collections I bought would be in vain. I hope someone realizes my death and takes care of all those cassettes." Rudy murmured.

"Welcome to the other world, Mr. Rudy." Suddenly, a voice greeted him, seemingly from nowhere.

"What was that voice? Is there someone else here besides me in this unknown place? Hey, whoever you are, please help me understand where this is! Right now, I can't move at all."

"Allow me to introduce myself; I am Morphis. The system that will provide and guide you in using this great power."

"What great power? Hey, when explaining something to someone, don't do it halfway. Haven't you been taught manners?"

"Adjustment initiated."

[10%... 27%... 59%... 80%... 100%]

"Adjustment completed. Displaying statistical data."

[Power : infinity ]

[Mana : infinity ]

[Ability : infinity ]

[Defense : infinity ]

[Speed : infinity ]

[Race selection: human race ]

[Gender : male ]

[Success percentage : 97% Win. 3% Loss ]

"In a few seconds, you will go to your new world. There, you can live your days happily because you will be reborn as a baby."

As bright light illuminated him, Rudy found himself in the arms of a thin-bearded man. Then his gaze shifted to a tired-looking woman. When he tried to move his hands, he realized that he had been reincarnated as a baby who couldn't utter a single word.

"Me? Did I really get reborn? How great were the deeds I did to be reborn? Or is this a punishment for my sins in my previous world?" Rudy mumbled.

Gently, the woman held the face of the newborn, offering small prayers for the life ahead of him. "My child, you are a great blessing in our lives. May you grow into an honest and noble individual," she said with a soft voice, accompanied by tears of joy.

The thin-bearded man warmly embraced his wife. They gazed at each other, their eyes filled with hope and belief in the future their baby would face. "We will guide him with love and wisdom. He will grow into an honest and precious nobleman," the man said gently, assuring his wife.

"Seems like being reborn and getting a second chance isn't a bad thing. Maybe this is a punishment for me for wasting my previous life on various video games."

Then, the man glanced at his wife. "My dear wife, I've thought of a suitable name for him. I'm sure you'll love it."

His wife, still crying tears of joy over their firstborn, now became curious. "What is it, dear?"

The man gently caressed his son's head. "From now on, our child will be named Rafael Jenner. How about that? Do you think it's good?"

The woman nodded and kissed her husband. "That's really good, dear. I'm truly happy to have a husband like you, and now our family is complete. We will be the happiest family."

The man embraced his wife again. "Yes, for sure. We will be a very happy family. But why didn't our baby cry at all when he was born? Now he looks quite ordinary."

"Doctor, is my baby okay because he didn't cry at birth?" The woman asked anxiously.

A female doctor who assisted in the family's childbirth approached their baby to take a closer look. "I don't know why he didn't cry at all. But his condition is normal, there's no problem at all."

Rudy, who just realized this, quickly let out a cry so that his parents wouldn't worry. "I completely forgot that newborn babies usually cry first. Maybe this is enough."

Happiness filled the room as the parents joyfully welcomed the birth of their baby. Overwhelmed by joy, the woman couldn't hold back tears of happiness streaming down her face. Meanwhile, a happy smile adorned the face of the man who now became a husband and father.

*Sixteen years later.

Sixteen years have passed since he was reborn as Rafael Jenner. Now, he has grown into a handsome and elegant teenager with his red-colored hair, always radiating a positive aura to those around him.

The spacious and beautiful room reflects his status as a nobleman. With elegance, Rafael selects his outfit for the day, savoring the luxury that surrounds him.

Suddenly, a servant politely calls him from the door. "Young master, Mr. William and Mrs. Layla have been waiting for you for breakfast. Please go downstairs promptly."

"Alright, I'll head there soon, Rina. And please, just call me by my name. I don't like being addressed as young master." Rafael said as he finished dressing.

"Alright, Rafael. I'll get used to calling you by your name. In that case, I'll take my leave." replied Rina, the servant, politely.

In the luxurious dining room, his parents were already seated, waiting with proud smiles on their faces. Rafael greeted them with respect, reflecting the courtesy instilled in him since childhood.

"Mother, Father, I apologize for keeping you waiting," Rafael said with utmost respect.

"It's okay, my dear. The important thing is that you woke up early and got ready," Layla said, giving her son a warm smile.

