
The Beginning

Gusto was sitting at the door. He heard a strange noise. Like an alien talking. Then he heard a human voice. It was coming from a speaker. "Alright. You are a test subject. You shall do everything I say, or be eliminated." crackled the speaker. "Do not be alarmed, I am a different race of species. In front of you, are three portals to different dimensions. We will start with the most dangerous. If you succeed in gathering information on each dimension, we will return you to Earth, with a memory wipe of what just happened." The room goes quiet.

John is stunned by what just happened. And so is his mom. The bathroom was gone. And was so the symbol on the door. "John!" yelled Dack. "What just happened?" thought John. They had found Dack in the restroom with a fully loaded shotgun. "Dack, this wasn't a bathroom before," John told Dack. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?" said yelled John's mother. "I don't know mom," replied John.

The speaker started again. "We will start with a dimension like your Earth, but there is a huge difference. You will find it right away. You will need what you humans call an Assault Rifle and ammo." As Gusto reached for the assault rifle and the ammo, he said," I am only a child. On earth, children do not use assault rifles." "Then who uses assault rifles?" "Soldiers," replied Gusto. "And you are not a soldier?" "No." "Well too bad. We will give you 1 hour to practice what you call aim."

John was looking at his mother. Dack was looking at both of them. "What do you mean that this wasn't a bathroom?" asked Dack. "Before we break open the door, there was a different room. There were what looked like 3 gateways. It looked like maybe something out of movies and much bigger than a house." Dack was confused. "What do you mean?" "It was like-" "IT WAS LIKE SOMETHING OUT A DREAM!" yelled John's mother. "Yes, what my mother said," said John.

As Gusto was practicing, he wondered," Where am I going? Why don't they send their kind? Why are they making me train with a rifle? As he shot the rifle he felt a pain in his shoulder. "That is where my rifle is hitting." The speaker crackled again. It has been 1 hour. Please head to the dimension I have spoken of before. This is it. The moment of truth. What is behind the door?

John was sobbing. He had found a friend, but traded that friend for this friend. That is what it felt like. Dack was acting strange. "I thought this would never happen. Why did it happen to this Earth? Why did it have to be a child?" Dack would mumble from time to time. John finally stopped sobbing and finally asked Dack what he meant by "Why did it happen to this Earth" "Err... Nothing" Dack had replied. John's mom was still absorbing the information. "What just happened?" John's mom kept on thinking this. "What just happened? What just happened?"

Gusto was taking a look inside the gateway. "Strange… This looks like Earth… I wonder why this is the most dangerous.." Gusto explored. The place was empty. Every building he went into, was empty. This was strange. He often heard a skitter, like something small running. "Probably just rats." But he found out soon enough that it wasn't rats. He was walking down the middle of a road. There was a lot of rubble like a war had broken out. The buildings were broken in half. Then he saw something. Something skittering around. "That is not a rat. He went closer. Then it turned around. It attempted to jump on Gusto, but Gusto dodged. "What was that?!" It had a body like a mutated rat, but the face of a Demogorgon.

As the rat jumped onto him, he remembered about the rifle. Following that thought, he shot the thing. He poked it just making sure it was dead. It smelled like rotten meat. As he made sure it was dead, he wondered if there were more of these things. As he walked down the road, he saw so much rubble and pebbles of buildings. He then smelled some more rotten meat. The smell was coming from a building. What he saw inside, he realized the horrors of this dimension.

As John explained everything to Dack, Dack was confused? "How could it defy the laws of physics?!" "I don't know. I am starting to think that there is a race of different species that are smarter than us," said John. "But how come they haven't come and attempted to taken over Earth?" asked John's mother. "They are maybe studying us. Wondering what is our weak spot." Dack said answering John's mother's question.

It seems that they have forgotten Dack mumbling," Why is this happening to Earth?"

Gusto was greeted by some humans when he had entered the building. There was something was wrong with the humans. There was something on their face. Gusto was terrified. The color out of the human's faces was drained. The rats were on their face. Latched on with their teeth. The humans then turned. "No. The rats. Are the rats parasites? Yes, there are." Gusto had to grit his teeth. "The rats are controlling them. The rats had taken over this dimension." But before finished the last of his thoughts, he got rushed by one of the "humans." He shot him. He felt sad. Sad for shooting his kind.

He rushed out of there. There were too many. The rats that were not latched onto a human, ran towards him. Until… Until Gusto saw a human in front of him. This human.. was different.

John then heard a creak. He thought what could it have been. "Get down!" Dack yelled. John and John's mother got down and just in time because he had heard a shotgun shot. They then looked at Dack. "What was that?" asked John's mother. Dack didn't respond. He just pointed at something. It seemed like a…

Gusto blinked. He saw a human. A human that was not infested by a parasite. The man was shooting all the parasites. "What are you doing?!" said Gusto, as the man shot a human that had a parasite on it. "Shoot 'em," he replied in a rough voice. "He is a human though? Can't you cure it?!" "No. I could tell you not from around here. Why don't you tell me where you're from kid." Gusto looked at him now. He had killed all the parasites. As Gusto turned to the guy, the man was pointing an assault rifle at him.

"What is that thing?" John and John's mom asked. It was a parasite from the parasite dimension.