
Chapter 54

Crossing his arms, and grinning from ear to ear, Varrus watched on in pride as his wife deliriously fell into sleep after an entire day and night of nonstop sex. 

She wanted to be loved, to know that she was number one in his heart? Well he had delivered on that unspoken promise, and so much more. 

With the unending stamina of his gamer-like body, he was like an endless machine, forcing echoes of Syra's pleasured gasps to spread in all directions. 

For a time, she used her abilities as a paladin, and faith in the Light to keep up, but without Mana Stones, she couldn't hold out for more than a few hours. 

That was when Varrus had the ingenious idea to farm exp whilst he was in the midst of making love to his wife. 

His Illusion skill tree had been lacking lately, and was sitting at the Apprentice level for the longest time. Before, he had been spamming Muffle, and had finally reached Adept in Illusion, unlocking the ultimate bedroom spell. 


This spell increased morale, health, and stamina. In effect, it felt like the Sunwell had never disappeared so long as Varrus maintained this spell. 

Ordinarily, Illusion spells had a high chance of being ineffective against powerful individuals, but in Syra's case, she was a willing participant. 

The feeling of limitless energy and positive morale had sent Syra into an aggression he had never seen before! 

Once he finally cut the spell 24hrs later, the entire day's event caught up to her, and the focused fury of no stop action saw her legs warble, and she had collapsed in bed sound asleep. 

Varrus took one last look at her, making sure she was okay, then kissed her on the cheek. 

He had burned a day to satisfy his carnal desires, and if there was anything he had realized in his short term living in Warcraft, every minute counted. 

At the very least, he got something out of yesterday more than the pleasure of the flesh. 

He had learned how to grind his exp, AND his wife's satisfaction at the same time. 

The numbers backed him up too. 

Constantly using one Adept level spell over and over again saw his Illusion skill advance to Master tier over the course of 24hrs. 

True, he had skipped out on a night's worth of creating Mana Stones, but he had seen the effectiveness of the Illusion skill tree when it came to interrogating Dakar. 

Furthermore, Illusion would be great for big battles, or Varrus theorized, for resisting mental corruption. 

Upon further review, Varrus came to the conclusion that the Illusion skill tree was absolutely broken, morally dubious, and honestly pretty scary. Within, there were spells for invisibility, mind control that allowed Varrus to pilot someone's body as if he had possessed them, and even a spell that magically enslaved foes with <20% like catching a weakened pokemon with an ultraball. < p>

It was honestly frightening what kind of mind fuckery Varrus could get up to if he tried. 

A few of Varrus's favorite spells were Spectral Warband, and Magicka Void: 

Spectral Warband: Manifests illusions of all allies in combat for 60 seconds. Illusions take extra damage from attacks.

Mana Void: Reduces the Health percentage of all targets to match their Magicka percentage.

Whereas some of his favorite perks were Silent Storm, Commanding Presence, and Imposing Presence: 

Silent Storm (2) - All spells you cast from any school of magic/, as well as all shouts, are silent to others.

Commanding Presence - In combat, you radiate an aura of mystical nobility that touches allied creatures and people within 40 feet. Those affected gain 20% extra attack damage and have a 20% chance of a critical strike.

Imposing Presence - You radiate an aura of mystical charisma that touches all within 40 feet. Any Illusion spell you cast on those affected is 25% more powerful and lasts 30% longer.

There were just so many Illusion spells, that the opportunities were limitless. Spectral Warband would essentially double, or triple the number of combatants on the field. For the Blood Elves, this was a massive boon considering their low number. 

Mana Void was an interesting feature in a mass battle as well. Blood Elves were mana addicts by nature, and would likely be casting some form of mana drain upon their foes mid combat to keep up their reserves, and satisfy their addiction. Combine this with many of Varrus's perks that both drained and prevented mana regeneration, then he could wreak havoc across wide swaths of his enemies across the battlefield. 

There were many other insidious spells that temporarily drained a percentage of an enemies hp, or manifested illusions of the dead to attack Varrus's enemies, but Varrus figured he would use them when it was most practical. 

In general, most of the other Illusion spells were for routing the enemy with Fear, emboldening his own troops with Rally, or 1v1's. For example, Varrus had a handful of spells/perks like Pale Shadow that allowed him to conjure an illusion of an enemy. They typically only had 1% hp, but could match 100% of the damage. That was an insane take, especially if Varrus managed to get this sort of spell off on a Dragon Aspect, or other monstrous demi-god tier opponent. 

Besides spells useful in fighting 1v1's, there were perks like Imposing/Commanding Presence that made Varrus an even bigger beast on the battlefield. 

