
Echoes of Silence

In the distance, he could hear screams. It was partly what kept him entertained on the nights he found sleep hard to come by. They were consistent with it, the cries.

They filled his ear and filled the silence of his cell. Unlike the others, he was the only one in his cell room. With the others, he imagined they were being tortured by each other hence the constant screaming.

His fingers dug the walls, peeling it off. It was the only thing he could do.

In here, his days were one, seeping into the another with such startling ease he couldn't tell the difference. Nicolás wondered how long he was going to be kept here, he had been told who was in charge of making sure he remained here and he hadn't been surprised in the least bit.

"I said you have a visitor." The guard repeated and finally, Nicolás looked up at him, his cold gaze slicing through the man.