

One can only withstand enough trauma in one's life. With his mother abandoning the family with nothing but a single letter, the father losing his mind completely over it, the fall out with the siblings, Drew knew it was time to pack up and leave the family house. And he did leave. But leaving brought him into a whole new journey of new formed friendships,his own independence, secrets uncovered,betrayals and tragedies but most importantly,he unlocked emotions that he didn't even know he was capable of having. This is a male/male romance novel. If you are into that kind of thing.

TheCrappyEnigma · Urban
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12 Chs


I wore my hoodie and put on my shoes and stepped outside. Weather was very chilly and I was thankful that I decided to wear a hoodie. I tried as much as possible to avoid glancing at the house beside mine. I didn't want the awkward episode that happened earlier to repeat itself again but still, a part of me was curious to know whether he was in his front porch but I fought the urge to look. I couldn't embarrass myself a third time within the space of 48 hours. I didn't know how I would live with myself if I did.

I ignited the car and it roared to life. And I drove away from my house towards the mall. I was extremely grateful for this car. I bought it within the first year I started work after I graduated from college and the car had been with me through it all. No major damages because I had always been very careful with it,no form of reckless driving or intoxicated driving. I didn't party much nor even consume alcohol that much. I was practically an old man in a young body.

I got to the mall and thankfully,it wasn't crowded. I hated having to come in contact with many people. In fact,I detested people so I tried to avoid them as much as possible. But I took this moment to think about what Dani said. How was I going to thrive while working as a bartender whereas I can't even get myself to meet or talk to people? Oh God! This was going to be worse than I thought,I groaned.

But I wouldn't think about it that much. When we get to that bridge,it will most definitely be crossed.

After paying for everything,I loaded it in my car and drove straight to one of the clubs I had in mind. I prayed in my mind that they were going to employ me,I really didn't have strength to be going from one club to another to look for a job.

I entered the club,and I looked around around. It was a breath-taking place, the interior design was impeccable. It had this artificial tree right in the middle with electric lights surrounded it,still had enough space to accommodate as much people as possible,it looked simply marvelous. I moved towards the bar and met with the guy in front of the counter.

The guy didn't notice me at first,he was deep in conversation with whoever he was talking to on the phone so I took the time to study his features. He was very good-looking, with beautiful grey eyes that seemed to light up anytime he smiled from whatever the person he was on the phone with, said. He had a very lean body which was moving very fluidly as he was waving back and forth while speaking into the phone. He had nice shaped lips that were pinkish in colour, curly black hair that was glittering reflecting the colour of the lights in the club. He looked tall enough but I was sure I was taller than him,maybe a little bit.

"Hi,can I help you?" He asked, smiling at me. He just ended the call and was addressing me but it seemed I lost track again in my own thoughts while looking at him. I didn't even know whether he was sure how attractive he was.

"Well,yes. I came to apply for a job. I saw on the net that there is vacancy here so I want to apply.."

He smiled." Well,yes yes,I think we do have vacancy but you have to see Fat Tony for that,not me. I am one of the bartenders,I don't really take care of employing people and all."

"Fat Tony?.." I asked,puzzled. That was a very weird name. I mean,even if the man in question was fat,was there a reason to attach the adjective to his name? Imagine if I went by skinny Drew, that'd be very hilarious.

The gorgeous boy laughed, his laugh very gentle yet sounding happy at the same time. My! This boy was perfect. I was nothing in looks compared to his gorgeousness and the way he carried himself.

"Yes,Fat Tony! That's his name. Hysterical,isn't it?! I know, I know but never call him anything other than Fat Tony if you expect to keep a job here. And I am being serious. He takes it really offensive and personal when you call him just 'Tony'.. And never ever call him sir,he hates that shit."

I was still confused with he was saying but if this Fat Tony guy was the boss of this place then I might as well call him Stupid Tony if that's what he wanted. I really needed this job and calling someone fat was not something that would easily stop me.

"Let me call him up for a second so he would know you are here to see him",the boy said. He dialled the phone on the counter and it took time before it clicked and the person at the end of the line said something.

"Fat Tony,someone is here to see you. He said he came for the vacancy advertised. He said his name is...."

The boy looked at me quizzically, demanding to know my name.

I whispered,"Drew".

He went back to talking to the Fat Tony.

"He said his name is Drew and he is here for work. Should I?....

"Bring him up?.."

"Okay yes. I will do that immediately".

"Alright,Drew. Let's go. I can't spend more than ten minutes away from this counter so we have to be fast. Fat Tony has zero tolerance for negligence at work and I honestly wouldn't want him to punish me for that. I really need to be in my best behaviour,cause i can't afford to make him angry. You wouldn't want to experience his full wrath".

