
Disgustingly Overpowered : A Multiverse Fantasy

A struggling author tries his hand at fanfiction writint but is unable to find inspiration. Stuff happens and with some redundant abilities He'll travel the multiverse and be disgustingly overpowered! (seriously have no idea where I'm going with this. it's just to pass the time, share, and get feedback.) (If it picks up may draw a cover for it)

SoldierOfWisdom · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

0.1 Drawing a blank at titles

There I was.

My enemy before me. Hours turned to days, turned to weeks and months. An expansive seemingly eternal and endless foe limited only by dimensional space. I had only managed to make a scratch on it, only for it to recover leaving behind a smudge...

The paper was blank.


My pitiful war cry gave way to the whimperings of a whipped dog. I was experiencing writers block.


"Ye gods out there, if you're looking down on me help a guy out."

Silence. Indeed I was not blessed with creativity. I was cut from the cloth of my consumer brethren (and sister..uh whatever the word is).

"Shut up Eric!" The voice of my sister calling out from the room next door. Unhindered by the flimsy wall.

Yes, I know what you are thinking. "He has a sister!" "Alabama!"

I'm a yankee thank you very much. Only those of you with the right amount of chromosomes and have your own siblings can understand that, that, is nothing but the ravings of someone desperate.

"I can hear you bro!"

Shit. I was speaking out loud again. Curse my social inexperience leading to my talking aloud!

I decided to crumple up my perfectly usable page. Despite the year being what it was and the readily available space that was ones hard-drive. I always was a traditionalist when it came to writing. At least for drafts.

My head was hurting, and my heart was weary. This was tiring. I KNEW what i wanted but the moment I stared at that page everything disappears beneath a wave of anxiety, self doubt, and fear of copyright violations and being plagiarized.

I rubbed my eyes.

"I'll just take a break...maybe tomorrow will bring some inspiration...maybe i should get to deleting my "College Research Notes" folder..."

I slumped over, tired as could be.



Oh was I so screwed.

Just a heads up, this is gonna be sporadically updated. Comments and suggestions welcomes as this is less for you and more for me to learn what people want in a fanfic/novel. Hell feel free to be an ass when criticizing, just make sure to give it constructively.

SoldierOfWisdomcreators' thoughts