
Chapter 191 After Defeating the BOSS, It's Time to Collect the Loot

As Shana and Aralastor were engaged in conversation, Fang Zheng had already arrived at the residence of "Hunter" Faliagni, located atop the dilapidated department store building.


"This guy dresses so smartly, so why is the place he lives in so shabby?"

Frowning, Fang Zheng clearly showed a look of displeasure on his face as he observed his surroundings. Before him in the abandoned department store hall, there was an assortment of garbage piled everywhere. Tattered tents, rusty rails, decaying pushcarts, and all sorts of junk were heaped up like mountains. One would think it was a recycling station if they didn't know any better!

"I never would have guessed that the Follower of the Crimson Realm was also an environmentalist."