
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Anime und Comics
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"This looks good enough!"

In the middle of the woods Victor sat on the ground looking at his handy work it was a crudely made revolver that was made from using the materials he had gotten from bandits that tried to kill him and traders that had some exotic goods, and one of them was a few bags of black powder that were smuggled from China on its own it wasn't enough to do some serious damage but with the help of his Demonic Energy and Lightning it would prove to be deadly.

"This thing looks more like a huge flare gun than an actual revolver..."

Beside him layed all the gear he had brought for the mission, from the scroll he had made to be exactly the one goblin slayer had, 6 pieces of senzu beans he had gotten from Raku, some basic survival gear and weapons he had gotten from the bandits which right now were laying in a huge pile.

"Alright let's get to work!"

Without a second thought Victor grabbed the pile of weapons and started to use his inferno to mold them, in this world and time period the quality of the metal was amazing so with being infused by his souls Inferno Victor was not only molding a sword that had a similar look to Red Queen(with no engine of course)but he was also giving it a passive ability to hit someone's soul and not just their physical body.

"Ok this is harder than I thou-"


Without even finishing his sentence the blob of red hot metal exploded due to the amount of Demonic Energy Victor was running through it, thankfully though he was able to hold onto the molten melt and mold it to shape a normal looking longsword.

"Now I just need to sharpen this, God white hair weird eyes and clothing and a weird sword am I a Witcher?"

He looked for something the sharpen the blade when it hit him.

"Couldn't I just grow my scales and just sharpen this thing while I sit in the river?"

After slapping himself in the forehead and growing the scales on his Right Arm instead of looking like his old Devil Bringer it looked more similar to the one Nero had from DMC5, he walked towards the river nearby and started sharpening the blade with his palm and surprisingly it worked as without enhancing the blade with any of his demonic energy it was just a normal longsword that had the properties of injuring one's soul if he were to attack someone with it.




The sound of his sharpening could be heard in quite a distance as he was also coating his hand in Demonic Lightning in the form of a thin layer of Plasma so the process could go faster.

As he was sharpening and shaping the blade Victor began to thank how lucky he was to not get reincarnated as Dante from the DmC reboot, sure that version of Dante was a Nephalem and he had potential but he was canonically the weakest version of Dante.

"Sucks to be whoever gets reincarnated as that guy"


Suddenly Victor heard a sound coming from the woods and immediately formed a mirage blade and faced the direction on where the sound came from, and he was surprised to see that it wasn't a threat but a bunch of injured people from all ages and genders

'I guess these guys are the villagers from the now probably destroyed village'

(POV Victor)

Now normally I wouldn't even care if there was a full city of refugees begging for help, but I honestly felt guilty since it's my fault that their homes were destroyed I'm pretty sure that during my battle with Kaigaku I may have killed a few people in our fight.

'Me and my weird ass morals'

Thankfully I had enough spare metal and made a huge pot which was now cooking a stew, it was enough for everyone to at least have a single portion each which was surprising since there was a total of 40 refugees. And as if luck was actually smiling on them for once they had a perfectly unharmed carpenter who was lucky enough to not be in the village during the demon attack, and now he was making bowls out of wood.

I'm not a carpenter and more of a scraper but I do understand how he's basically burning the inside of the crudely made bowls and then wiping them with some sort of oil.

"T-Thank you for helping us..."

I looked at the little girl who had a bandage covering half her head, I really felt bad for her since she'll basically have to live with one eye and a half burnt face.


I only nodded at her before she started walking back to who I assumed were her parents who looked worse than her as her father is literally missing his left arm while her mother was missing her right leg and her left eye, looking around everyone had an injury that would make their lives harder.

'God what the hell do I do on one hand I could just leave these refugees here and just head out to the direction of the village and try and fight Muzan and his back up dancers again but that's a stupid idea, and the on the other I can stay here and just guard these guys until they can go up and keep heading towards the opposite direction and hope to stumble upon a different village.'

Me and my weird moral compass.

"Might as well take a nap."

I sat down beside a tree and closed my eyes with my newly made longsword In hand, I could hear the voices of the surrounding villagers slowly turning quieter.

"If I open my eyes and I see another white haired man I'm throwing hands."

And just like I expected someone actually replied, and this time it wasn't my 'Grandmother' or 'Father' but this time it was someone who not only dressed but looked similar to me.

"Don't know what throwing hands means but I assure you all your seeing is a handsome devil"

'So it's my uncle this time.'

[Dimensions May Die]

So apparently Hyakkimaru is 16 and Tahomaru is 15, that was surprising for me to find out as these mfs could beat monsters twenty times their size but then again Hyakkimaru basically has Tojis Heavenly Restriction and Observation Haki while in the end of the series Tahomaru had the strength of an Asura.

[Dimensions May Die]

"Damn you really do look like Nero!"

Infront of me was the legendary demon hunter Dante Sparda, also known as my 'Uncle' and the man with an unhealthy addiction to strawberry sundae's and pizza.

And by the looks of it he still doesn't have that much rinkles and still had his DMC4 hairstyle and clothes, but hearing how he told me how I looked a lot like Nero this world's timeline Is likely after the events of DMC4.

"Between you and me who looks more handsome?"

"Honestly kid don't be like Nero, his new haircut makes him look like some army reject."

