


1. Otsutsuki.

2. Ancient Demon.

3. Vampire Progenitor/True Ancestor.

4. Saiyan.

5. Hidden.


1. One element from either: Dragon Slayer Magic, Devil Slayer Magic or God Slayer Magic.

2. Haki.

3. Gravity Magic.

4. Sharingan.

5. Hidden.


1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon [EX]

2. Knight of Owner [A++]

3. Gate of Babylon. [E]

4. Gae Bolg. [B]

5. Hidden. [?]

Scanning over the Bloodline section, Zero instantly ignored every other option and locked onto the fourth position when he noticed what was on it.

There was a hint of excitement in his eyes and it was almost as if his eyes had stars in them; an indicator showing that he already knew exactly what he had wanted.

As for the Magic/Ability section, the black-haired teen became thoughtful for a couple of minutes before ultimately deciding on the option most useful and suitable for him.

The Armament section to Zero came as a surprise, as each choice would give him a Noble Phantasm from the Fate series.

Although he didn't know what the fifth option was due to it being hidden, he was almost certain that it was a Noble Phantasm too.

Zero was confused as to why Knight of Owner was there as it wouldn't be something considered an 'armament' and more of an ability instead. He ended up deciding not to put much thought into it though as it prove useless.

The teen's vision turned greedy when he saw what was present on the third position of the Armament section...

"Holy shit, is that what I think it is?! The Gate of Babylon… Haha, I'm gonna be ric-"

...that was until he saw the grade next to it.

"What the… E rating?! Wouldn't it be at least A?! Don't tell me…"

As he thought up to here, Zero's eyes widened in realization.

God, who saw his expression, laughed as his next words confirmed his successor's thoughts.

"Haha, did you think I'd place any loopholes for you to exploit, kid? This Gate of Babylon doesn't have any treasures in it, that's why it's an E grade treasure. It's literally an empty treasure-house.

The reason why I added it on this list though is because it is able to be upgraded. The richer you are, the more powerful this Noble Phantasm gets. In theory, Gate of Babylon can even go past EX rank."

"Ah… it's such a pity… all of those riches… and all of those Noble Phantasm Prototypes… they could've been mine..."

The raven-haired teen murmured silently to himself in an almost depressed manner.

"*Sigh*... one could only dream. I should've known that it'd be like this. Man, I got all hyped up for nothing."

Zero sighed and soon got over it. He then began to look over the list once more and eventually decided what he was going to choose.

Regaining his composure, the teen nodded to the divine being, indicating that he was done.

"Have you finished deciding?"

God asked, staring at his successor.

"Yep! I'm selecting Saiyan Bloodline, Gravity Magic and for the last section, I'm deciding to gamble with 'Hidden'."

Zero affirmed in an excited tone.

He was going to get the Saiyan bloodline! Just thinking about it made his blood boil.

The Dragon Ball franchise was the teen's favorite animated series, especially the Dragon Ball Super series which had just finished recently.

From the time when Goku was a little child, to afterwards when the low-ranked saiyan proved himself as one of the strongest beings in the Dragon Ball Universe, you could say that Zero had seen the whole process from start to finish.

Heck, even the movie he had watched in the cinemas with his friends before his meeting with God was a Dragon Ball movie - Dragon Ball Super: Broly.

Thinking back to his childhood where he would always role-play as his favorite characters, Zero couldn't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia. It was every kid's dream to become a Super Saiyan and he was no exception.

"Hoh… are you sure about this? You won't be able to change your bloodline later unless you satisfy some rather harsh conditions; one of which is to start from scratch. I'll give you a chance to change it if you say no."

The Dimension God asked just to make sure.

"Yeah, I'm 100% sure of my selection."

Zero nodded his head firmly.

Aside from the obvious reason why he had picked the Saiyan bloodline, the main reason was that the other bloodlines just didn't appeal to him as much and also, he didn't really want to gamble his future on a 'Hidden' option.

