
The first meeting

January 7, 2019 6 o'clock in the morning.

"Ahhh.. another day, another day."

After an hour.

"Wow, look at you. You look gorgeous today, I like your new blazer and and pencil-cut skirt that looks perfect to you. Take your breakfast first before you leave."

"Thanks mom! I'll just pack that and eat at the office. I have to prepare myself for today's meeting."

"Oh. I see, Take care sweetie. Do your best to get promoted!"

Upon arriving to the office after a forty-five minutes of travel from home to her workplace.

"gee. I still have fifteen minutes left. I should change my clothes now before someone see me wearing like this. They will surely tease me." whining to herself.

While waiting in the elevator lobby someone bumped into her.

"Oh, sorry Ayi I didn't noticed you. By the way, congrats! its our 1st anniversary in the company. I never thought I'll make it this far."

"Same here. Oh, here's the elevator lets go Anne."

Heading straight to her workstation, Ayi immediately put her bag under her table and turned on her computer.

"Its been a year since I started working here, a company that is not related to my real profession. For a year, I've been lying to my mom about my job. She thought I was working in an architectural firm for my apprenticeship, but here I'am working as an encoder for my prince who took a glance on me. It's really impossible for him to notice me if I'am just wearing a plain polo-shirt and jeans every day and sitting in the corner of this small, freaking office. Maybe I should end my fantasy now and submit my resignation instead." She whined to herself.

Suddenly, the people in the office stopped moving when they see their boss entered the room. Everyone was looking at him, all the girls started to compliment his presence in their heads. Ayi is similar to them, but worse, she fantasizes just by staring at him.

Chief Operating Officer Jero Nara, is tall, fair skin, has a lean physic and most especially handsome. No female can't melt when he smiles with his eyes. Aside from being handsome and rich, he is also intelligent and has a reserved personality, the ideal boy-next door."

"Ayi! Ayi! do you have an idea why Mr. Jero is here today?"

"Hm... maybe the meeting rooms in other floors are occupied so he will use ours."

"If that's the case, Our meeting room is always available for him."

Jero, headed straight to the meeting room and closed the door with his secretary after five minutes, his secretary went out and instructed everyone on the floor to go inside the meeting room because the boss has an announcement.

"Everyone, Good Morning" Jero initiated.

"I'll cut the chase, The company was not performing and struggling for the past months. unfortunately, we end up with a decision on reducing the employee into one-fourth by next month. This will be a one month notice for everyone. Originally, we will retain the employees with long tenure in the company like, more than five years. however, we are still evaluating all of you hence, we are also considering retaining employees with highly satisfactory performance even a newcomer in the company." Then Jero paused for a bit just to look at everyone.

Everyone felt sad about the news some looked down and felt hopeless, some took a glance to the person beside to check their reactions and some doesn't care knowing the can still find a job.

"In addition, starting tomorrow I will work here to be on-top of the turn-overs and and outstanding works. This department has nine staff member only, Everyone can report directly to me, I will be glad to accommodate your concerns."

and Jero smiled not anybody even noticed his smile except for one attentive person who said to herself. "Hallelujah. My prayers had been answered. I'll do my best!" Ayi said to herself, highly motivated with a sparkling eyes while looking at him from a far.