
Obtain Perfect Dexterous Belt!

Redakteur: Simple MTL

With a runic crossbow in one hand and a runic blade in the other, Klein watched from the side to prevent any unexpected incidents.

Little Fox's opponent was a Sand-Eating Beast with a danger factor of 27. It was on par with the Iron Violent Bear.

The Sand-Eating Beast also had agile movements. Its thick coat of fur gave it a decent defense.

Its weapon was its right claw, which could easily cut through rocks.

When the two sides fought, they would exchange blows.

Little Fox was slightly more relaxed and could dodge at will.

After the improvement of the blood pill, even if Little Fox did not use its new ability, its strength was not what it used to be.

Suddenly, the Sand-Eating Beast's claw landed on Little Fox's body.


Like metal crisscrossing, sparks flew in all directions.

The new ability, Copper Skin and Iron Bones!

Little Fox stood where she was and received a claw attack without a scratch.
