
Chapter 17 : The First General: Beelzemon

The group stood before the first of the remaining generals, Beelzemon. He was a formidable foe, and they knew that defeating him wouldn't be easy. But they were determined to do whatever it took to protect the Digital World.

Beelzemon was unlike any digimon they had faced before. He moved with lightning-fast speed and attacked with deadly precision. But the group managed to hold their ground, using their own unique strengths and abilities to keep him at bay.

As the battle raged on, Beelzemon taunted them with his power and superiority. He spoke of the other two generals, his brother and sister, who were just as powerful as he was. And then he mentioned the name of the main villain, Lillith, who was the true mastermind behind everything.

The group had never heard of Lillith before, but the mere mention of her name sent shivers down their spines. They knew that if Beelzemon was serving her, she must be incredibly powerful and dangerous.

Despite their fear, the group continued to fight with all their might. And in the end, they managed to defeat Beelzemon. But as he lay defeated before them, he warned them that there were still more battles to come, and that they were not prepared for what lay ahead.

The group knew that Beelzemon was right. They had already faced so many challenges, but they were still a long way from their goal. They needed to be stronger, smarter, and more united than ever if they hoped to defeat the other two generals and take down Lillith.

As they continued on their journey, they couldn't help but wonder what other horrors awaited them. But they knew that they couldn't afford to give up. The fate of the Digital World depended on them, and they would do whatever it took to protect it.