
Different Alpha

This is book is about a 17 year old girl named Christy she and her weird gang is having a normal year in Moon Hill Academy (aka werewolf school) until she finds out she is different in many more ways than she thinks. She also find a dashing jet irritating boy name Connor who make her feel different like never before.Can he be her mate?

chrisstie1703 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The True Moon

I see a bright light. "What is going on... where am I"."Christy". 'That voice sounds familiar'. Before I can think where I heard that vocie before the light moves. It is caming for me. Is it.... it can't be The Moon Goddess. "I am dead, I am dead I just know it." No well not yet". That voice. "Hey Christy nice to see you again". "So I have met you before". "Well yes when you were very little" she says with a smile well I hope its a smile she shine so bright I can really see. "So why am I here, did I die". "No, you just in a coma".She says it like it is nothing. "I in a coma!"

"I think you need to sit down". "You have nothing to fear, your going to be fine"she says with one of those I think it a smile." You have been chosen"."Chosen for what am just a  regular girl well as regular as a werewolf girl can be"."No your not a regular girl you have been chosen to help werewolf kind to reunited everyone"she says with the calmest voice ever. "Why me am not special in any way"."Yes you are special in more ways than you think".How can I be special and in more ways than I think. "I know it a lot to take in but our time has come to a end". Slowly her bright light started to fade. "I will always be by you side" she said as her last light faded.

"She waking up". Who the hell is that. "Go get him". Get him who is him. "Christy?" I know that voice it him. What is he doing here. Slowly opened my eyes and who do I see sitting there with a worried expression on his face. On a beautiful face I might add. No Christy we not going to do this now. "Talking more and more with yourself I see" my wolf says with a smug face. "Well yes since you don't talk very much these days" and with that I just block her out completely. "Christy says something". Oh my gosh is he still here. "Can I have water?". "Sure, here". I take a huge sip. Water never tasted so good before. "Feeling beter"he asked with a smile I never seen before.This is awkward." So let's get to business". "What business Christy". That wipe the smile right of his face Good. "First of all what happened to me and second of all how long was I out and the most important question is what are you doing here Connor" I said while giving him my signature evil eye."Whoa awake for less than a minute and already bossy like always"."Same goes to you l am awake for a little and you are annoying like always too."Fine so lets answer some of those questions of yours, You were attacked by a rogue and you where in a coma for 3 days and lastly l am here because l was the one who helped you".After the story he just stay sitting there on the edge of my bed. "You saved me? " This can't be real he cares for nobody but himself. "From everything that's what you get stuck on".he say with a grim face. "Well yeah I just thought you did care for me enough to save me". "Well I was there in the wrong place at the wrong time then" . Saying that he just stands up and walk away but at the door he turned around and says something l never thought I will hear from him."I do care for things that I like" and with that he close the door and leave me alone with my thoughts. Does that he mean he likes me well I don't think I like him. But maybe a little. 'You like him stop fooling yourself'. 'Oh look who just show up my amazing wolf hint the sarcasm' .'I am just trying to help you Christy... I didn't even let her finish. I can ignore you too.

Next day

I am laying in bed with my mind in my own world.' Does Connor like because he care enough for me to save me or was he really just there on the wrong time like he said.' I need someone to talk to. Everyone is away today. It is our off day today. 'I can't leave I am on house arrest REALLY, stupid rouge's fault. Lets explore the school then'. While wandering around the school I reach the library.' A book can past the time.  'After ready like 7 books. Connor shows up. He is every where.

"Can I sit?" Why is he being so polite. "Sure". Just ignore him. "I am sorry...."WHAT. That catches my interest." Your sorry for what" saying it while putting my book down. "I was there on purpose when you where attacked..... I followed you". "Wow, okay.....why did you follow me anyway". "Well...." he scratches the back of his neck and pull his fingers through his long dark brown hair. "You seemed off so I wanted to make sure you were okay so I followed you." "Thank you". "Wait what your not mad." "No you saved me from a rouge so no I am not mad at all." He gives me a bright smile and stand up and leave me again with my thoughts.

That was different. He seemed so nice and happy that I was not mad at him' .That was a way different Connor as the one I met before.

Will I begin seeing him differently.

Only time will tell...