
Different Lovers

They live in a society that is stereotypical. These two lovers are not like the others one fear of the way people will react, the other doesn't care what they think about there love. They dont see themself as lovers a first but they end up falling madly in love with each other they would do anything for each other.

Yetica · Teenager
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6 Chs

Ch 5: Mistake

We arrive at the park that only took about 5 minutes. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon there was a nice sunset starting to form and the green grass flowing in the breeze. There were kids Kathrine's age who then started playing together. Some of my friends, Skyler and Eric, came to hang out with my family. We talked and it was just a great time together. Then the unexpected came. We started to leave and then I hear my name from the distance

"Blair!" someone was yelling my name from the distance and then I turn around. It was Benjamin running towards me. A few moments past and he was standing in front of me out of breath "Hey"

I just smiled "hey how are you?"

"I'm good and mabye out of shape" I just smiled at him while he was gasping for for air.

" Who is this?" my mom look at him in a friendly tone.

"He is a friend of mine" I told my mom" from school"

"Oh will hello. I'm Lucy, Blairs mom."

"Hello I'm Benjamin, Benjamin Lee"

My mom's smile faded away and look at me.

"Lee as an Travis Lee? she asked him

"Yes that's my father." he said smiling at my mom

"Blair let's go" she said in a fierce voice.

"what? why?" in confusion O looked at my mom.

"Blair You are not to talk to this boy ever again! understand"

"what?!" I looked at Benjamin."Why not?!

"Because I said so!"

"You cant do that he is a friend of mine! I said getting angry.

" He well only use you"

" How would you know you dont even know him" I felt my face turn red

" He is a high class person he will only treat you like shit."

"You out of all people, I thought you would understand, that you wouldn't care." I said with tears starting to rurunning down my cheeks " You once said it didn't matter who we were, that we are all the same!"

"Not when it comes to this" Then she look at me more disappointed than ever and said "That's the reason why you even agreed to come to the park, isn't that right, to meet up with him" she said screaming at me as

james and the rest came to us.

"I cant believe you are even saying this" I said with tears trying to calm down."I didn't know he was coming." in a normal volume mabye a bet softer.

"We are leaving know" she grabbed me from the arm and were heading to the car.

"I'm sorry" I look at Benjamin and he just looked back at me in sadness.

James drove back home. It was quite a little to quit, no one wanted to bring up what had just happend. I was sitting in the back Alone, Alex Carlos and Kathrine sat in the seats in front of me and then james and my mom in the front . As soon as we arrived home I got out of the car and quickly went to my room and shut the the door. I laid in bed, upset with the way my mom reacted and then heard a knock on my door.

"Blair it's me Kathrine dinner is ready" I heard her foot step leave the door. I didn't go down to eat that evening and I was thinking to call Andrew to see if I could stay at his place but I would be to obvious so I decided to call Jacob since I know his parents dont really pay attention to the friends he has or who comes over and stays.

I pick up my phone and dial the number I was hoping he would pick up fast. "Please answer" I mumbled to myself.

"Hello. Blair is this you? he was unable to hear who it was.

"Yes it's me I was wondering if I could stay at your place of the night.

"Um sure" he was unsure of what was happening "but what happend why are you staying over? he was full of questions.

" I'll explain everything when I get there" I hung the phone and I started packing a backpack of things I would need for the night. I felt like I was invading space. I decided to leave while they were sleeping, then I made my move.

I was walking for at least 15 minutes when I made it to his house

I called him "Jacob. I'm here"