A 25% boost in his allies attack damage was crazy

That seemingly little boost could be the difference between a spear glancing off some armor, and going through the armor, like something straight out of a Hollywood movie! 

Furthermore, Varrus was curious to see if these modifiers would work in conjunction with his Speech skill. Because if they did, his intimidation checks were about to become spicy

If random Heroes like that one Elf chick who spoke out at him during the massive funeral a few days ago did so again, Varrus would see them wet their pants in fear from the sheer mystical aura of authority that he projected. 

Lastly, there was the obvious stealth capabilities afforded to him. 

Muffle, Invisibility, and Silent Storm were the bread and butter of any assassins wet dream. 

To walk silently whilst invisible, and cast silent spells? Now that was simply unfair! 

Varrus really had to find the time to upgrade his Sneak skill post haste if he wanted to capitalize on this diabolical combination. 

In the future, he could take on the role of spy, saboteur, or scout with these abilities. Sure, he could just as easily pick up a bow and snipe his enemies from stealth, but wouldn't it be much more fun to drop a Frenzy spell in the flanks of the enemy? Watch them go mad as they went at it upon one another? 

In fact, he could even do this to Demons or the Undead thanks to the perk Master of the Mind.

Master of the Mind - Mind affecting spells (Calm, Fear, Frenzy, Rally, etc) and perks like Commanding Presence also work on Undead, Demons, automatons, etc.

Not even the dead would be safe from Varrus's torment! 

He could imagine the shock on one of the Dreadlords' faces as their mindless minions scattered in fear, or tore at one another despite their best efforts to command them. 

A deliciously evil smile spread across Varrus's face when he began to consider all of the absolutely broken methods that Illusion magic had unlocked for him. 

And he could thank all this exp grinding thanks to his lovely wife. Whilst he typically focused on making Mana Crystals at night, he wouldn't mind spending a few nights of the week focused on making babies instead! 

Sadly, his Illusion skill didn't level as quickly as Alteration did due to Rally being an Adept spell that he cast every few minutes. In contrast, when Varrus worked on Mana Stones, he was casting that spell every damn second of the night. The amount of levels farmed were simply in a different tier. 

In conclusion: sex was awesome, but temporary. The grind for exp, however, was eternal. 

Leaving the musky confines of his room, Varrus lazily stretched, and saluted a pair of guards standing at attention outside his door. 

He caught note of their side eyed glances, but Varrus thought nothing of it. Most Elves were getting freaky given the sudden threat to the society. Besides, a Muffle ward was placed upon his room, and anything these guards thought was speculation at best. 

As amusing as interacting with the House Guard was, Varrus had a huge responsibility that he couldn't put off any longer. He had to get right on to blasting the Dead Scar free of its taint, but he wanted to get a status update from Rho'dan first. To question him about his wife's whereabouts, and see if he had learnt anything new about the assassination attempt. 

"Where is Rho'dan?" Varrus questioned one of the guards. 

"He is in the dungeon, Highlord." One of them replied. 

Varrus nodded in reply, yet tilted his head to the side in curiosity. If Rho'dan imprisoned someone within the estate, he must want to keep it hush hush. 

What exactly had stirred up his chief enforcers caution? 

Heading downstairs, Varrus walked down a dizzying maze of corridors before he reached a seeming dead end. The wall was gray, and nondescript like any other. 

The Vandercross Family Locket lit up in response as he drew near, and Varrus held it up to the wall, causing it to shimmer and disappear like a hidden entrance from Dark Souls. 

A creeping cold seeped out of the dungeon, and reminded Varrus of walking into the frozen section of a store. His breaths churned up a faint mist, and fog blinded his every step. 

Torches lined the wall, and lit up as he passed them by due to some motion detecting magic. Granting just enough light for which he could see. 

After another minute of tracking through the fog, Varrus heard the pained howls of desperation coming from a nearby cell. 

Emerging from the fog, Varrus played witness to Rho'dan standing aside with his arms crossed whilst one of the Crossguard poked an Elf chained to the wall with a glowing wand. 

Every time the wand touched a spot, the bound Elf would squirm in agony. 

"A useful tool we should have brought when we interrogated Dakar, don't you think?" Varrus questioned as he pulled up beside Rho'dan. 

"Highlord." Rho'dan bowed. "The Seven Wands of Misery are a highly illegal item. Knight-Lord Dranarus would have barred our entry should he have caught wind of them being within our possession." Rho'dan explained. 

During his explanation, the torturer swapped wands, this time when he poked the prisoner, they began laughing uncontrollably, so much so, that tears began to pool beneath their eyes. 

Varrus took in this grim sight, and wondered what other horrors these immortals had thought up in their boredom. 

