
Different Batman

What if in a strange twist of whatever twists, a soul from Earth gets to choose between one overpowered wish or three templates that don't have any superpowers? Wait ... intelligence doesn't count as a superpower here? What a mistake on the twister's side. The soul will of course rather choose intelligence over a boring OP wish. Because three OP wishes are always better than one. Watch as this is a ... slightly different Batman.

Cedric_7512 · Anime und Comics
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73 Chs

Oh geez ...

A/N: Seriously, I wanted to write this chapter as soon as I wrote the end of the training arc. I saw all of those comments and wanted to answer but couldn't. And now we are finally here. I hope you enjoy.


(??? POV)

I am angry right now. I am beyond livid right now and desperately need something to punch. What kind of man is he? He made me undergo those simulations nonstop. I ... cried when I was done. I actually shed tears and he ... he ignores me. The fact that I was seemingly sick and how my body reacted to those simulations was more important to him than my well-being. My eyes were opened then and now I know why my Grandfather spoke those words about my 'father'. He told me that there was no one as dangerous as the Batman and he was a monster.

How right he was. I should have listened to him and not fallen prey to the weakness inside the Batgarage. He cares little for anything but himself and while the girl thinks he cares for her, I know better. He took me on the first mission where I came into possession of a videotape. It was from Deathstroke and I knew it was for my eyes only. I didn't get a chance to watch it in secret though. He seems to know everything that happens due to this stupid computer of his. I find it weak of him to use that, but what I think is not important right now. The important thing is what was on the videotape.

Deathstroke ... he captured Mother. I watched the message together with Father and discovered that Mother had been kidnapped by Deathstroke, who threatened to kill her if I didn't come alone to his fortress in the ocean. After the video ended, there was no reaction from Father whatsoever. I told him that I had to go and he just looked at me and then ... turned away. He didn't answer me or tell me no. He didn't ask me to wait or offer to help me. I was alone in this and maybe that is better. I will kill Deathstroke if I meet him and the no-kill rule, as strange as it is, is not for me.

I slipped out in the night. No one saw me, I made sure of it. I managed to take a plane and fly to the coordinates Deathstroke signed me. He didn't state his location, since anyone seeing the tape would know where he is. Only someone who trained as an assassin under my grandfather would know the signs. That's why I am certain that Father won't find me here. I covered my tracks well. All of which was taught to me by my mother and grandfather. I never needed protection and never needed to see my father. He is weak.

I swim through the water and using a rebreather, slowly approach the oil rig. I can see the guards looking out for anything approaching, like a boat or a plane. But I didn't arrive that way. I swam all the way here, this gives me an advantage and they won't know I'm coming. I finally arrive underneath the Oil rig. I take out one of the grappling guns I packed and aim it high.


It connects and I am pulled upwards.

I hold on to the pipe and wait for the guard to pass and then climb up. I run to a safe position and then overlook the position for a moment. I have to move inwards, as that is the obvious place for my mother to be located. Deathstroke has a trap prepared for me, but I am expecting that, so it's nothing to worry about. I look around the corner and see only one guard with his back towards me and use that chance.

I sprint towards him with silent steps and reach him, just as he is turning around. His eyes widen, but it's already too late. I jump into the air and raise my left arm. I use my legs to hold on to his head and choke him, while I bring down my elbow and knock him out.


He drops to the ground, not as silently as I would have hoped. I don't stop moving though and also don't bother removing the body. By the time they find him, I will either have found Mother or the mission has failed.

I make my way inside the building and check for guards. There aren't as many as I would have guessed there are, but that's because Deathstroke expects only me to arrive and not Batman. And since he is underestimating me, I can easily do this.

I see another guard and surprise him as he is looking the other way. I run forward at my top speed and reach him, just as he is aiming his weapon at me. With no time to spare, I hit his gun out of his hands, and kick him in the stomach. His body bends forward, allowing me to deliver an uppercut, jump into the air, kicking him and knocking him out as well.


Finally, I arrived at the place I needed to arrive at. I move through the shadows and see Deathstroke speaking to yet another guard.

"Stay on alert. If so much as a seagull tries to land on this rig, shoot it. And should you fail me ... I will personally kill you. There can be no failure," Deathstroke says.

He is inside an elevator. The doors to the elevator close and he begins to move. I use this moment to move in as the guard has left to patrol the rig. I check the door to the elevator and take out a Batarang. I don't know why I am wearing the 'Morty' outfit, but there was no time to think and I just took the first one I got my hands on. I use the Batarang and strike it through between the doors. This manages to open them and I look inside the shaft. Deathstroke is moving down. It would seem that he has prepared a secret underwater base and this is most likely the only entry.

I jump down and land on the elevator silently. I take a peek at Deathstroke below and see him walk out of the elevator as it stops.

