
Dimensional Mercenary

A boy who was given chance to become Dimensional Mercenary. --- This will be my first dimensional travel fic. I have written my first one too but it was not that much of a type. Original World(Mix): Otherworld to travel: Fairy Tail --- English is not my first language so if you got confused, use the upper part of the body called the head. --- More chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan

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13 Chs

Chapter 10: A talk with doctor

(Hiro's Pov)

Two days after Erza joined Fairy Tail, I was summoned to pink old hag's house.

Erza has begun her training while also kids started to take minor missions.

On other hand, I also started to learn a little bit about this world's magic.

Not much was learned since the information is vague and not too standard where a person with no knowledge about magic could learn.

I know what if learning magic was so simple then everyone would be living on their own using magic without any need to request proper mages.

For such, I needed some time and strength. First of all, in 10 days, my mechanical arm will run out of power making it hard to face bigger challenges.

Second, Magic Council will learn sooner or later about me. Although I avoided most parts, I don't think they would leave me alone.

If I remember correctly then that Russian Milk Pack was a member of Magic Council where she manipulated the whole pack for her purpose.

Either way, my purpose here is complete and I won't waste a single second to escape from here.

Anyway, it was supposed to be the day of recovery of Jellal so I had to go and pick him up.

After entering the door I found Jellal and pink bones talking to each other. Jellal looked quite healthy but his arms were covered with bandages.

"So he is the famous "Hiro-sama" that child so boast about." It was the first remark of pink head tsundere. I swear, Fairy Tail author just copy-pasted Sakura but with old bones.

I ignored her completely and went towards Jellal.

"How are you doing champ?" I patted his head and asked.

"Hehe, I am fine, Hiro-sama. Thanks for taking care of me for these days." Jellal chuckled and replied with pink cheeks.

Man, I think I really make a home here and raise these cute children but I can't. I have already done and in this world, they have to forge their own ways and gain strength.

Fostering them will only make them ignorant and weak.

"Don't mention it, kid. Go and wait for me outside."

He nodded and left. I then went toward the table where senior guild members were discussing something.

"Thank you, Porn-"

Again I forgot her name.

'Hey, what's her name again?' I whispered to Makarov.

'Its Porlyusica.'

"Thank you, Pornyuchiha-san." I beamed a smile.

Makarov palmed his face while Pornyuchiha groaned with rage but gulped her anger for the time.

Hah! Serves you right. Who asked you to provoke me before?

"Brat, you got some nerve to pick a fight with elders?" She replied while packing some kind of weird herbs and handing it over to me.

I didn't reply, however. I knew her nature is like that.

"From your appearance, you looked no different than an assassin or a dark mage."

She narrowed as she tried to read my expression but she couldn't since I was wearing a mask.

"Porlyusica! Mind your words." Makarov stood and raised his voice. Poor thing has to stand on char because of his height.

"Because I am an assassin. Well, a mercenary to be precise." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Humph, an assassin who massacres mages in front of children and frees them. Then take an only handful of them to take here. I wonder what your real purpose actually is."

I looked at her with dead eyes and thought that she was unnecessary butting her ass where it doesn't belong.

Makarov was about to speak but I stopped him.

"Tell me one reason why I should explain a shit to you."

"As a doctor who cares about my patient and also someone who owes you."

This side character is getting to my nerves.

"Purpose you say? Well, I could say that Erza Scarlet is a big asset to this world. I want her to become a great mage and fight to the bitter end." I explained.

Her future is what makes me move.

Makarov was a little shocked but I nodded at him to buy my bullsh*t for a while.

"I knew it. You just want another child to grow up and become a warmonger, doesn't it?"


"Humph. All humans are like that. A race of simpletons who see fighting as the only way to accomplish things. Just braindead animals born to only fight."

I have had enough.

"Hey old hag, don't you think you are getting ahead of yourself? I don't fucking care what kind of idealogy you have."

Jumped from her chair and picked a broom with threatening eyes. "What did you call m?!"

"Old hag, that's what you are. An idiot spending her last days in a closed space with little to no purpose while waiting for death to arrive."

After seeing me unfathomed with her threat and witnessing my calm mind, she lowered her broom down.

"If a human doesn't fight then how do you think you think you would protect your family. You even have to fight to earn money just to feed others. If humans are so simpletons then what about other races. Don't they fight?"

She closed her eyes and snorted with disdain.

"I am wasting my time for making a reason with a stubborn old hag like you." I sighed and got up from the seat and walked towards the gate.

"Then tell me is there a reason for humans to always fight?" She asked.

"It is to live. This land isn't called Heaven for a reason. If you hate fighting so much then I suggest you give up on life because living like that is also a fight." I opened the door and found Jellal watching a butterfly on his finger.

Awww, I wish I had the camera with me. Too bad that my phone is already dead.

When he saw me, he immediately rushed towards me and beamed with a smile.

"I apologize for my early behavior." It was the old hag who had calmed down. Makarov was also standing beside him.

"Whatever. I don't care." I shrugged my shoulders and held Jellal's hand and started walking.

"Kid, I suggest you improve your behavior or you won't be able to marry a girl." She smirked.

"Says the non-married tsundere old hag." I nodded at Jellal and ran before she picked her broom again and started chasing me.


(3rd Person's POV)

"Come back here, you rascal!!!!" Porlyusica screamed but the duo already left.

"Calm down Porlyusica. You know you started it." Makarov said while also holding his laughter.

Hiro is really a level ahead when it comes to a sense of humor.

"Get lost you too and don't disturb me!" Porlyusica kicked Makarov out of her house. "And make sure to pay attention to that guy. I don't think he is native of this world."

"Yeah, yeah I know but why she has to be so grumpy? What did Hiro call her? Ah, non-married tsundere old hag. Pff!" Makarov chuckled but then regretted it as Porlyusica shot the broom and nailed it in Makarov's ass.

(AN: Sorry guys, I intended to give it a comedy vibe and didn't want to push the whole chapter for it but I kind of went with the flow. I will end this arc in the second chapter.)