
Dimensional Trading: I Trade In Dimensions

If someone asks me to describe life in one word, my reply would be "Life is a bitch!" I know my reply wasn't one word exactly. Anyways, I have been suffering my entire life. My parents died in a car accident when I was just 5 and my uncle and aunt took me in. But the love and care I had hoped for were nonexistent in their household. But they treated me like Cinderella's evil stepfamily, making me do all the work and being plain mean. I was good at studying but after collage I didn't get a job and ultimately died by a truck. "Cliche!" ... And the next thing I knew I was reincarnated as the youngest son of the king of Griweth, I thought I would live a peaceful life. But when my mother died, to take revenge, I again started working hard but I had no talent in magic and swordsmanship, Later the king exiled me, but on my way to my new house I found a book, when I opened it. *Ding. [Would you like to bind with the Dimensional Trading System] [Yes/No] I clicked yes without hesitation and, [System Store] [Sword God Swordsmanship Knowledge] [MagicSaint Knowledge] [Dragon Kings Egg..... That day, my life changed, I, the trash prince, became the heavenly talent. . . . Yo, before reading hear me out, This novel is a little cliche at the starting. So read at least 30 Chapters before deciding to drop. I am writing a novel for the first time and English is not my first language. So I cannot promise the chapter will be top tier but I will try to improve as much as possible. So stay with me in this wonderful journey. Enjoy. . . . Howdy readers, English is not my first language, so expect some grammatical mistakes. Anyways, have a good day. ... All the rights for the cover to it's original owner which is me... Hehehe

SomethingCringe · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 01: Prologue- Life Is A Bitch!

The sun shined brightly on the bustling streets as I, a man in his early twenties, walked down the crowded street.

The noise of car honks and people chattering fills the air, but I seemed lost in my own thoughts, distracted by the weight of my worries.

As I navigate through the throng of people, I accidentally bump into someone.

As I felt the impact of the collision, I quickly turned my attention to the person I had bumped into, and my heart sank as I saw the well-dressed man before me.

"Watch where you're going, young man!"

Normally I would have apologized, even if it wasn't my fault but seeing the well-dressed man, my jealousy got the better of me.

My own financial struggles and feelings of inadequacy seemed to explode at this seemingly successful man in front of me.

In a sarcastic tone, I replied, "Oh, my bad. Sorry for accidentally getting in the way of your expensive shoes and perfect life."

The rich man raised an eye, not expecting such a retort from a seemingly random stranger.

"There's no need for sarcasm. Just be more careful next time." The man replied in a calm but amused tone.

"Sure, I'll try to be more careful not to disturb the perfect world of the wealthy elite." I snarkly replied.

As the words left my mouth, I realized I was taking my frustrations out on someone who didn't deserve it.

Yet, the bitterness within me continued to fuel the fire.

The man firmly replied, "I have no interest in engaging in an argument with you. Good day."

He turned to leave, but something compelled me to push further.

"Yeah, go back to your high-rise penthouse and leave the real world to the rest of us."

The man halted for a moment, looking at me with a mix of irritation and curiosity.

"You think you know anything about my life?"

The man's response was surprisingly gentle, considering my bitter attitude.

"I know enough. You wealthy folks have it all handed to you on a silver platter, while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet!" I retorted, my resentment taking centre stage.

The man's face softened, and for a moment, I saw a glimmer of empathy in his eyes.

"I've worked hard for what I have, young man," he said calmly. "But I won't deny that life hasn't been easy for me either."

His response caught me off guard, as I had expected him to be defensive or dismissive. However, my pride wouldn't let me back down.

"Oh, please, spare me the sob story," I replied with a scoff, not willing to accept that someone with apparent success could understand my struggles.

Despite my harsh words, The man seemed undeterred. He spoke with a gentle tone, trying to reach me.

"You're carrying a lot of anger, but it won't lead you anywhere. Use that energy to improve your life, not to bring others down," he advised.

I wanted to reject his advice, to lash out even more, but his words struck a nerve.

Perhaps deep down, I knew he was right. My jealousy and bitterness were consuming me, preventing me from moving forward in life.

"I don't need your advice!" I snapped, feeling defensive and vulnerable at the same time.

The man shook his head in disappointment and left knowing that this pointless argument wouldn't go anywhere.

I also snorted and left the place.

After about 15 minutes-

Seated on the bench in the park, a heavy silence enveloped me, my internal turmoil drowning out the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves.

The encounter with the wealthy man had left a bitter taste in my mouth, and the sharp pang of regret clawed at my conscience.

I knew I had let my resentment get the best of me, and deep down, I felt like a piece of shit for it.

As I stared off into the distance, my mind began to drift to a time long ago, a time when life was even more unforgiving

My parents died in a car accident when I was just 5 and my uncle and aunt took me in.

But the love and care I had hoped for were nonexistent in their household.

But they treated me like Cinderella's evil stepfamily, making me do all the work and being plain mean.

My uncle and aunt's own children were treated with kindness and affection, while I was made to feel like an outsider.

They exploited me for labor, forcing me to do all the housework and subjecting me to physical abuse if I fell short of their expectations.

The scars from those years weren't just physical; they ran deep into my soul.

School was my escape. I believed that if I studied hard, I'd get a cool job and finally escape my uncle and aunt's grip.

But reality hit hard when I grew up. No job luck, and all those rejection letters felt like a kick in the gut.

I was supposed to believe education was my ticket out, but it didn't seem that way.

Sitting there, memories flooded in. The rich guy's words rattled me because they brought up all those feelings I tried to hide.

I realized I was jealous and angry because I was stuck and he seemed so put-together.

Then, like a lightbulb moment, I saw things differently. Holding onto that bitterness was like drinking poison and hoping the other person gets sick.

It was time to let go and focus on making things better for me.

With a big sigh, I got up from the bench, feeling a mix of emotions.

The journey ahead wouldn't be a walk in the park, but I wasn't going to let the past keep me down.

As I walked away, I knew I was taking the first step toward something better, even if it meant leaving those heavy rocks behind.

Beep-! Beep-!!

As I contemplated my past and the weight of my own bitterness, a sudden loud commotion pierced through the heavy silence.

The sounds of screeching tires and blaring horns snapped me out of my reverie.

Before I could react, a truck came careening onto the sidewalk, out of control.

The world around me turned into a chaotic blur as the truck's impact sent me tumbling to the ground.

Pain radiated through my body, and a haze descended over my senses.

The bustling street transformed into a scene of panic, with people shouting and rushing to my side.

I could hear snippets of concerned voices, a mix of "Is he okay?" and "Call an ambulance!"

'Why? Why truck-kun!!? Why now of all time?'

Just when I was about to start anew, the most clichey thing happened.

Amidst the chaos, I could feel the pain coursing through my body, making each breath a struggle.

The blaring of horns and the distant wails of sirens merged into a disorienting symphony.

As the crowd gathered around me, the world seemed to fade in and out, my consciousness hanging on by a thread.

'Is this how it's going to end?' I thought, a mix of frustration and resignation welling up within me.

'Is this some sort of cosmic joke?' I wondered, my thoughts a jumbled mess.

Just as I was beginning to find a way to rise above my bitterness, this unexpected twist of fate felt like a cruel joke

"Fuck.... you, god!" I raised my middle finger at the sky, cursing at whoever was watching me from up there.

As my breathing grew heavier, a wave of exhaustion washed over me.

The hand that I had raised in defiance now lay lifeless by my side.

My vision blurred, and the sounds around me became distant echoes.

In those fleeting moments, time seemed to stretch and contract.

I was caught between the echoes of my past and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

"S-sir, are you okay?"

"I think, he's dead?"