
Stronger Than You Think

It was already almost midnight. Dio could not believe killing Gina and reaching the exit gate of the city would take so long. It seems this city is bigger than he thought. It was already late and Dio could see most of the people that were out there killing monsters or doing other kinds of things like collecting herbs, were coming back inside the city and going in the direction of the "Great" adventurer's guild.

Since he was already there, Dio decided that he should at least scout the monster hunting ground and if he wasn't feeling tired after that, he would spend some time killing the fauna of that place.

As he was heading to the forest, he noticed that everybody was gone except for one young man that was heading in the direction of the city. Dio decided to stop the dude and ask him some questions :

"Hey you, the one with the blue hat, could you please tell me why everybody left all of a sudden? It seems pretty strange that everyone just left at the same time, you know ?"

As the young man was shocked at Dio's question, he scoffed and said in an exasperated way:

"Ugh, you seem pretty strong so I wonder how you don't know this but every monster during night time gets a lot stronger than during the day. So most adventurers that are D class like me can't handle these monsters. They are very strong so we would need a party of about 3 to 4 D rank adventurers to kill them or one C class adventurer should be able to do the job just as easily. Got it, mister ?"

As Dio heard the man's answer he was pretty shocked and immediately asked :

"What level is a C class adventurer, if you don't mind me asking ?"

The man replied with a confused face:

"Level? What's a level? I don't think I've heard of that in my entire life, to be honest. The adventurer's guild gauges someone's strength based on their feats during missions ."

As Dio looked closer and concentrated on the man ,the blue screen appeared next to the man


Young man (lvl.1)


When dio saw the man's level, he was pretty shocked. Nobody except for him could accurately judge someone's strength. He was the only one that had this system and he could even see his stats. Then suddenly Dio asked once again:

"For how long have you been killing the monsters here? Out of curiosity."

The man started smiling and said:

"Well I've been an adventurer for about two weeks and all I've been doing is killing monsters nonstop. I could even say that I've gotten pretty strong during this time! If you want to be as strong me you should start killing some monsters here and maybe you'll be able to even surpass me but that's probably not gonna happen to be honest"

Dio could not believe his ears. That man has been killing monsters here for 2 weeks and is still level 1 ?!? That means Gina was one of the elites of the city and he killed her and got 3 levels in a single day ?? This thing that makes blue squares pop up and tells him his and other people's power is an utter cheat! No that is too less ! It is the ultimate cheat!

Dio then said with a shaky tone that was filled with excitement:

"Skills must be pretty easy to get right? Hahaha.."

The guy instantly replied:

"What are you talking about ?!?! The only people that have skills are the ones that have trained for a couple of years! They are so rare that only the elites of a kingdom have it and maybe some a class adventurers! The only ones who are out of this equation and can get skills pretty quickly are the wizards but only 1/100 people can learn magic so it's pretty rare to see a wizard...Anyway, ,you're funny my friend! Name's Tom, if you want to come and talk to me sometime, my mom runs an inn on the west side of the city. Now excuse me but I have to get home fast or mom will make me sleep outside tonight !"

And just as he said that , Tom began running as fast as he can towards the city leaving Dio all alone. When Dio checked his surroundings for anyone and saw that he was the only soul remaining in the valley outside the city he fell to his knees and started laughing diabolically like he was some kind of supervillain.


After dio said this, he suddenly stopped. Leaving only one sound remaining...Pure sweet silence. Afterward, he got up from his knees and with a smirk on his face, Dio started going in the direction of the forest while the white moon was shining behind him...

Consider This As a Bonus Chapter . I Would Have Released It Sooner But I Was Too Tired .It Was Around 2 AM When I Released The 3rd Chapter So I Hope You Can Understand Why I Released It Right Now >_>

ElectroBrain1creators' thoughts