
Dimensional Anime-Villain Group Chat

Central World - High School DXD, Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks? Outer Worlds - No Game No Life, Re: Zero, Naruto, Bleach, Akame Ga Kill, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Fairy Tail, Fate Series Hey everybody! This is your typical transmigrated into a world of anime where the protagonist is gonna get a lot of anime girls trash fanfic, yadayadayada. Y'know how this works. This is your typical degenerate sh*t so I hope you enjoy it! Oh yeah, expect a little incest and some other totally wack stuff. P.S. The protagonist isn't a villain. Why? Cus there's no need for him to be. He's not some edgy guy who likes killing. He's an anime fan who transmigrated into an anime world, and then got invited to a group chat full of villains, so don't raise your expectations. Another P.S. Likely not gonna finish this so don't get your hopes up too high if you get attached. None of these characters are mine except for the protagonist. They all belong to the authors.

EvilFairy · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Into A Place Where Dreams Die

Ryu let out a long sigh as he stared at the formidable fortress of knowledge that stood before him. "Ah, high school," he muttered to himself. "The place where dreams go to die."

It was a place he didn't want to ever go to since his previous life.

He had managed to convince his dear mother to spare him from the horrors of middle school, but she insisted that high school was non-negotiable.

Reluctantly, Ryu agreed. It's hard to say no to his mother when she gives him those adorable puppy-dog eyes.

Ryu was strutting around with a wooden sword hanging from his hip.

That wooden sword? Yeah, it's just a disguise. Hidden beneath that innocent exterior lies an actual katana.

Now, why on earth would someone bring a katana to school, you ask?

Well, the world Ryu found himself in is like an anime mashup on steroids.

Think of all your favorite anime series thrown together into one wild concoction of supernatural chaos.

It's like the ultimate crossover event, but without the marketing hype.

At first, Ryu was ecstatic about his transmigration to this anime wonderland.

I mean, who wouldn't want to be whisked away to an anime world?

But his excitement was short-lived when he realized he didn't have any cool cheat codes to rely on.

Honestly, he was lucky to survive this far. Thankfully, there was no Paradis Island in this world.

However, he did meet a few supernatural beings from their respective animes so far.

It was then he decided to pick up the sword as his weapon of choice.

Training, training, and more training. That's what Ryu's life had become for the past five years. No breaks, no cheat codes, just blood, sweat, and tears.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy for those lucky protagonists in anime who always seemed to stumble upon their superpowers effortlessly.

However, thanks to it, his body was well shaped. He had abs, and lean muscles, which both supported his handsome experience.

Ryu could say for certain that he could slice a rock, maybe even steel.

However, he didn't really know how strong he was in this world.

It'd been some time since he meet a supernatural being in this world, so he couldn't discern for certain.

Back to the present, Ryu squinted at the sign in front of him, which proudly displayed the name 'Kuoh Academy.'

It was the closest school, and he didn't really look at it when he chose it, so it was a surprise when he found out it was the 'Kuoh Academy' from one of his favorite anime: High School DxD!

He remembered secretly watching the anime on his previous mother's laptop. Ah, good times.

He couldn't wait to meet the main cast.

Especially the hot girls, and even more so especially Akeno, the best girl *Cough* *Cough*. Ryu thought shamelessly.

Ryu turned his focus back to the school.

It was time.

He took a deep breath in before taking a step through the gates.