
Inner Turmoil

Zayn stepped into the room, sat on the bed, and let out a long sigh. He knew Luna had gone to the park in the city center, probably meeting her friends there since he had seen them heading in that direction. He looked back at the large king-size bed, pristine white. The bed looked so comfortable, so inviting, making him want to close his eyes and sink into the world of dreams.

But that was the last thing Zayn wanted because he still had to figure out how to face the king regarding the failure of the main forces. He hadn't even met with his mother, who was in an important meeting with the kingdom's leaders.

In his mind, he imagined his mother facing 11 people with formidable weapons while she only had books as her weapons. His mother was one of the twelve leaders directly under the king in terms of leadership. However, they could also reject the king's decisions if they deemed them inappropriate, by voting among themselves.