The Otsutsuki race lacked the raw power to compete with a Saiyan and as for an Ancient Demon… the teen honestly had no clue to what it was.

Okay… maybe the True Ancestor bloodline did leave a little spark of temptation in his heart, but Zero would rather have to deal with a Saiyan's battle-lust than psychological blood-lust from a Vampire Progenitor any day.

Even if the teen knew that there was probably a way to solve the problem through the System, it still came down to which race he liked better in the end. And so in this case, the Saiyan bloodline was what he naturally chose; favorites first.

On the other hand, when it came down to picking a Magic/Ability, Gravity Magic was the only one out of the four unconcealed options that the teen found the most fitting and beneficial for himself.

Why, you ask? Well, what do you think is the most efficient and effective way a Saiyan is able to break through their limits aside from fighting against stronger opponents? - Training under intense gravity, that's what!

As for Haki, which is basically the embodiment of an individual's will and spirit power, a little help from the System would enable him to learn it. A Sharingan's abilities would prove useful but he'd rather not rely on his eyes too much. An Elemental Magic from either Dragon Slayer, Devil Slayer or God Slayer Magic as previously mentioned, just wouldn't be that useful compared to Gravity Magic.

Finally the Armament section, to which Zero ended up deciding to take a risky gamble. It was mostly because he was curious as to what was behind the concealed status.

From the benefits God had given him so far, along with the excellent choices of the other four options under each category, he knew that the 'Hidden' pick shouldn't be that bad either.

Of course, there were also reasons why he had resolved to settle on 'Hidden' rather than the other four.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, while it is ranked at EX, Zero knew for a fact that the God would make him build the thing, instead of outright giving it to him as a big fortress.

Because of this, the teen figured that he would have to expend a lot of resources in order to construct it, which in the end is going to be useless anyway since he didn't exactly need a flying fortress fit for a thousand soldiers. That is, unless he decides to make a faction of some sort… which probably ain't going to be happening anytime soon.

So although the Hanging Gardens of Babylon might be useful in the long term of things, Zero still decided against it as the teen could just ask the System for the blueprints when the time he needed it came. He figured that it might be a bit expensive since the Noble Phantasm is rated EX after all, but hey, sometimes... you just have to learn to accept it. In other words, suck it up.

Gate of Babylon as an empty treasure house was practically useless to him, even if it was a Noble Phantasm that could evolve infinitely. He had only wanted it for the treasures inside but unfortunately, there weren't any.

Why was it useless? Because Zero has a System, which if he recalled correctly from most fan-fictions that he has read, probably included some sort of 'Inventory' that is essentially limitless in space.

Adding in the fact that you are able to store and take out equipment/items freely of your own will, doesn't that sound similar to what Gate of Babylon was capable of?

Not to mention, taking out and storing items wouldn't even cause a ripple in space which probably meant that the System Inventory used higher Laws of Space.

With a tweak or two and a little help from the System itself, Zero thought that he could probably recreate the same effect as the Gate of Babylon (where you're able to shoot out weapons like bullets), hence the teen didn't hesitate to choose another option.

As Gae Bolg was only a B rank armament, the raven-haired teen ended up inwardly debating whether to choose Knight of Owner or 'Hidden'.

Although Knight of Owner was a nice ability to have, being able to basically turn anything you touch and deem as a weapon into your own Noble Phantasm, even your enemies' weapons, it wasn't exactly something that he needed so he ultimately decided on taking a gamble and selected 'Hidden', hoping to get something good out of it.

"So Saiyan Bloodline, Gravity Magic and lastly 'Hidden'. The first two isn't actually a bad combination if I say so myself. You definitely lucked out on the last selection though."

God exclaimed after his successor declared his choice.

"Oh, really? What'd I get?"

Zero immediately became curious after listening to the deity speak. It was something that would even make the dimension god say that he 'lucked out', so it was bound to be extraordinary, possibly better than it's other four counterpart Noble Phantasms.

"What you got was…"

Hope you enjoyed.

Chapter word count: 1620

xShadowDancercreators' thoughts