I didn't expect Dante to say that about Nero but then again I couldn't help but laugh at his words, it was true Nero's sense of style really went downhill sure he was still badass but my guy didn't look like a Sparda.

"So why am I here exactly?" I asked Dante thinking he would have an answer but instead he just held his chin and began thinking of one.

"I don't know a family reunion?, tell me about yourself buddy!"


Despite his antic's I began telling him my adventures from killing a bunch of devil's and fallens, saving a bunch of different races from bootleg Eren Yeager's slave market back at KOBE Steel, killing a bunch of corrupt priest, fallen angels and finally a Cadre level fallen angel in the most anticlimactic way with the help of a loli dragon god.


Well Dante went from listening with interest to just laughing his ass off soon enoug he call down and said.

"You sure you ain't my kid?, that's sounds like something that would happen to me back when I was just working alone!"

"I don't see any resemblance old man."

"Really!?, you have an innocent blonde young girl in your version of MY devil hunting joint sounds a lot like something I had to deal with!"

Dante started laughing even more but eventually calmed down and actually sat properly in his chair before looking at me his eyes went from normal to his devil eyes real quick before a grinned formed on his face.


"Nothing, Just saw how you haven't unlocked your Devil Trigger yet."

"How the fuck does that work!?, I'm literally a hologram."

"Well kid hologram or not you're still a demon and I can use my own wambam demon eyes to see that cacoon inside you still not opening"

I was honestly confused, I have no idea what he's talking about but then I remembered something from the games. almost every demon had bug like features of course those were the low level ones but still before a demon could get a humanoid body they were still beast like.

"Don't tell me.."

"Yup little buddy!, you haven't hatched your cacoon and turned into a butterfly. I honestly can't help you with that since I have no idea how you can even unlock your Devil Trigger, I got mine from years of acceptance and I have no idea how your pops got it so my only advice to you is hurt yourself!"

The worst part of his speach actually made sense but the last part made me confused.

"I have no idea what you're talking about old man I think you've gone senile."

"Bah!, Just go back to your world and fight more crazy bastards you'll eventually get it."

As if on que everything went dark before I blinked and was now back in the camp with the village refugees then I suddenly felt something coming from the forest really fast.

'Goddamn it!'

I jumped quickly enough to dodge a fist that was in the place I was previously in, before I chopped up whoever's arm it was.

'Two tattoo's and pale looking skin, just great.'

I landed on the branch of a nearby tree to only get sent flying by a kick in the face.


The force of the kick launched me so fast I actually created a sonic boom from my trajectory, but mid air I was able to position myself before making a fox sign with my right hand.



On que a soft white paw of a soft appeared below me catching me before I could get flung any further, I saw Akaza's figure dashing towards me rapidly before leaping and performing a drop kick.

'This damn puppet!'

Before he could land it I performed a kick back kick, of course it wasn't a normal one as it was enhanced by my demon and infernal energy causing it to be more like a blue flame kick that met with his legs causing another shockwave.

"I know you're a puppet but I know you can hear me Michael Jackson!" As soon as I said that a voice that didn't fit Akaza's looks spoke from his mouth.

"You and you're quips, but it doesn't matter I no longer have any need for you and I'm too busy to deal with you."

I barely reacted enough to dodge a fist that's as aimed at my head it didn't stop there as I had to counter a kick that was aimed at my shin.



Another paw appeared and sent Akaza flying before disappearing along with the one I was standing on as I formed my wings and flew towards Akaza with my longsword ready to decapitate him, but as he was about to be hit his eyes turned to me before parrying my attack with his heels and kicking me in the face which he used as some sort of platform as he jumped and performed multiple punches that were aimed at me.

They were to far to hit me but I knew what it was and made my wings cover me blocking multiple invisible shockwaves sent at me.

'I call hacks!'

I knew that if I didn't get up close and destroy his body with my flames he would just regenerate anything I did to him, and add the fact that he was just a puppet without a soul my new sword was useless. As much as I didn't like to admit it his regeneration was leagues above mine and he isn't getting any tired since demons don't get tired just frustrated, the only thing I have going for me is passive adaptation that took a long time before adapting to my enemy and my variety of abilities.

'Goddamn it, it's still a few hours before the sun even comes up!'

I looked at Akaza one more time before taking a deep breath, I knew what I was about to do was idiotic but there's nothing I could do.

'Time for the Dante strat!'

My scales started covering my fist and legs while Infernal Flames started forming on them, it didn't stop there as my demonic lightning began crackling around them.

Akaza just looked at me before he dashed towards me and tried impaling me with his fist, but I fast enough to dodge back and sending a kick that extended and hit him straight in the face.

"Let's do this you fuck!, you didn't expect that shit to land huh!?"

I may seem like I'm all pumped up but I was internally screaming as I not only covered myself in infernal flames and demon lightning I made my leg turn into 'Shadow' and launched a kick that was basically straight out of Luffy's book.

'I need to end this quick!'

I heels started to release blue flames before I used my wings to send me flying up and when I was in an appropriate enough height above Akaza that was embedded into the ground I started performing an axe kick that began rapidly increasing in speed thanks to my literal jets of Infernal Flame basically this time I was like Genos or Shinra.


[Dimensions May Die]

So I have finished playing every DMC game in the canonical timeline order and now I have a ton of inspiration, who knows maybe Victor would be able to get his own set of devil arms.

[Dimensions May Die]