
Different shades of blue

In this story, we follow the life of a poor girl who works as a maid for a wealthy family. Despite her difficult circumstances, the girl is kind and hardworking, always trying to make the best of her situation. However, her life takes a turn when she meets the family's daughter, a bully who takes pleasure in making the maid's life miserable. Despite the girl's cruel behavior, the maid finds herself inexplicably drawn to her, her heart fluttering whenever the bully is around. As time goes on, the two girls develop a complicated relationship, with the maid struggling to reconcile her feelings of attraction with the pain the bully continues to inflict upon her. The story delves into the complexities of love, power dynamics, and the impact of socioeconomic status on human relationships. Throughout the story, we see the maid grappling with her emotions, torn between her desire for the bully and her need to protect herself from harm. Ultimately, the story leaves us questioning the nature of love and the price we are willing to pay for it.

senpaaiii · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 17

Chitose's PoV

Chitose sat in her private study, surrounded by luxury and opulence, as she pondered about her relationship with Mika. She had started off as a simple bully, trying to maintain the prestigious reputation of their school, but somewhere along the way, she had started to enjoy it.

Chitose couldn't help but chuckle as she remembered the many different expressions that Mika had made whenever she teased her. But her fondness for the maid had only grown after she had told her father to hire Mika.

She knew that Mika was confused about her feelings, and that made her all the more intrigued. Chitose had never been one to shy away from a challenge, and she couldn't resist the allure of trying to unravel Mika's thoughts and emotions.

As she sat there, contemplating her next move, Chitose's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. It was her father, and she knew that he would be expecting an update on how things were going with Mika.

Chitose took a deep breath and answered the call. "Hello, father."

"Chitose, how is everything going with the maid?" her father asked.

Chitose smiled to herself, knowing that her father was always curious about her latest endeavors. "Everything is going according to plan. Mika is settling in nicely and seems to be adjusting well to her new role."

"That's good to hear," her father replied. "I trust that you will continue to keep me updated on her progress."

"Of course, father," Chitose said. "I have everything under control."

Chitose hung up the phone and leaned back in her chair, a sly grin spreading across her face. She knew that Mika was going to be a challenge, but she was confident that she could handle it. After all, Chitose always got what she wanted, and Mika was no exception.

But as she thought about Mika's conflicted expression earlier, Chitose couldn't help but wonder if she had overstepped her bounds. Maybe she had pushed Mika too far with her teasing and demands. She didn't want to lose her as her maid - not just yet, anyway.


Mika comes back to the mansion with a sense of enlightenment but with more conflict about her emotions for chitose. As she prepares tea for Chitose a maid asks her if she went to meet her lover when she left the mansion today with a smirk.

Mika's hands trembled as she poured the hot water into the teapot. She couldn't shake off the maid's words - "Did you go to meet your lover?" - and the smirk on the maid's face. Mika knew that the maid was just teasing her, but the word "lover" made her heart race.

She tried to push the thought out of her mind as she focused on preparing the tea. But the image of Chitose kept creeping into her thoughts. The way Chitose looked at her, the way she teased her, and the way her heart raced whenever Chitose touched her. It was all too confusing.

Mika tried to reason with herself. Chitose was her employer, her bully, and her abuser. She couldn't possibly have any feelings for her. But then again, Chitose had also been the one to change her life for the better. The one who had given her a purpose and a place to belong.

As she carried the tea tray to Chitose's room, Mika couldn't help but feel conflicted. Part of her wanted to run away from these confusing feelings, but another part of her wanted to embrace them.

As she entered Chitose's room, she couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. Chitose was sitting on her bed, her long hair flowing behind her. She was wearing a silk robe that showed off her curves, and her eyes sparkled as she looked at Mika.

"Ah, Mika-chan, you're back," Chitose said with a smile. "You look like you have something on your mind. Care to share?"

Mika hesitated for a moment before setting down the tea tray. "It's nothing," she said, trying to sound casual. "Just had some thoughts while I was out."

Chitose raised an eyebrow. "Thoughts, huh?" she said, her voice low and teasing. "Anything juicy?"

Mika blushed and looked away. "No, nothing like that," she said, feeling embarrassed.

Chitose chuckled. "Don't be so shy, Mika," she said, patting the bed next to her. "Come sit down and have some tea with me."