"Haa ..."

I exhale and take a moment. After I am prepared mentally, I use the Batarang to open the lid and enter the elevator as well. The doors haven't closed yet, allowing me to walk out without notifying anyone. This is perfect. But I have lost Deathstroke and don't know where he is hiding Mother. So let's get to it.


I have found strange tunnels. These are located underneath the ocean. This is the ocean ground and these tunnels ... they were created not too long ago. What is Deathstroke planning here? I move forward. I arrive in a large cave system and in the middle is a green shining lake. Oh, no.


I look up and see Manbats. A lot of them too.

"I wouldn't make any threatening moves. They'll stay put as long as I tell them to."

Deathstroke has arrived.

"A Lazaruth Pit."

"That's right, boy. The only thing this rig pumps is life-everlasting. To the highest bidder."

He takes off the hood of the person he carries under his arm.

"Looks like your mother could use a dip."

I am filled with anger and pull out the gun I brought and point at him.

"Let her go Monster! Now!!" I shout but he holds a gun of his own at my mother's temple.

"Now this is what we call a standoff. Not even the pit can bring back Mommy if her head's blown off. Your play, boy."

I clench my teeth in anger and desperation. He's right. If he shoots her in the head, she won't be coming back. I am powerless ... just like he said. With a heavy heart, I throw away my gun.

"I should congratulate you, for getting this far. But that would be like applauding a suicide. You were such an arrogant little brat. So entitled, so bloodthirsty, so easy to manipulate. I brought you here for one simple reason ... to kill you."

Deathstroke says and points his gun towards me. But he doesn't pull the trigger and I realise something.

"You can't do it."


"You're scared."


"Of Batman. You're scared of Batman coming for you, isn't that right? I know of your encounter and know how pathetically you failed to fulfil the contract on his head. You are scared of him."


I know I'm right. He is thinking right now and that is all I need.

"How arrogant. You are as unlucky as you are foolish. You have no idea what it is, that you call a father. The Batman is not simple in the slightest. He is the amalgamation of your worst nightmares. No matter what you do, no matter what you think you know ... you are wrong. He is always multiple steps ahead. If you think that you tricked him into coming here, then you are wrong. The only reason you are here is because he allowed you to come here and if that is the case, then I can kill you without worry. Because that's the kind of creature the Dark Knight is, boy. I only needed one encounter to realise it and that makes me smart."




A Batarang intercepts the shot. For a moment I saw my life flash before my eyes.

"How clever you are, Wilson."

"Batman," Deathstroke growls, "I thought you wouldn't come here today. How unpredictable. But of course, that is normal for you. I should be used to it by now."

"You came, Father. We can take him together," I say and am about to rush towards Deathstroke but stop when I realise that he hasn't moved from this spot.

Both Deathstroke and Batman are ... just looking at one another. It feels as if, they are communicating without the need for words.

"You used him," Deathstroke states after a moment.


"To find me."


"But not only that. You wanted to see what he would do. How he would act."


"What is he talking about, Father?"


"Ha ... hahaha ... HAHAHAHAHAHA"

Deathstroke suddenly starts laughing. He holds his head in laughter and can't stop. I am confused and don't understand what is going on and just look at him until he stops. Finally, he calms down again.

"That is so dark of you, Batman. Not even I would come up with something like that. Bravo."


"What are you talking about? TELL ME!" I shout.

"Haven't you realised it yet, boy? You don't really mean anything to him. You are as important as an apprentice is to him. He is training you, moulding you into the perfect sidekick. Can't you see?!"

"No ... NO! That's not true. Tell me that's not true!" I shout and look at Batman.

But he doesn't change at all. His mas is still the same and I can't read his posture or form at all.

"I am your son!"





"You're not my son. You're Thalia al Ghul's son, but not mine."

"Lies. Stop lying, Batman. I still remember our shared moonlight and the night you lay with me. I planned it all, just like Father planned."

That was Mother talking now. Deathstroke has dropped her. She is all bloody and beaten but looks at Batman right now.

"It was all a lie. I knew about you from the beginning and created the diary to throw you off. Do you think I wouldn't be able to resist a bit of alcohol and your 'charms'? I drugged you back then. We never had intercourse to begin with. I created a fake memory and implanted that into your mind to have you believe you r*ped me."

"No .. no no no NO. Then how was Damien born? Do you think I wouldn't realise that I wasn't pregnant if I was? Do you want to tell me that everyone, even my father was tricked?!"

"No. You were indeed pregnant. He is your son, just not mine."

"But then ho- ..."


Realisation settles on everyone. It was right there in front of them and none of them realised.

"You ... cloned me? You cloned me and then used invitro fertilisation, to make me believe ... it was yours? Just to trick me and prove you're superior to us? To me?"

"No. I needed ... a Morty."





"Oh geez."