
One of 'Them'

As Glok was about to reach for it, his arm was suddenly grasped by someone. He looked up, surprised to find one of the four Red Core members also there, staring at him intensely before throwing him out of the Rapture, causing him to crash into those in front of it. They fell backward as he stepped out, emanating his immense power, which was strong enough to knock them back again.

"Why are you here?!" Glok asked, standing up with his sword ready in his hand as the sound of a jet engine began to ignite.

"Because my master asked me to stop you from helping that kid. You're lucky he's busy and doesn't need to get involved himself because now, you won't live any longer," he replied, his voice distorted.

He glanced at the Rapture. "I didn't expect you to find it this quickly, considering you know nothing about Crossworld. I have to admit, you're impressive. Unfortunately, you're on the wrong side."