Mika hesitated for a moment before taking a seat next to Chitose. As she poured the tea, she couldn't help but steal glances at Chitose. The way her hair fell over her shoulders, the way her lips curved into a smile, and the way her eyes seemed to twinkle with mischief. It was all so mesmerizing.

"Did you miss me?" Chitose teased, knowing fully well that Mika had only been away for a short while.

Mika blushed at the teasing remark, unsure of how to respond. She knew she had missed Chitose, but she didn't want to give in to her feelings.

Chitose noticed Mika's hesitation and walked closer to her, gently touching her chin and lifting it up so that their eyes met.

"You can tell me if you missed me, you know," Chitose whispered, her voice low and seductive.

Mika's heart raced at the suggestion, her mind once again filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards Chitose, but at the same time, she was scared of what it meant.

"I...I don't know," Mika stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Chitose chuckled softly and leaned in, her lips hovering just millimeters away from Mika's. "Well, maybe you'll figure it out soon enough," she whispered before pulling back and taking a sip of the tea Mika had prepared.

She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss Chitose. To run her hands through her hair and feel her soft lips against hers. The thought made her heart race, but it also made her feel guilty.

Mika knew that her feelings for Chitose were wrong, but she couldn't help them. She didn't know what to do, but she knew that she couldn't keep pretending that everything was okay. She had to confront her emotions, no matter how scary that might be.

but how?


Mika knocked on Chitose's bedroom door, feeling a sense of dread wash over her. As much as she loved being Chitose's maid and the luxurious lifestyle that came with it, she didn't enjoy going to school with her. Chitose loved to bully and tease her in front of their classmates, making Mika feel humiliated and small. Mika pushed the door open and stepped inside, her eyes immediately darting to the floor.

"Good morning, Chitose-sama," Mika said softly, trying to hide her nervousness.

Chitose looked up from her phone and smirked. "Good morning, my little maid," she said, stretching languidly. "You seem tense. Is something bothering you?"

Mika swallowed hard, feeling her face grow warm. "No, nothing's bothering me. I'm just a bit nervous about going to school with you today. Master"

Chitose laughed, the sound ringing out through the room. "Nervous? Why would you be nervous? You're just going to be spending the day with me, after all."

Mika's heart raced at the thought of spending the day with Chitose, but she tried to keep her emotions in check. "Of course, Chitose-sama. I'll make sure to prepare your bath now."

Chitose watched as Mika turned to leave, her eyes scanning over Mika's form. "Wait," she called out, her voice taking on a teasing tone. "You forgot to give me my morning kiss."

Mika's eyes widened in surprise, her face turning red. She hesitated for a moment before slowly approaching Chitose, her eyes downcast. Chitose leaned in, her lips hovering just a few inches away from Mika's, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Mika closed her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. But just as she thought Chitose was going to kiss her, Chitose pulled back with a smirk. "Just kidding. Maybe next time, my little maid."

Mika's eyes opened in surprise, her face flushing with embarrassment. She quickly left the room, her heart racing with conflicting emotions.

Finally, the bath is ready, and Mika helps Chitose undress and get in. She starts washing her hair, trying to be as gentle as possible. Chitose leans back and closes her eyes, a contented look on her face.

"Ah, Mika, you're geting so good at this. Maybe I should keep you as my personal maid forever," Chitose says with a smirk.

Mika's heart skips a beat at the thought of being Chitose's personal maid forever. It's both terrifying and exciting at the same time.

But she quickly pushes the thought out of her mind and continues with her duties. She finishes washing Chitose's hair and helps her rinse off. As Chitose steps out of the bath, Mika wraps a towel around her and starts drying her off.

Chitose watches her the whole time, a small smile on her lips. Mikac can't help but feel like she's being evaluated, like she's not doing a good enough job.

Chitose turned around suddenly and said "did you really want to give me a good morning kiss?"

Mika makes so many expressions and stutters before Chitose chuckles. "Why do I get the feeling that if I try to bite you, you would be happy?" she says with a wicked glint in her eyes.

Mika's heart skips a beat at the suggestion. She quickly shakes her head. "N- no, I wouldn't," she says, trying to sound convincing.

Chitose laughs again. "Oh, you're too cute when you're flustered," she says, reaching out to pinch Mika's cheek.