
Chapter 9: Talk With Makarov

(Hiro's POV)

Following the short old man, I entered his chamber and sat down on a chair.

"Then boy, what do you want to ask? I presume that you are not a mage." Makarov asked with a varied tune.

"First of all…" I raised my hand and removed my mask. He twitched a little not because he got wet currents but because I exposed my face for his first meeting. "Let me introduce myself again. I am Hiro. A mercenary and a trained assassin and I have a job request to make."

He looked at my eyes briefly before nodding his head. "As you wish. Let's start with those children."

I nodded and started explaining the events until now.


(3rd Person's POV)

Erza sighed after seeing her hero, Hiro leaving with the master of the guild.

She was a little annoyed with Hiro since he didn't even pay much attention to her after he escaped from the Tower of Heaven.

Although she was happy that Hiro was doing so much for her and her friends without anything in return, she was still unhappy since he paid most of the time with other kids like Millianna and Jellal. Millianna was a brat and a clingy chipmunk who liked to cling around Hiro while Jellal was ill that required much of Hiro's attention.

"Hey, I am Gray." She was in the middle of her thoughts when a dark-haired brat butted in.

"I am Erza. Now leave me alone." She said and resumed reading the Fairy Tail circular.

"What's up with a cold attitude?! You wanna fight?!" Gray, unfathomed with the inner rage of Erza, didn't back down.

Erza was about to unleash her sword but then remember Hiro's words and took a deep breath to calm down.

"What do you want?"

"I am just curious about that weird mask black man-"

"His name is Hiro so if I heard you or anyone calling him weird mask black man; it will be your end!" Erza said and released a flaring aura scaring the whole guild.

Gray shivered and nodded slowly. He didn't know why she had this kind of emotion but he better stay out from weird- Hiro-sama and this crimson-haired TNT.

"Yeah, he is way too handsome for flies to lurk around him."

Then another brat leaped forward and third most annoying kid after Jellal and Millianna. Her name was Cana Alberona. She is number one in Erza's hit list since she saw Cana talking (flirting) with Hiro.

"I am Cana. Nice to meet you!" Cana smiled and extended her hand for a handshake.

"I am Erza." Erza also stated her hand and shook Cana's hand. Know your enemy and know yourself, straight and simple for Erza.

"So you have a thing for that handsome guy~?" Cana raised her eyebrows and asked with a silly tone.

"Wh-what…? No! I don't like him! He is just my guider and that's all!" Erza stuttered with a bean red face making it evident for others that the little girl likes the masked guy.

Erza doesn't like Hiro! Yes, she was a little girl and Hiro is just her savior. As such, she should respect him. There is no romantic feeling between them, right...?


She likes him! She wants to spend every single second of her life with Hiro. She remembered when Hiro protected her at the crucial moment of her life. She remembered the warmness of his strong arms when he was protecting Erza from pursuers.

"Oh, I never asked if you actually like him~," Cana smirked.


"So you won't mind if I make a move, right?" Cana smirked but then felt a sudden increase in grip on her hand that Erza was still holding and saw Erza flaring crimson aura that could crush her and her spirit like an ant.

"Try. Me. Brat," Erza spoke with a downright chilly tone.

"He, he, he…. S-sorry…" Cana realized that she has to be careful and not press the Hiro button on Erza.


(Hiro's POV)

"I see…" Makarov nodded after hearing the glimpse of events of Tower of Heaven.

Makarov was a very respected member of Fairy Tail. Putting his strength aside, it was his gentle self and justice for his family that made Fairy Tail so awesome.

So among everyone, I choose him to understand Erza's and her friends' circumstances because he will be the one guiding them.

That's why I had to remove my mask to appear sincere and talk to the old man on the fairgrounds.

"It seems like I have to inform Magic Council." He muttered with a disdain tone. I remember he disliked Magic Council in anime too.

"That won't be necessary. I have already informed them. So you won't have to worry."

Just like him, I also hate government agencies especially when they are filled with a useless bunch of hypocrites except a few.

"So what is your purpose?"

I smiled seeing the old man not beating around the bushes.

I took out a money bill and handed him over.

After seeing the amount of money, his eyes and mouth dropped to the ground. "25 million Jewels!!!" He looked at me with a sweatdrop. "Are you requesting the assassination for the king of Fiore?! Sorry but this is not the right guild."

"Nope. I just want you to look after the children I brought."

After looking at me briefly, he sighed and handed me the bill. "Hiro-kun, even if you won't say. I would look after them like my own children. If its about prefencial treatment then I have to apologize since all guild members are my family and I will always treat them equally."

I shook my head. "You still don't understand me. As I stated before, they saw me massacring mages, Master Makarov. It was another thing if I was a stranger but they were watching me in light of a hero, do you understand?"

I want him to look after them for 15 days. After that, they would leave the guild but at least not with the mindset of 'killing bad people is a righteous act'.

He sighed, "I see. Still, I can't accept this amount."

"This is merely an appreciation gift, Master Makarov. If you don't accept then I will just rip it apart. Consider it anything but I want Erza, who is going to join your guild, to become a good and respected mage. Same for others if they didn't find the path they are looking for. So please don't reject the money and use it any way you see for betterment."

Makarov looked at me for a while before he expressed a wide smile. "Hiro-kun, I have never seen a kind man like you who will go such length to ensure their loved one's righteous path. You have earned my earnest respect, Hiro-kun.

Very well, I will look after those children for the time being. Send Erza-chan here so that I can put Fairy Tail insignia on her. Sadly, I can't recruit a strong man like you."

Yeah, he tried to recruit me but I won't be going to stay here. Even if I do, I won't join Fairy Tail of all guilds since my style and believes doesn't match theirs.

"Thank you." I smiled and wore my mask.

When I arrived at the hall, I saw Erza lecturing Gray and Cana, seems to be pissed at something.

"Hey, Erza!" I called her.

Seeing me calling her, her expression took a 180 turn, and beamed a smile. She ran towards me and asked, "Hai, Hiro-san?!"

"Master is looking for you. Come with me."

"Hai!" She nodded with rosy cheeks and grabbed my hand.

Why is it censored? And why am I hearing a police siren in my head?

"What were you doing?" I asked to the cheerful red-haired girl.

"Making friends just like you said~." She replied happily.

"…if you say so…" I shook my head.

That's why I wanted Makarov to look after them. Erza was already releasing nasty vibes.


Power stones and reviews please. I know I am dragging this arc but I am writing the menuscript for later chapters. Soon I will end it at Chapter 11.

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