I swallowed at that. Having a boss that is quick to temper is a very stressful thing and right there,I made up my mind never to annoy this Fat Tony man.

The boy led me directly to the door behind the counter. The door has stairs so we started to climb the stairs. The boy didn't say anything further but he was humming a song to himself,a song I recognised as Katy Perry's Roar. Dani was a huge fan of Katy Perry and she wouldn't allow us rest ever,always finding any little opportunity to blast her music. I smiled at that memory.

We got to a door and the guy stopped humming and turned to me.

"Here,knock and enter. Don't enter before you hear his answer. He's easily irritated if you enter his office without properly waiting for him to give you the permission. Good luck,Drew. I hope you get the job. By the way,my name is Luca. It's nice to meet you. When you are through with Fat Tony,just come down the stairs and back to the counter. It's the main way out. The only way I think. I am not sure if there are other exits anyway. Alright then".

Luca smiled to me encouragingly, turned and started going down the stairs. Luca,what a sweet name for a sweet person. His encouraging attitude gave me courage I needed to meet with this Fat Tony guy and I was really grateful to Luca for that.

I knocked twice on the door and waited for a response,just like Luca directed,my heart beating nervously and my palms slightly shaking and sweating. I always was nervous in meeting new people and this situation of meeting my potential new boss while Luca have given me some Do's and Don'ts even heightened my anxiety in this situation but I had to find a way to calm myself down so I took deep breaths and waited patiently for the sound of the voice of the man 'Fat Tony'.

I didn't know how long I waited before I heard a deep voice say "Come in".

I paused a little bit to calm my racing heart and then pushed the door open and entered. I was welcomed with a chill. Apparently this Fat Tony man had the air conditioner at the lowest temperature because the entire room was very cold. Yet my palms was still sweating due to how nervous I was.

"Sit down" He said with a cold emotionless voice. I took a brief look at him before I sat down.

The man picked up his phone and started typing something in a rapid manner, completely ignoring me after I sat down directly in front of his desk. Whoever he was texting,it seemed very serious so I didn't say anything and just waited till he said something further to me.

I took to take a good look at him. I was indeed surprised as why he was answering Fat Tony. There was absolutely nothing fat about him. He was very muscular,the shirt he wore was almost about to ripped apart by how muscular he was. As he typed,his muscles bulged ,his face tightened sometimes at what the person he texting with,replied. He looked up at me briefly and went back to texting fiercely at his phone. He had very dark eyes and his forehead looked like it was permanently creased with the way he was always frowning. He had dark hair that appeared brown in colour due to the rays of light settling on it. He had a very long pointed nose with thin lips surrounding a mouth that look like it was ready to hurl insults and curses at anyone at anytime. His jawline was so straight and sharp that I felt like if you placed your hands on them,they'd cut your fingers off. If I wasn't so nervous and awaiting the man to address me,I would have said he was very extremely good-looking but I didn't have the capacity to call him that,not when I had heard how volatile his temper could be. I needed to see him as ugly and a monster so it would be easier for me to know my place.

But one thing I knew would be very difficult for me was addressing him as Fat Tony. But I had no other choice but to try getting used to it. I didn't want any trouble with this man.

The sound of the man dropping his phone on the desk brought me back to reality.

"So you want to work here?" He said.

" Yes sir- sorry Fat Tony sir- sorry I mean Fat Tony".. This was even more difficult than I thought it would be. Oh God! What the hell was a Fat Tony?! I internally groaned.

The man looked at me and frowned deeply. "I am sure Lukie has informed you that I go by Fat Tony and nothing otherwise. No sir! No Tony! Just Fat Tony. No more no less. So I would not tolerate any mistakes as this again in the future. Do you hear me?.."

I gulped and replied immediately.." Yes,I understand Fat Tony".

"Good! Now we have that cleared, you want a job. So what do you know about bartending? Can you mix drinks? Have you done it before?" Fat Tony asked me, while giving me a very penetrative gaze.

"No,Fat Tony. I have no experience bartending but I am very much open to learning".

"Hmm,well,I am sure Lukie will show you one or two. You can go. The job is yours. You should start tomorrow evening. Make sure you are here before 6pm in the evening,if not,you will kiss this job goodbye. I don't tolerate lateness to work neither do I tolerate negligence. Now get out of my office."

I stood up immediately and said, "Thank you very much si-... Fat Tony. I am very grateful for this opportunity you have given me to work with you".

The man looked at me one last time,said nothing,picked up his phone and started texting again. I took that as my cue to leave the office.

Immediately I closed the door,I released my breath that I didn't even notice I was holding all through the meeting with Fat Tony. As grateful and happy as I was,with the meeting going as I wanted it to and me securing the job,I started coming down the stairs,my heart full and content.