"Today is Frederica's birthday, so we must not be late in going there. Rafael, have you prepared a gift for her? Don't tell me you haven't prepared one," Wiliam asked.

Rafael raised his thumb. "I haven't prepared it yet, but I already know what to give. So, don't worry," he assured.

William sighed at his son's attitude. "You always underestimate something very important. Alright, no problem, as long as you already have an idea for the gift, it's fine."

Layla chuckled at the amusing interaction between her husband and son. "You two are indeed very similar. Rafael, we'll leave a few hours after breakfast, so you have time to prepare the gift you want to give to Princess Frederica."

Rafael nodded in understanding. "Alright, Mother. After this, Rina and I will prepare the gift for Princess Frederica."

After finishing breakfast, Rafael searched for Rina inside his house, asking other servants, and they all said that Rina was watering flowers in the backyard.

With a smile on his face, Rafael approached Rina. "Rina, come with me for a moment. I need your help right now."

Rina was a little surprised by Rafael's sudden arrival. "Eh, what's going on? Is there someone we need to help again?"

Rafael quickly covered Rina's mouth. "Shh... Don't talk about that now; there's nothing we need to do at the moment. I need your help to find a suitable gift for Frederica's birthday. I forgot about her birthday."

Rina tapped Rafael's head gently. "I've reminded you about the gift for days, right? But you said it was easy and could be done on your own. And now, you haven't prepared it at all; you're quite something."

Rafael waved his hand weakly. "No, no, no. It's not like that. Haven't you forgotten that a few days ago we were dealing with the issue of the trade between human cats and human dogs? I was overwhelmed trying to figure out who their leader was."

Suddenly, Rina's hand pinched Rafael's ear. "That was an issue two months ago. In the past few days, we've only dealt with small-time robbers. You're making too many excuses. Besides, instead of being called workers, we're more like cleaners. Yesterday's incident was mostly handled by Freya; we just helped her defeat the remaining robbers who tried to escape."

Rafael just whistled, ignoring Rina's advice. He had been casually picking his nose. "Huh? What? Oh, okay, fine. So, do you want to help me?"

A strong punch landed on Rafael's face. "I told you to listen to my advice, you lousy boss. If you continue like this, I won't help you at all."

"I beg you, Rina, please help me find a gift. I have no understanding of anything about women's preferences. I'm afraid if I buy the wrong thing and upset Princess Frederica, my father will be angry, and he won't give me pocket money. Please help me." Rafael pleaded, even grabbing both of Rina's legs with a pitiful expression.

Rina felt a bit uneasy and worried about being seen by other servant due to Rafael's exaggerated behavior. "Hey, boss. What are you doing? If someone else sees this, they'll surely get the wrong idea. Fine, fine. I'll help you, so please stand up quickly."

"Alright, then we'll head straight to the heart of the forest," Rafael said, his expression now cheerful unlike before.

"Uh? To the middle of the forest? Wait a minute, I thought..." Rina couldn't finish her sentence.

Rafael quickly raised his hand, preparing his teleportation spell. With a brief incantation, a shimmering light enveloped them, and in an instant, they found themselves in the midst of the dense forest.

Upon arriving in the middle of the forest, Rafael took in as much fresh air as he could. "Ahh... The morning forest air is the best, so refreshing and cool. How about you, Rina, do you enjoy the morning air like I do?"

Rina glanced at Rafael with a sarcastic look. Seeing her expression, Rafael burst into laughter. "What's with that expression? It's so strange and adorable."

Rina became more puzzled and confused by her master's behavior. "Why do we have to go to the forest? You said we were looking for a gift for Princess Frederica. We should go to the city or to traveling merchants selling antiques."

Rafael shook his head with a mysterious smile. "No, actually, I brought you here not to find Frederica's birthday gift. I just want to show you something."

Rina grew more irritated with her master's tendency to disregard important matters. "What?! You brought me here just to show off something? But we need to get back and find the gift!"

Rafael smiled warmly at her. "Don't worry, Rina. The gift for Frederica is already near us. Now, watch my new magic."

As Rafael directed his hand forward, a dark purple light began forming a complex system in front of him. Rina watched with a mix of curiosity and confusion.