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JamesSnow · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Party's Over

[December 24 2020


Phillipines, San Pedro Laguna

4 Minutes before New Year's Eve]

"You don't have to do this man" James said as he pointed a revolver towards a Dark hooded figure wearing a mask with a twisted smile.

"He's right, you don't have to do any of this" Emman said this while being behind the Dark hooded figure, also aiming a gun towards him as the Dark hooded figure held on to a girl wearing glasses tightly with a Knife centimetres away from touching her neck.

"You guys are right, I don't have to do any of this" The Hooded figure held the knife even closer to her neck as the girl stiffens.

"But I want to do this"

Emman couldn't handle it anymore and took the shot, as he thought this was their only chance to neutralize whoever this person was.

But it was as if the Dark hooded figure sensed Emman's hostility, he quickly moved to the side and left the girl standing.

Leaving her to be shot instead.

"GODDAMIT NO!" James cried as he fired his gun, aiming towards the Dark hooded figure.

The Dark hooded figure laughed as he easily predicted where James was gonna shoot next, he swiftly dodged every bullet as he made his way towards Emman.

Emman aimed his gun towards the figure but his gun suddenly jammed, it couldn't fire a bullet anymore so he instead threw his gun towards the figure, who grabbed the flying gun towards him and shoved Emman onto the cold concrete floor.

James' revolver had ran out of bullets a few seconds ago before Emman was push to the concrete floor, he struggled to reload his gun as his hands started shaking from Anger, Grief and Adrenaline rush.

This was James' first time firing a gun towards another human being, he did better than the average human but in the end, his experience got the best of him and he was unable to reload his gun before the figure got away.

"GODDAMIT!" James shouted loudly as he threw his revolver on the ground, scattering the bullets half-way inside the metallic cylinder.

Emman rushed towards Juliana, the girl who he accidentally shot.

"James, she's still breathing!" Emman stated as both of them heard the sounds of sirens getting closer and closer.

"We have to get out of here, now!" Emman said as he grabbed a bandage from his backpack and started treating the wound.

"James would you fucking help me already!?" Emman shouted as James snapped out of his Angered State and quickly helped Emman to patch the girl up.

Both of them carry Juliana towards an abandoned house near the Old School they used to go at.

Fortunately, both of them got out of the Area before the police got there.

The two of them change their clothing one at a time so that one person could keep an eye on one of their previous classmates.

It was lucky for the three of them that Emman didn't target the head of the figure, and instead aimed for his back. The bullet struck the side of her torso resulting in the wound not being too fatal enough to kill, but they still needed to get her to a hospital soon.

James carried Juliana on his back first, then switched places with Emman as James was the one who was gonna tell what happened to the doctors and nurses.

It was then that James received a call from his friend, Ronian.

[James: Hey, we coul-

Ronian: I don't know where you are or what happened but you and Emman need to get over here, Now!"

James: Wait why, what's wr-]

Ronian abruptly ended the call, leaving James to wonder why all of this is happening.