Shaking his head in pity, Varrus turned to address Rho'dan. 

"Very well. What did this one do?" Varrus gestured towards the Elf. 

"Have you heard of the Cult of the Damned?" Rho'dan asked. 

"Of course, they were founded by the necromancer, Kel'Thuzad, and were the ones responsible for spreading plague and infecting the Humans' granary. Because of their actions, the Scourge became the source of all our problems." Varrus replied. 

"A close summary, but not entirely accurate. How do you think the Humans first learned necromancy?" Rho'dan leaned forward and said ominously. 

"Of course we did it." Varrus slapped his head in exasperation as the truth came to light. 

"The point is, Highlord, that the seeds of the Cult of the Damned had been planted long ago. Inevitably, this research entered the hands of the Humans, and has spread once more amongst our people much to our misfortune." Rho'dan explained. 

"Without their immortality, are our people so weak willed that they would willingly transform themselves into the Undead?" Varrus shook his head in disgust. 

He had seen what becoming an intelligent Undead did to most people. Their emotions became muted, often to the degree that only the most intense feelings of hunger, rage, antipathy and depression persisted to the point of madness. 

Rho'dan maintained his silence, confirming Varrus's speculation. 

"Very well, have you had any leads?" Varrus pushed forward, determined to solve this internal strife. 

"Actually, yes. The other night, Lady Vandercross caused quite the stir. Invading the Royal Palace, and engaging with an unknown enemy suspected to be a cultist, the damages were intense." Rho'dan stonily intoned. 

Although his face was smooth like water, Varrus picked up that his head enforcer was unhappy with something. 

Varrus rubbed the bridge of his nose in consternation. Of course his wife sent him to beat up Halduron, and had completely omitted the fact that she was in a death defying fight. 

"During her escapades, she uncovered an amulet. It will slightly vibrate when within 30ft of another amulet. That is how I discovered this traitor within our ranks." Rho'dan gestured, and showed Varrus a somewhat familiar looking serpent-like dragon amulet. 

Varrus shook his head, as he ultimately could not place where he had seen it before. 

"Good work, Rho'dan. Keep me posted if you discover anything new. I also heard from Syra that she encountered Halduron outside of Dakar's residence?" 

"The Farstrider Commander is difficult to keep tabs on, he isn't the leader of Silvermoon's special forces for nothing. I have nothing on him as of yet. However, I have a plan." Rho'dan said in disappointment. 

"What would you have me do?" Varrus asked for his chief protector's advice. 

"When the opportunity arises, we must engage our suspects with the amulet in hand. If we receive a ping back, then we will know them for the cultists that they are." 

"Hmm, that would take too long. Instead, let us host a banquet, inviting all of the most influential Elves in all of Quel'Thalas. We can snatch the traitors all in one fell swoop, and those who do not attend shall go on a watch list." Varrus stroked his chin as a devious smile broke out across his face. 

"A wise plan, Highlord, I estimate that everyone can gather within roughly 5 days. Shall I carry out the invitations?" Rho'dan suggested. 

"Agreed, and thank you Rho'dan, I don't know where I'd be without you. I'm going to disenchant this amulet, and make a few more so that spotting the traitors would be that much easier. Then I'll begin my clean up of the city, don't let me keep you from questioning the prisoner." Varrus smiled, and clapped Rho'dan on the shoulder before turning away. 

When Varrus left the premises, the other Crossguard turned to Rho'dan. 

"His ruthlessness is rising, to kill them all in one fell swoop, I am speechless!" The Crossguard said in admiration. 

"Varrus is still learning, he is almost on his father's level." Rho'dan said with a hint of pride in his voice. 

Gathering everyone together was sure to cause a massive brawl. He had better check with his counterpart, Knight-Lord Dranarus first before enacting this scheme. 


AN: Read 25 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/KarpQQ

Real quick, based on the following summary, you think a story like this would be interesting?: Title: 100% Lore Accurate Dragonborn 

So you want to hear about the Dragonborn, eh? 

Let me tell you a tale of a man who never blinks. One who only breathes when he shouts the thu'um, sleeps only to heal fatal injuries, and runs through blizzards from one city to the next in nothing but his underwear. Of a man who eerily waits in the same spot for hours, days even. 

This man always finds his mark no matter if it is in a dusty cave, dwemer ruin, or your mother's cellar. He can eat an entire salmon in one bite, and guzzle a dozen mugs of ale at once! 

Dovahkin they call him in the legends and epics. He introduced himself to me as Dragonfuck.

So, be honest with yourselves, do you milk drinkers think you're brave enough? -Hardvar, probably 

TLDR: This is a story about how the Skyrim NPC's would react to a player controlled Dragonborn.